Family? Second Chance?

Idol Family

Taeyang's POV:

"Really appa you will take care of us now?"

"Yes baby I am here now?"

"Yehey! Omma will not cry at night looking at your picture because your here now and you will make her happy right appa"

I was shock at what I have heard. I can't believe Yul still love me after all these years and after all what I have done to her. They are right fate have given us a reason to start again. Now that me and Yul have a family, I promise to take care of them and protect them even It cost my life. They are my life now especially since I know that Yul still loves me. I will use this to start again and this time I will not ever let her out of my sight and I promise to love her with all my life.

"Of Course baby we will make her happy, I promise come" I said and sat her on my lap while waiting for Yuri to wake up.

"Where's Ji?" I asked them.

"Oh? Yoona and sofie too" Seohyun.

"Don't worry kids they are just talking, Ji yong found out that he is Sofie's father" Jaesuk hyung.


"Don't worry about it guys, I'm sure Ji will take care of them" Top hyung.

"What if he hurt her again, I can't lose her and Yuri 5 years is enough" Jessica said angrily.

"Calm down Sica-ah, I am sure Ji yong-ah will not hurt her again" Jaesuk hyung.

"I'm sorry its just that I can't lose them again" Jessica.

"We understand and I promise you this time we will make things right" I said and they nodded and smiled.


"Yoona is she mine?" 

"There's no reason to hide it now, yes Ji she is"

I gasped its like there no air in here. I stare at the little girl who is my daughter. I can't believe after all these years I have a daughter who grew up without a father figure. I have so many questions running in my mind and I don't know how to start.

"I know you have questions Ji but we can't do it here". 

"I know can we talk now". 

"Ok come Sofie appa's wanna talk to us" 

Appa? Sofie what a beautiful name. Yoona carried our daughter and she walk towards the parking lot. I can't help but stare at her and our daughter she just stay silent while being carried by her mother in her arms. I say goodbye to Jaesuk hyung and let him tell the others that me and Yoona will talk.

"Hyung Yoona and I will talk can you tell them". 

"Of course Ji Yong-ah, Hang in there". 

"Deh! hyung thanks well I will get going they are waiting". 

"Of course drive carefully". 

We just reach YG in silence and Sofie has slept in her mother's arms. I quickly got out of the car to reach her side and open the door for her. I saw that she can't move since our daughter is asleep I decided to carry her in my arms.

"Can I?" I asked her and she just nodded.

I lean towards her and carry our daughter in my arms while I do that I didn't notice that are face are inches away and one wrong move and our lips will meet. We are just lost in each other when I realize that we are in a public place. I quickly carry sofie and wait for her to get out of the car.

"Let's go to our studio we can talk there"


In no time we reach our studio. I put Sofie to the sofa and lay her there to let her sleep. I put the blanket that Yoona bought for me since I stay here alot she bought me a blanket if ever I sleep in here. I tucked her in and brush the strands of hair off her face. I saw Yoona staring at us with a small smile on her face.

"Can we talk now?" 

"What do you wanna know" 

"Everything and why didn't you tell me?"

"That night before we left, the night we saw you and Taeyang oppa with Hyorin and Bom unnie. We plan to tell you then but things happened and Yuri unnie decided that Its best that we leave. We didn't want to SNSD and Bigbang to disband just because we are pregnant that time. We didn't want anyone especially not our members to suffer just because of our mistakes. SNSD and Bigbang are in peak that time and we can't ruin it. I know Sofie was not a mistake in fact I want to thank you she is the best gift that I ever recieve and she's a blessing. Also we are scared that maybe you will make us abort the baby and that you will not accept them that's why we left"

I don't know what to say, I am trying to take in all of the words she said to me. They left for us because of our carrers they wanted to protect us even after what we did.  

"What happened to us Yoona-ah".    

"I don't know Ji, maybe we are truly not for each other". 

"No! Don't say that please..." 

"Can you give us a chance please, I can promise you that I am a change man".  

"I don't think that's a good idea Ji". 

"No you don't know that please atleast give me a chance to prove myself to you and to our daughter". 

