Side story 2

Magics (New girl's group)

Soora P.O.V.

“Soora can we bake a cake” Jooni asked me distracting me from my game by standing in front of the TV. I did my best trying to see my way through her to finish my game but I already knew it was pretty much a lost cause for me.


“Jooni move out the way you’re not made of glass you know wait until I’m finished.” I said bouncing up down and left to right. A feeling of dread quickly came upon me.  If she doesn’t move I’m going to throw this God da-. My thoughts were stopped by the buzzing that showed that I lost the game.


“Oh look at that you lost. Now you’re not busy anymore.” She smiled down towards me as she said that. I was about ready to choke her scrawny but, since I’m the nice person I am I decided against that. A nice glare should emphasize my point to her.


“Jooni, why the hell do you need to bake a cake that you won’t eat. Plus, if you haven’t noticed cooking isn’t my calling?” I said standing up and walked toward the kitchen to get a drink. Jooni followed me into the kitchen to convince me to make it with her.


“I do eat cake sometime and it’s not only for me it’s for the other to. I just wanted to do them a favor and it would be good cooking practice.” Thinking about it this could be a good idea or an ultra-disaster what to do. I mean the reward could be a delicious cake but, the consequences might be a burnt down kitchen. I thought about it for a second.


“Okay let’s do it.” I walked out into the kitchen and took out the milk and a couple of egg while Jooni took out the flour and cake mix. I thought about what we were going to do while staring down at the egg completely lost.


“Soora aren’t we are supposed to put water in the bowl with the egg and then mix them together. I read it in the cook book.” Doing as she said I cracked about three eggs and put ¼ of a cup of water in the bowl before mixing it. This seemed about right to me


“Now put you are supposed to put a cup of flour in it. This is just base on memory so the measurements might be off ” Doing as she said I dumped a cup of flour in it before mixing it not really worrying about. As I mixed it became lumpy and thick making it harder and harder for me to mix it.


“Jooni let me do it you’re doing it wrong.” Jooni said before coming and tugging the side of the bowl. I tugged the other side not wanting to let it go. ‘Why does she need to do everything I want to do something?’ I thought tugging harder.


“You’re the one that told me to help you so Let. Me. Help.” I emphasized the last three words. All it made Jooni do was continue to tug harder. Well if she wants it that bad I let her have it. I let it go watching as Jooni fell bringing the mixing bowl with her whom spilled on her stripped blue shirt. ‘Oh the irony of amusement.’ I thought to myself dying of laughter.


“You-You did this on purpose you little-.” Jooni said getting up while I ran around the counter. For about 30 minute it was like we were filming the live version of Tom and Jerry which ended up with me having flour and cake mike in my hair and eggs dripping from my shirt while Jooni had what was on my shirt in her hair and what was in my hair on her shirt. It was pretty much a mess in here. We stopped chasing each other when we heard the door unlock and someone walk in.



“I’m back and with some ca-.” A happy voice shouted stopping halfway through her sentence once spotting the kitchen. When I say all hell is about to break loss at this point I meant what I say.


“Soora Jooni, can you two please go to the living room” I was kind of surprised by what she told us to do because it was anyone else they would have killed us already. Complying to what she told us we went to the living room and sat down.


“You know I’m a very kind and compassionate person and I wanted everyone to be comfortable around each other before debut but, I think I’ve been too nice around you guys.” She said pacing in front of us like a commander. I knew I shouldn’t of said yes I knew it.


“Between you two and that maknae’s pranking obsession I think I’m going to set more rules around this house” She stopped pacing and stopped in front of us. I feel sorry for maknae now. We all know maknae can’t go a day without pranking so I wonder how that is going to work out.


“Rule # 1: no cooking in the kitchen while Hani or me is not here.” Jooni made a noise in protest which was cut short by the glare she was given. I snickered a little at that while Jooni sent me a short glare.


“This rule is going into effect because I do not want to come back seeing my kitchen in this condition or worse. You won’t even be able to use the microwave got it.” This one seems a little easy to follow. It’s not like I try to each anything other than ice cream anyway.


“Rule # 2: and this goes specifically out to you Soora. No one’s eating more than 1 box of ice cream a day.” I looked at her in shock. This isn’t fair I know I completely ruined the kitchen but why this. Jooni smiled in satisfaction.


“This rule is being put into order for your punishment. If you start acting better it will go up.”  I guess it’s not so bad now huh. Ice cream if I start acting better and nicer I can do that.


“The rest of the rules are going out when the others come back. Now please clean the mess up before the punishments are given.” Getting up we rushed to the kitchen not really wanting punishment right now. Hurrying to the kitchen we completely missed the satisfied smile. 


I hope you like I think i did a bad job at this one though. I might reveal the 1st maknae

For the pool go here  I was thinking about doing a boygroup what do you think

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saludlang #1
i love shinee <3 <3
...... where's me?
anyway... host a show!! I can't wait... :)
aww bunny XDD
I'm playing umma right now^^
YAY awesome we're gonna host a show
can't wait for the next chapter!!
creolediva3 #4
wait...for the club scene who's point of view is that?
wow I'm wise XDD<br />
oh noo poor Eunhyuk!!
LOL!! this chapter is soooo.... great! <br />
eunhyuk is beaten by a door! LOL
tobiwan #7
Hahaha poor Hyukkie~ dead on the floor xD<br />
Is it just me or did I not see Marill in here at all? My eyes must be playing tricks on me o_o
creolediva3 #8
OMG that was hilarious XD lol monkey bastard XD
tobiwan #9
LOL the update was so long...I practically forgot what happened! Um...something about water baloons, pranking and Hyukjae right? Mehhh I'm sorry I couldn't comment on your first update! I was practicing for my Confirmation (I'm Catholic)
junhyung-lover #10
AIYO hyuk so evil>< water balloon fighttt!