Chapter VIII

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Well,  well, well, I am terrible at this small talks thingy or whatever so...
I hope you enjoy the chapter guys. xx 

Weeks went by faster than Sowon expected and she found herself developing a lot of habits, most of them being bad.

Her thoughts had found their way into ripped pages of notebooks which were later thrown all over the room. She would lazily pick one every day to read in her poetry class, whichever came first. It doesn’t sound terrible, until you find out that most of those papers would be crumbled and with a horrible handwriting, coffee drops splashed all over them. Because Sowon only wrote when it was 5 AM and the sixth cup of coffee made her hands shake and her brain overdrive with memories from the days she was spending.

There was no pattern in her writings, no fancy lies that sounded pretty when she read them out loud with her tired and raspy voice. She would write about cups of tea she exchanged with Yerin all night long as they talked about everything and nothing, as they laughed at silly jokes and pretended to make plans about a great revolution. She wrote about Eunha and the walks during fourth period when they didn’t talk, but felt comfortable just by walking and eating vanilla and peach ice cream. She wrote about Yuju and how wild her music was within the small box of perfectness where she lived. She wrote about the night walks under the street lights, but all this, was nothing compared to her one and only true subject.

Hwang Eun Bi.

Oh, how much Sowon loved filling pages rambling about how the younger girl moved, danced, walked, smirked and hell, even breathe. Sowon would melt each time SinB would breathe, especially when her lips were attached to the older girl’s neck and her chest would rise and fall quicker than usual.

Their relationship, one of the most toxic and bad habits she had developed, was a routine, a ripped novel page that you always read to your friends when you want to convince them to read the book you love, an overexciting, slow and unforgettable part of the day. It was their way of communicating, to skip the talking every time they were alone, to stop the time every moment their lips were attached.

 SinB’s cold hands would pull her inside their empty dorm rooms when the girls were nowhere to be found with a smirk dancing on her lips before they would melt into each other. Sowon’s warmth colliding with the younger girl’s iciness.

After the first few kisses SinB would just disappear out of the blue, leaving Sowon hot and bothered and full of exploding emotions that no paper could hold. A while after, when it all got more comfortable, make out sessions turned into clothe ripping and craving touches, smudged red lipstick on the collar of their school uniform turned into purple love bites on their necks, innocent touches turned into hard grips that didn’t want to let go, but in the end, they would always part, breathless, lying next to each other in the small beds, SinB being always the first to gather her things, her rose chewed lips from the biting and looking at Sowon in the same cold way she always had.

One of the few habits Sowon had, that wasn’t considered a bad one, was sitting outside the door of the music class during the fifth period, listening to the students play instruments as she drank coffee and scribbled on her notebook. That was what she was doing right now, until…

“If this isn’t the troubadour’s soft spot to sit and think,” SinB’s voice ringed in Sowon’s ears, sounding way more magnificent than the melody of the violins coming from the room.

“You have a habit of barging into my life a lot,” Sowon mumbled, her words coming easier when she was with the raven haired girl.

“You have a habit of loving that,” SinB smirked intertwining their fingers and pulling Sowon up, wrapping her in a warm kiss that soon enough heated.

Saying that Sowon was surprised when the younger girl pulled back is an understatement, because SinB never pulled back, because SinB hated to talk and hated to make things between them seem genuine and more than just a lie.

With her hand still intertwined with Sowon’s, SinB ran through the halls of the school and pulled her on the last floor, breaking their connection o

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Chapter 20: One amazing story. ☺️
sarahdhea #2
Chapter 20: I had to wait for months because i don’t want to remember every details of the story when i reread this fic so i can feel the same emotion as the first time i read it
Chapter 15: Omg, I just noticed that you are using words like twisted and labyrinth, ironic
sarahdhea #4
It’s 2020 and no one can stop me from reading this again
This will forever be my fave Wonb fic, it hurts so good, hands dooown
yhdthe18 #6
Reading this story all at once is like riding on the roller coaster... and suddenly the song EX by Kiana Ledé is on shuffle! My emotions... and i couldn’t count how many times i shed tears :’) oh my god so well-written, and the poems are really beautiful! Love the struggles within this relationship, love how you not just give us fairy tales but also the needed, realistic bitterness that shake our heart. What can i say, i love this so much.
(I also ship jensoo and love your jensoo fic! And then find out you also write wonb! I am so impressed that you are capable of writing all different kind of fictions!! Please keep writing!! Fighting!)
Crazyjellybean #7
Chapter 10: Tell me author ...what relationship were they in? Would you call it friends with benefits? Were they even friends?
sarahdhea #8
Chapter 20: Just finished reading this again. Can you write another WonB pleaseee
sarahdhea #9
even after i read so much fics, ink was still and always be my fav. it's really well written and makes me want to read it again and again and never gets bored.