Beginning Our Journey

Emergency Doctors

Ji Hong exhaled deeply as he glanced over at the clock. He has been waiting over thirty minutes, a time that he's supposed to be eating rather than sitting. He got up from the couch and made his way over to the front desk. "I've been waiting longer than ten minutes," he leaned over the counter and checked to see if she made the call or not. "Has Doctor Jung Yoon Do arrive yet?"

The secretary glanced up from her computer and narrowed her eyes at him. "He's currently busy. I told you that you can choose to wait or leave. It's not my fault that you chose to stay and wait uselessly." She went back to her work and scoffed. "And if I believe so, he isn't a doctor anymore. Assistant Jung Yoon Do is busy delivering mails for the floors right now. He will be done by lunch break."

"Lunch break?" Ji Hong checked the time again. It's only eight in the morning. "First of all," he snapped his fingers in front of the secretary's face. "When you speak to someone, look at them in the eyes. It's considered rude not to do so. But I guess in the world of politics, there is no such thing as mannerism is there." He took another deep breath. "And you may have taken his job from him, you can't take away his doctorate."

"His family begs to differ."

Ji Hong looked at her. "How much do you get paid an hour? How much do you make in a year?" Taking an extra look at the clothes and jewlery she was wearing, he could only imagine how much bills or checks she had to make for those brands. "Clearly, you make a lot more than I do." He was never the type of person to single-handedly out someone like this but he just couldn't ignore it. "You may work an eight hour shift like any other person in this building for these rich and powerful politcians. Get the money, spend as much as you can without regretting but at the end of this shift, you're just like us. People who are trying to make a living, people who are weak against these foul players. The only difference between what you and I have is that I actually have a career that I love and I come home with a conscience." He started tapping his fingers against the desk before turning around toward the exit. "With the type of job you have, do you come home with one? Clear and pure?"

"I do perfectly fine." The secretary started moving uncomfortably in her seat. Clearly, something Ji Hong said had bothered her.

Ji Hong nodded his head. "I'm sure you do." Opening the door, he looked at her one last time. "When Doctor Jung Yoon Do does come back from his mail delivering, tell him that Hong Ji Hong came and would like to talk to you."

. . .

Hye Jung smiled as she watched Jun So work on his homework. It has been almost a week since the adoption was finalized. A lot of adjustments had to be done in order for them to be approved as approriate parents. For example, Ji Hong's apartment was definitely an impossible living situation for a child. With the savings that they both individually had, they managed to buy a small and simple house near the hospital. It was pure perfection once Hye Jung laid eyes on it. And with the help of their friends and colleagues, they moved in faster than they thought. "What do you want for dinner?"

"Hmmmm..." Jun So smiled. "Black bean noodles."

She laughed while ruffling his hair. "Your dad used to say that all the time."

Jun So laughed along with her as he finished up the last few problems of the homework. "It's our favorite."

"Let me call Ji Hong and see if he wants to meet up with us at the restaurant or call in." Hye Jung got up from the seat and walked over to the kitchen counter to grab her cellphone.

"Paris..." Jun So looked up. "When will the wedding happen?"

Hye Jung held onto the phone. "Next week." Although it has only been a week since she placed her engagement ring back on, the idea of waiting for the wedding day to approach in six month or even a year time - it's just unbearable for the both of them. They were already seperated for thirteen years before and not to mention the year they spent apart again. What they learned the most during the time apart was that every single moment counts. It's another page to write in their story. For them, they just want to begin their story a little bit faster. And as soon as it happens, they can both finally wear their wedding rings. "You will be there."

"I know." Jun So put the homework in his backpack.

"Then why are you asking?" Hye Jung smiled.

Jun So shrugged his shoulders as he looked over to the picture of Hye Jung and his dad on the table. Hye Jung had explained to him that it was during her adventure in Paris with him. They were busy chasing after each other in the middle of the park - causing them to be lost and confused at a city they still have yet to understand. To commoderate the crazy time, Jun Ki took out his phone and snapped a photo. It was honestly one of Hye Jung's most carefree and fun day of her life. He glanced back over to Hye Jun. "I just wished my dad could be there."

Hye Jung softly smiled as she walked over to him, bending down so she could look at him in the eyes. "Sweetie, I wish for that too." Hye Jung held onto his hands and shrugged her shoulders. "And who knows? Your dad was one of those people who went off and did his own little thing. So maybe on my special day, he will be there. Watching over all of us because that's what we believe, right?"

"Sometimes when I sleep, I feel him near me." Jun So confessed. "People say I have to let him go so he can rest easy and quietly."

She knit her eyebrows together. "Who would tell you that?"

"My classmates."