"Okay but one last time for Sofie". 

I grinned at her and hugged her. I promise myself that I will not give up not this time even though its hard I will earn your trust again Yoona and soon we will be a family.

"Thank you so much, I promise this time will be different". 

Taeyang's POV:

We are still here in the hospital and its been 2 hours since Yoona and Ji left to talk. YG hyung and Lee Soo Man sajangnim visted us awhile ago and they said that they will visit again tommorow because they have work to do especially since Yuri has been on an accident the media is going crazy. Still she hasn't wake up yet Lianne is here curled in my arms sleeping. We still don't know what her condition is because she haven't wake up yet. Soon the doctor told us that she has been removed from the ICU and now in private room resting. We quickly went to the room where Yuri is and we found her there lying in the hospital bed with lots of machine that are attached to her and she is sleeping so peacefully there. Looks like she will not wake up yet and I know Lianne is tired and she needs to go home. 

"Taeyeon-ah can you take Lianne home she need to rest and I think Yuri will not be waking up soon"

"Of course oppa, come Lianne let's go home". 

"What about Omma?"     

"Omma is resting so she will wake up tommorow okay?"

"Okay bye appa!"     

She said and give me hugs and kisses. She walk towards Yuri's bed and kiss her good night. What a sweet girl Yuri did a good job in raising her she became just like her mother sweet, kind and a thoughtful one that is.

"Bye Baby be good to your unnies okay?"

"Yes appa"

"Call us Oppa when she woke up". 

"Sure I will call you don't worry". 

You guys should go too I'll stay here and watch her". 

"You sure hyung". 

"Of course go and take a rest we have practice in the morning tell Ji that I might not make it to practice tommorow".  

"Okay hang in there Youngbae-ah I am sure she'll be okay she's a fighter". 

"Thanks Hyung". 

"We'll go ahead hyung call us if you need anything and we wil just send you some clothes for you to change in". 

"Thanks guys". 

The guys and the SNSD members left already and I drag the chair and sat beside her holding her hands.

"Yuri-ah wake up please... I just got you and I can't lose you again please... Our daughter need you... I need you I can't go on without you by my side. The last five years has been hell for me. I need you here beside me we have a lot of things to do right. We are just about to build our family please babe I need you to wake up for us, for me and our daughter I beg you... Yeobo come back to me, to us we need you"

Yuri's POV:

" Please babe I need you to wake up for us, for me and our daughter". 

"I beg you..."

 "Yeobo come back to me, to us we need you"

I recognize that voice anywhere Youngbae... Lianne I am here why can't I see a thing. What's happening to me am I dead already where am I.

"No Yuri-ah your not dead yet but in between". 

"Grandma is that you". 

"Yes My dear its me its been hard for but I am so proud of you". 

"Grandma I missed you so much why can't I go with you". 

"I know my dear but a lot of people are waiting for there and its not your time yet". 

"But I want it here so peaceful and I don't get hurt in here full of happiness". 

"Yes but your daughter is waiting for there and I am sure that your love is also there". 


"Yes dear don't you hear a desperate voice calling out for you"


"Are you sure? Focus and listen"

"Yeobo come back I need you here"

"Please... I love you so much..."


"See he needs you there"

"What if I get hurt again grandma"

"Hahaha! My dear that's what love is"

"But grandma-"

"There's no time Yuri-ah you need to go back now and I promise you, You and Yoona will be happy just be patient focus on the things that are important for you"

"And if the time is right we shall see each other again goodluck my dear and take care and always remember that I love you and I am always watching you from above"



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Chapter 1: I really miss this story
Chapter 24: I really hope that one day this story will be updated
Chapter 23: But what a tense moment they spent
Chapter 22: I read the chapter again and I suffer again with Yuri's accident
Chapter 21: the occurrences of the boys make me laugh so much
Chapter 20: I love how the boys support Ji and Taeyang
Chapter 19: they finally meet again
Chapter 18: I love reading the little moments between Yoona, Dara and CL.
Chapter 17: I love how Yoona answered the questions
Chapter 16: now if they returned hahaha