3 member revealed

Magics (New girl's group)


Full Name: Horvejkul JeonNye 

Stage Name (Optional):Genie
Nickname:Pengui/ Jooni

Persona (Optional):Corrupt Eye Smile 

Position:variety queen/model/sub dancer 

Birthday (M/D/Y): October 30

Age (17-23): 20

Blood Type: AB

Ethnicity: Thai/Korean

Height:164 cm

Weight:50.5 kg

Personality:Anyone that doesn't believe looks can be deceiving has never met Horvejkul JeonNye. "The face of an angel, the personality of a devil." is what her family would say but I believe mischievous is a more accurate description. She enjoys teasing and stirring trouble for others every once in awhile just to see if she can get away with it. And she usually does, but JeonNye isn't all bad. There's also a naive, curious side to her that adds to her charm. Although she has a bit of a "touch complex". She touches anything or anybody that appears unusual to her. When she goes to a museum and sees a sign saying "don't touch the exhibits" she touches them, yeah she's a rebel.
She is funny and loves to make people laugh. She has a hard time getting serious but once she does you'd need a sledge hammer to break her focus. She relies on aegyo to get out of a tight situation and loves to be babied or spoiled. She's a flirty girl but she's never had a boyfriend. "My male fans are my boyfriend, that’s why I give such good fan service!" is a quote from the diva herself. She is just a tad bit clumsy so dancing doesn’t come as easily to her as it does other idols but she’ll train twice as hard to make you think that it does.
She takes pride in her appearance; even in the comfort of her own home she takes special precautions against being seen in an unattractive light. She is somewhat insecure about her looks. She trains four times a week and jogs every morning to keep her figure. She wakes up earlier than her members to apply her make-up and only removes it at night under the cover of darkness after everyone else has gone to sleep, even though her family members have told her that her natural face is just as beautiful as her made up one."I'd rather walk into a wall in a pitch-black dorm, than turn on a light and be caught with a no make-up face. My early morning self is unflattering enough." Truer words have never been spoken.  

Training days: After moving to Korea with her uncle JeonNye began auditioning for various companies. All of them rejected her because she had been overweight at the time. So, JeonNye entered a scouting competition but when it was her time to perform she had the crew turn off all the lights and let the scouts hear her voice before they saw her body. She sang Too Good by The Grace. When she was done singing the lights were turned back on and JeonNye began dancing to BoA's Girls on Top without giving the judges time to pick their jaws up off the floor. That was her last stand against the rigid way idols were picked based on just looks, not talent. And that is exactly what she told the judges. The next day she got a call from SM saying that if she was willing to shed the pounds they were willing to take her.
An incident with SNSD's Jessica molded the first 2 years of JeonNye's trainee life. Jessica had publically embarrased her by pointing out her flaws in front of their peers, including one JeonNye was particularly sensitive about: her weight after having been fed up with JeonNye’s childishness. From that point on many of the trainees saw her as a joke. For months she ate only a piece of fruit a day, if that, and that was only to take her diet pills with. Nichkhun was the first to realize what was going on and practically begged her to go back to California, give up idol life, and get help but when she refused he sought reinforcements: the family. Instantly the entire family was pestering her to go home except her Aunt Ga-il. She and JeonNye had a heart to heart and Ga-il revealed that she'd gone through the same thing at that age. She gave JeonNye a makeover, made her realize she was beautiful and convinced her parents to let her stay in Korea. Nichkhun did his part by helping JeonNye get in shape the right way since she seemed to be so worried about it but he still worried if she would be alright once she became an idol. Then she wouldn't just have one rival but thousands of antis but it wasn't his place to say. She trained for 5 1/2 years before her debut. She became much more active and confident during her last years as a trainee. . Towards the end of her pre-debut life she played the lead girl in BEAST'S Beautiful, I Like You The Best, Fiction and Soom. As well as a couple of low budget CFs. 

Language:Thai (Fluent) Korean (Conversational) English (Fluent) 

Designing Clothes
Practicing Her Vocals

Protein Shakes
Chocolate Abs (Both hers and men's)
Variety Shows
Kids(especially toddlers; she’s afraid she’ll make a baby cry)
Amusement Parks/Carnivals/Circus

Dislikes:Candy (especially chocolate)
Bad Nutrition Habits
Long Flights and Car Rides
Cold Weather
Tacky Clothes
Flat Shoes


Family:Nichkhun Horvejkul- Age 23-Alive- Cousin- 2PM-always got along with JeonNye but didn't support her becoming an idol only because he doubted she could handle the pressure of it based on how she handled trainee life. He is goofy and sometimes tells corny jokes. Humble and usually doesn't let on when something is bothering him.
-Kiet Horvejkul- Age 44-College Professor- Alive-Father- supported JeonNye from a distance (emotionally) since he could never quite connect with her due to his stoic nature. Quiet and passive.
-Sun Ah Horvejkul-Housewife- Age 41- Alive-Mother- did not support JeonNye becoming an idol because she thought that was no life for a lady. They never quite got along because Sun Ah's traditional views and JeonNye's modern views would always clash. Stubborn, controlling, protective, traditional
-JaeSun Kim-Age 41-Teacher-Alive-Maternal Uncle- he was the one to always spoil JeonNye and the first one to encourage her to become an idol. He always thought she was to extraordinary for the plain lifestyle his twin, her mother, had planned for her. Invited her to come live with him and his wife in Korea so that she could become a trainee.
-Ga il Kim- Age 39-Make-Up Artist-Aunt through Marriage- was always kind to JeonNye , like an older sister but never spoke when it came to whether or not JeoNye should become an idol because she felt it was not her place. She prefers for JeonNye to call her unnie and JeonNye tells her all of her secrets.


Friends:Victoria Song
Jaebom Park

Training Years:5 1/2 years 


Congrats to phoenixpride  for the lovely character.

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saludlang #1
i love shinee <3 <3
...... where's me?
anyway... host a show!! I can't wait... :)
aww bunny XDD
I'm playing umma right now^^
YAY awesome we're gonna host a show
can't wait for the next chapter!!
creolediva3 #4
wait...for the club scene who's point of view is that?
wow I'm wise XDD<br />
oh noo poor Eunhyuk!!
LOL!! this chapter is soooo.... great! <br />
eunhyuk is beaten by a door! LOL
tobiwan #7
Hahaha poor Hyukkie~ dead on the floor xD<br />
Is it just me or did I not see Marill in here at all? My eyes must be playing tricks on me o_o
creolediva3 #8
OMG that was hilarious XD lol monkey bastard XD
tobiwan #9
LOL the update was so long...I practically forgot what happened! Um...something about water baloons, pranking and Hyukjae right? Mehhh I'm sorry I couldn't comment on your first update! I was practicing for my Confirmation (I'm Catholic)
junhyung-lover #10
AIYO hyuk so evil>< water balloon fighttt!