Hye Jung couldn't believe that little kids would talk about situations like this. It hasn't even been more than a month since Jun Ki's death. His poor son is still grieving and dealing with the loss each and every day that passes. Although Hye Jung and Ji Hong has witnessed Jun So laughing, smiling and jumping over the rainbow on certain things but they both know that once the lights are out and he's in bed - that little boy crumples into a ball and cries himself to sleep. Rather than sit and talk about it with him, they decided to wait it out. The fact that she is hearing about kids trying to downgradge a suffering boy like this. It upsets her. "Jun So, maybe a part of what your friends are saying can be true." She bit her lower lip and sighed. "I lost a few people in my life before and I took it hard each time. I had a grandma who I was very close with, I still hold her close to my heart. I think about her sometimes. Especially when I look at certain things that remind me of her. Like cooking." Hye Jung laughed as she saw the confusion written on Jun So's face. "I can't cook. Haven't you wondered why Uncle Ji Hong has been cooking all the time?"

Jun So nodded his head. "The question has crossed my mind."

The question has crossed my mind? Hye Jung couldn't help but laugh. Not only does he look like Jun Ki but he really does speak like him too. "The point is, grieving over a loss takes time. Use that time meaningfully. No one is rushing you to forget or let go of your dad. It's been fourteen year and if I can still think of my grandmother, you can think of your father." She sighed softly before kissing the top of his head. "Trust me, your dad knows how much it would mean for me if he can attend the wedding." She winked at Jun So before calling Ji Hong's number. "He will definitely be there, watching over us. Making sure nothing goes wrong this time."

. . .

Seo Woo narrowed her eyes at Kang So. "You go missing for weeks and you think you can walk back up in here?"

Kang So sighed deeply before pulling his puppy eyes. "I know that I did go away unnoticed and it's unjustisfied but you knew what I was doing the whole time!"

"Book signings?" Young Gook took a sip of his juice while glaring at him. "I don't know if I should be more offended on the fact that you resigned your job again without telling us. Or the fact that we never got an autographed book from you."

"And I didn't know that web comics can be turned into books." Seo Woo added.

"That is why I come bearing gifts," Kang So carefully said before he lifted up a bag. "My books."

Seo Woo and Young Gook looked at each other. "We're not interested in them anymore."

Ji Hong chuckled as he walked over, taking out one of the books from the bag. "I am." He flipped through some of the pages and smirked. "I mean, who else can say that they have a book after them?"

"Most of them," he paused. "Hye Jung is the main character."

He shrugged his shoulders as he put his arm around Kang So's shoulders. "Did you put in her love story?"

Kang So slowly nodded his head. "Yes..."

"Then I'm one of the main characters." Ji Hong patted his shoulder and laughed. "Did you come by for the wedding?"

"Of course. Didn't give me much of a choice considering how fast this wedding is." Kang So narrowed his eyes at him. "I mean, who sends an invitation to a wedding within a few days?"

Ji Hong smiled. "Us." He looked down at his doctor coat's pockets when he felt something vibrating. His smile grew wider once he saw the name on the caller id. "Hye Jung.."

Black bean noodles?

He chuckled. "Is this your choice or Jun So's?" Ji Hong glanced over at Seo Woo and Young Gook, who were busy smiling at each other while filling out some of their last paperwork before their shift ends. "Let's eat it at Sooni Hawaii's."

. . .

Hye Jung laughed while watching Jun So and Joong Dae racing each other while eating the noodles. "Don't choke! Be careful!"

Seo Woo shook her head. "Why do we surround ourselves with this?"

"Because it's fun." Soon Hee laughed as she clapped along to the race. "Joong Dae, you can do it!"

Young Gook's eyes widened at the sight of them inhaling the noodles like crazy. "Soon Hee, can I have my food please?"

Soon Hee waved him off. "In a minute. Let's watch who wins first."

"I've been waiting for twenty mintues," Young Gook frowned at his girlfriend. "Seo Woo..."

"Don't look at me." Seo Woo laughed. "You should've ordered the noodles like we did."

Hye Jung shook her head as the couple childishly argue with each other. She checked the time on her watch and knit her eyebrows. Ji Hong dropped the others off with the food and said he would be back in fifteen minutes. An hour has passed now and he hasn't been back. She exhaled deeply and tried to shake off the feelings as best as she could. There is nothing to be worried about. If she over stresses herself, it will only do damage. Hye Jung turned back her attention over to the race and clapped her hands when she saw Jun So finished the noodles first. Clearly, Joong Dae had let him win but it's something to clap for.

. . .

