teaser 4

Magics (New girl's group)






New album revealed and more tweetes

by love-aru - 10 Hours Ago   9,379 VIEWS 1154 COMMENTS

The new girl group Magic's has finally came out to the public with there full album named "it's My World". This album is consist of about  10 diffferent kinds of songs. Song of the song consist of soothing ballads while other have cool up beat sounds. By the sounds of them to me there would be a cute but, y look to them.

On December 29 Mblaq muscle babo released a tweet of himself with Shinee's Onew and 4 other trainee girls. Netizer's who saw quickly suspected them to be some of the anticipated girls of Magic's.

Along with the photo Joon also put a caption which said "My time would have been alot better with Onew if his trainee dongsaengs weren't there ruining it. I guess I should be thanful that the demon wasn't there but still ;_;. That was my money why didn't Onew pay for HIS dongsaengs"

Even though both Onew and Joon look as lovely as ever most of the attention was drawn to the beautiful Magic's girls.

The track list for "It's My world"

1.Ramble girls

2.Love Alone

3.going crazy

4.Don't wanna see you

5.Love Action

6.Day by Day

7.Love battery

8.Stand by

9.Can't let go this Love

10.Only You

I've also have confirmed that the last song was actually given to them for a present on their upcoming debut since the creator and SM hyung use to be best friends. I only wonder what the song is only about.


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Showing 1-5 of 1151 comments

fortunekidvonhong  Just Now
 Their songs sound so interesting and your right about the cute y concept it sounds about right.

Kingcraft7  Just Now
 Yeah they finally showed us the song titles

MblagJoonie  1 minutes ago

muscle babo-_- anyway the girls sound so awesome i'm totaly supporting them

Loveyou 1 minutes ago
 I hape they can sing only you write that's my favorite song

kpopsmybaby 4 minutes ago
 Go Magic's


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saludlang #1
i love shinee <3 <3
...... where's me?
anyway... host a show!! I can't wait... :)
aww bunny XDD
I'm playing umma right now^^
YAY awesome we're gonna host a show
can't wait for the next chapter!!
creolediva3 #4
wait...for the club scene who's point of view is that?
wow I'm wise XDD<br />
oh noo poor Eunhyuk!!
LOL!! this chapter is soooo.... great! <br />
eunhyuk is beaten by a door! LOL
tobiwan #7
Hahaha poor Hyukkie~ dead on the floor xD<br />
Is it just me or did I not see Marill in here at all? My eyes must be playing tricks on me o_o
creolediva3 #8
OMG that was hilarious XD lol monkey bastard XD
tobiwan #9
LOL the update was so long...I practically forgot what happened! Um...something about water baloons, pranking and Hyukjae right? Mehhh I'm sorry I couldn't comment on your first update! I was practicing for my Confirmation (I'm Catholic)
junhyung-lover #10
AIYO hyuk so evil>< water balloon fighttt!