6th member revealed

Magics (New girl's group)



Full Name:  Jeong Myeong Han

Stage Name (Optional):
Nickname:  Marill , Mariqua , Marielle, MJ'Sizzle , Agent MJ

Persona (Optional): The Multipersonality Wannabe

Position: Sub vocalist/sub dancer/Actress

Birthday (M/D/Y): January 1

Age (17-23): 19

Blood Type: AB

Ethnicity: Korean American

Height:  165 cm

Weight: 43 kg

Personality:A wise man – er, girl once said, “Who said Pokemon is for little kids?” Well the name of that wise girl was none other than Jeong Myeong Han A.K.A Marill! Let’s see here…Marill isn’t your average aegyo doll nor is she your beautiful, y, hot and pretty rapper. (HyunA reference) Marill is your old elementary class clown. Never does a day go by without a joke escaping from this girl’s mouth. She’s very random and loves to laugh. One time, her friends once said, “If there was one word to describe you, it would be smile.” She loves to play jokes on people and sometimes, it can even get out of hand…especially when it comes to pranking. Give her a whoopee cushion and she’ll totally embarrass you in class. It’s what you’d expect from her anyway, that’s just who she is!
Though this little joker is very pure at heart, she’s also a drama queen. It’s no lie when someone says that she loves to act. How could I prove that? Just watch her fall out of a chair and you’ll see. The girl will act as if she were dying but then she’ll laugh at herself and sit back on the chair with such a serious face, you won’t even think it’s her! One thing she is known for is her facial expressions because she’s always making her expressions so exaggerated! A simple smile to you would be a smile as big as the moon to her. Pouty lips to you would be a full blowfish face to her. You get what I’m saying, right? Not only is her appearance constantly changing, but so is her voice tone! Sometimes when she’s happy, it will rise in pitch and will irritate the Hell out of people while when she’s trying to act all-that, her voice will become like those stereotyped head cheerleaders in those American movies.
Her personality isn’t set in stone because she believes that staying one personality is boring and she despises boring. Marill believes that a person should be learning from their mistakes each and every day so they can’t possibly stay the same! She likes to think positive but when she thinks negative things, she will have a mental breakdown. Well, she won’t literally have one but she’ll pretend she is. She would clutch her head as if in pain and she would pretend as if she’s about to die or something. Strangers would stare as if she were some freak show while her friends would just laugh and throw sticks at her. Okay, maybe they wouldn’t throw sticks but they will laugh!
Marill is a swagger princess wannabe. She would go around wearing a bunch of baggy clothes which she would keep pulling up because they are too big on her and she would go around threatening people with her gang sign; ahem…the peace sign! She would even speak in a whole different language to sound cool! That language is…Spanish. She would go around yelling at people, “Como estas?!” As if she were actually saying, “What you looking at???” One guy actually yelled back at her, “Muy bien!” in the same tone. Every once in a while though, she would yell out something like, “Annyeonghaseo!” and people would think, “What a crazy Asian.”
Another thing that Marill likes to do is ventriloquism and mimicry. Marill enjoys doing that because she loves acting but she also gets to take on another person's personality. Her friends see her as a personality stealer but she counters them with saying, "No, I am a roleplayer." She thinks that there is a wall between being a roleplayer and being an identity stealer. As you can see, she's very active in acting so by all means, she is an active cosplayer. Marill normally cosplays are her OCs so people are normally are looking at her like, "What yo' doin' foo'?!" Maybe she'll even cosplay as...you.
Does her nickname remind you of something? Maybe something squishy? Cute? Well if you guessed Pokemon, then you are...correct! Marill is the small aqua mouse Pokemon in the VG and anime/manga series. Marill was given that nickname because like her personality, the Pokemon Marill is also a hyperactive baby mousie. She also has other aliases like her street name - MJ'Sizzle, her princess name - Marielle, her gangster name - Mariqua and her secret agent name - Agent Michael Jackson.