Ji Hong turned his head toward the door once he heard someone opening it. He stood up from the couch and smiled at the sight of Jung Yoon Do. It's been a week since they have seen each other. Since he quit his career to work for his family's political business, no one has seen him. It's harder to see him than he was a doctor. "Yoon Do..."

He exhaled deeply as he wiped his hands with a rag. "Doctor Hong..." Yoon Do cleared his throat while he looked around the small office. "Sorry for the space. It's still..." he hesitated as he stared at the boxes, dust and broken chairs. "Renovating.."

"I'm confused." Ji Hong said. "I thought your grandpa wanted you to work alongside with him in the politics."

"He does." Yoon Do started coughing. He made his way over to the bottles of water and exhaled. "The family wants me to work myself up into the career. They can't have people talking, you know."

Ji Hong stared at him with confusion. "Talking?"

He took a seat across from Ji Hong and shrugged his shoulders. "You know what people say if someone who walks up the ranks without even trying, it's a scandal and disgrace."

"You're thirty-seven years old." Ji Hong said. "Working as an assistant as a start is ridiculous."

"Tell them to my family."

"I will." Ji Hong said.

Yoon Do's smile vanished. "What? No. I was just kidding."

Ji Hong scoffed as he looked at him. "I'm not. Yoon Do, you're a doctor. It's what you love doing, you live and breathe like how I do. One day without your hands holding that scapel or stethoscope would make you crazy enough. You've gone eleven days without it." He could tell from Yoon Do's eyes that he was suffering and losing a bits and pieces of himself with this new career. "This isn't you."

"Doctor Hong, I appreciate what you're trying to do." Yoon Do sighed. "I really do but I've left my family once when I made the decision to attend medical school. It wrecked my family, some members have barely started talking to me again. To think of the idea of leaving them again for my own behalf, it would be selfish and disgraceful."

"Listen to yourself, Jung Yoon Do. Everything you do is for their benefits. You know what I think?" Ji Hong looked around the small space and shook his head. "When you left the political career before it started behind in your early twenties, it rotted you to death on the inside. No matter how happy you seemed, you hated the fact that you keep denying their phone calls as you fixed people up." Ji Hong narrowed his eyes at him. "You tried to amend your relationship with the family by saving as many lives as possible. But you know what you didn't do?"


Ji Hong shrugged his shoulders. "By making them understand why it's so important for you to be a doctor and be involve in this whole political scheme. You've never sat down at the family table and had an actual conversation with them, have you? Not for even more than five minutes?" The way Yoon Do avoided the question had already answered the question. "I didn't come here to lecture you on what to do or what not to do. Frankly, I don't think I'm the best person out there to provide such advice. But after what happened recently with Hye Jung and the life of a friend being gone, it made me opened my eyes. Even adopting Jun So has taught me a lot and it's barely been a week." He stood up from the seat and exhaled. "I came because I want to make sure you realize that it's never too late to sit down and talk to your family. Show them what that doctor passion actually is. It's more than just putting on a doctor's coat or a stethoscope around your neck. Show and explain to them that it's what we do that makes us so thrilled about the life we have. Thriving us toward bigger and more passionate achievements. Open their eyes and let them know that there is more to the world than just politics, money or greed. Let them see what you see." Ji Hong said softly. "You're more than just a mail boy. And you're defintely more than some politician who stands behind an even stronger, powerful man. Jung Yoon Do, you're a doctor. A hell of an amazing one too, one of our best." He opened the door and smiled one last time toward him. "The problem is, if you can't tell them honestly how you feel instead of hiding yourself that built up wall of yours. How would they know?'

Yoon Do sat in silence as he took Ji Hong's words to heart.

. . .

Hye Jung stirred herself around the bed and smiled as she stared at Ji Hong, who was soundly asleep. It's been a long day. After spending hours at Sooni Hawaii, Hye Jung drove back home around midnight. Thankfully, it's the weekend or Jun So would have problems waking up in the morning. It feels so good to just relax and be surrounded by her friends, by most of them. They take a lot of stress out of her and she forget most of her worries when she's with them. But that doesn't compare with how she feels when she's around Ji Hong. Maybe she has said this many times before to herself or with others but Hong Ji Hong is like her other half. No matter how much she thinks about, the day in front of the cd store was meant to be their fateful day. If she hadn't stolen that cd maybe she and Ji Hong wouldn't have met. The circumstances would've changed. She wouldn't have hated him because he caught her stealing. She probably would've just ignored him when she met him later in the night in Grandma's house. Every single moment that they had together turned out to be a chain reaction. And without that chain of events, their feelings wouldn't have envolved the way it did. It was their seperation that made their love stronger. The agony, worry, fear and hope that made them realize that the belonged together is what shaped their relationship the way it is.