Training days: Marill had many friends as a trainee but she also had many enemies. It took her a long time to get through training because she always had to skip classes because filming always cut through her schedules. Her training was rough because a lot of work was pushed onto her and most of the time, it took her about a month to finish learning the choreography assigned to her. Her friends consisted a lot of the male SM artists. She was especially close to Super Junior because of her acting projects with at least three of their members. Most of the females didn't get along with her because they didn't like the attention she was getting from Super Junior.

f(x)'s Sulli was the one who hated her the most. Her hatred first started when Marill was first rumored to be dating Super Junior's Kibum. Sulli found it unfair that she didn't have a scandal of her own and she also found it unfair that no one even knew who Mariull was yet she was getting all of the fame. Sulli became irritated when she was chosen to be the understudy of Marill in several plays because more than half the time, Marill always showed up.

Marill was originally part of f(x) but because of her lack of training, she was held back and replaced by Sulli. Marill was angry for a while but decided to forget about it later on while Sulli on the other hand was rubbing it all on her face.

Language:Fluent: English
Learning: Korean and Chinese

Hobbies:Going to her Figure Skating Competitions and Practices
- Practicing her lines for her role in a movie/drama/play
- Playing video games
- Overseas traveling
- Playing with her hair to make new hairstyles
- Watching dramas online since she never has time to watch it on TV
- Watching late-night American Idol Re-Run Marathons

Likes:Butterfly related items
- Sitting in beanbags
- The color orange
- Basketball games on TV (Her favorite teams are the Lakers and the Heat)
- Figure Skating (Her favorite skaters are Kim Yuna and Mai Asada)
- American Music Artists (Like Fergie, Will.I.Am, Apl.de.app, Taboo, Eminem, Adele, Jay.Z, Jason Derulo etc.)
- American Rap Music (She likes to swag walk to it)
- Kdoramas (The ones that she's starred in)
- Jdramas (Japanese dramas)
- Telenovelas (Filipino dramas)
- Collecting bugs
- Oversized clothing

Dislikes: Aegyo/Forced aegyo/fake aegyo/too much aegyo/anything aegyo related
- Cliche/corny/sappy romances
- Hospitals (they are too clean for her)
- Getting shots (she freaks out)
- Boat rides (she gets seasickness)
- Sand (too much of a hassle to clean up)
- Exercise (too tiring)
- Jump ropes (she thinks they are actually strangling weapons)
- Orange juice with pulp

Family: Jeong Ok Min || 45 || Scientist and Businessman || Very supportive but sarcastic
Jeong Mi Rae || 43 || Mother || Scientist and Fashion Designer || Annoying and 4D
Jeong Jung Young || 19 || Older Brother || Medical Student and RJ (Radio jockey) || Boring and not well-spoken
Jeong Ae Li || 19 || Older sister || Medical Student and Model || Aegyo filled

Friends:SJ Kim Kibum

SJ Kim Heechul

Training Years: 4 years


Hope you like. Congrats the littlepetalbracelet

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saludlang #1
i love shinee <3 <3
...... where's me?
anyway... host a show!! I can't wait... :)
aww bunny XDD
I'm playing umma right now^^
YAY awesome we're gonna host a show
can't wait for the next chapter!!
creolediva3 #4
wait...for the club scene who's point of view is that?
wow I'm wise XDD<br />
oh noo poor Eunhyuk!!
LOL!! this chapter is soooo.... great! <br />
eunhyuk is beaten by a door! LOL
tobiwan #7
Hahaha poor Hyukkie~ dead on the floor xD<br />
Is it just me or did I not see Marill in here at all? My eyes must be playing tricks on me o_o
creolediva3 #8
OMG that was hilarious XD lol monkey bastard XD
tobiwan #9
LOL the update was so long...I practically forgot what happened! Um...something about water baloons, pranking and Hyukjae right? Mehhh I'm sorry I couldn't comment on your first update! I was practicing for my Confirmation (I'm Catholic)
junhyung-lover #10
AIYO hyuk so evil>< water balloon fighttt!