"Hey," she blinked away from her thoughts once she heard Ji Hong's voice. "Why aren't you asleep?"

She smiled as she moved in closer to him. "I was just thinking."

Ji Hong softly chuckled as he held onto her hands. "Would you like to share?"

"It's funny, isn't it?" Hye Jung lifted her finger as she slowly touch his face from the forehead and down to his chin. Every single feature of his face she loves with her whole heart. "If I hadn't stolen that cd, would we still have this?"

"You want to know the truth?" Ji Hong arched an eyebrow.

Hye Jung nodded her head. "I want to know what you think."

"I think that no matter what the situation or time and place, we would've still met." Ji Hong started doing the same thing to her face like she did. Slowly running his fingers over her eyebrows, nose bridge, and lips. Every single details of her face, he remembers clearly even with his eyes closed. "We belong together, Yoo Hye Jung. Even in an alternate life or our past lives, we will still be together. I don't know how or what troubles we might've gone through but you can't stop fate when it's destiny."

"Why do you think so? How are you so positive about us?" Hye Jung whispered softly.

Ji Hong smiled. "Because I am with you right now and I will always be." He pulled a strand of hair behind her hair before pulling her in closer. Kissing her slowly yet passionately, he exhaled deeply as he pulled away. "If we're together now, why couldn't we have been together in a past life? Or future life? Even what people believe in - an alternate life."

Hye Jung chuckled. "I think just knowing that you believe in us right now is all I need." She held onto his face as she kissed back. "Thank you."

"Thank you for what?"

She stared at the engagement ring around her finger and smiled. "For marrying me next week."

. . .

Seo Woo sighed as she walked down the hallway and turning left toward her office. She has an hour to quickly change into her dress and make it to the wedding before it begins. As she start opening the door, she halted her steps and turned around to the office across from her. "Oh my God.." Breathing in deeply, she made her way into the office and smiled brightly at the sight of Yoon Do unpacking his boxes on his desk. "You're back?!"

Yoon Do chuckled as he nodded his head. "Here I am."

"What happened?!" Seo Woo rushed over to hug him. "How did your family agree to this?"

He exhaled and chuckled. "I sat and talked to them." By the way her expression came out, he knew it probably sounds as ridiculous as it is. Despite all the advice that he gave her, he never took his own advice to heart. Not until that day when Ji Hong came visit him. It really opened his eyes at what he has been doing wrong this whole time. He spent most his twenties running away from them - not wanting to speak to them out of guilt. Once he hit his thirties, he started to forget about them. Either way, he never actually had a conversation about what his dream or passion was for them to realize that politics isn't his way. He had to made them understand and after two nights of talking one on one with each and every one of them - they finallly cut him loose. "I'm back."

Seo Woo giggled as she jumped up and down. "This is great. Come on, you can't be packing right now! We have a wedding to catch!"

Yoon Do laughed. "Why do you think I came here with my good suit on?!"

. . .

Ji Hong placed the cuff links on as he inhaled and exhaled deeply as he stared at himself in the mirror. "Today's the day."

Kang So and Jun So looked up from the comic books. "Look good."

"You're in the groom's room. Supposed to be helping me get ready for the aisle." Ji Hong complained.

"We came in here with you already in your suit," Kang So noted. "What else can we do besides sit here and wait for you to be done?"

Jun So smiled. "Wait until Paris comes here."

"She will be here soon." Ji Hong checked the time on the clock. "Come on, let's wait for her inside the church." As he opened the door, his eyes widened in shock to see Kim Soo Chul standing there. "What.....what are you doing here?"

Soo Chul chuckled as he took out his invitation. "I couldn't miss this day."

Ji Hong laughed as they hugged each other. "Hye Jung's going to be happy to see you." He looked over at the entrance when Seo Woo and Yoon Do walked in. "Everyone's here."

Jun So looked up at Ji Hong. "I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back."

"Alright, buddy." He chuckled as he ruffled Jun So's hair before he ran off.

The men started walking over to the middle of the aisle, standing there in their perfect suits. As the guests started pouring in, Ji Hong became even more nervous every single second. In a few minutes time, he will finally get to marry the love of his life. It's funny. Someone his age is finally going to get married for the first time. But he rather take this moment over anything else. Not only is this a start of a new chapter of his life but it's also the beginning of an adventure in their lives. Thinking about all the time that they missed out, he is going to make sure that the journey ahead will be filled with happiness. Would there be despair, tears and screaming along the way? Of course. It's what going to make their little family better than before. They will learn from their past mistakes and show change within each other. Because that's what people who love one another do for each other. No matter how hard the choices may be as long as they lean and share their problems, they can overcome anything. It's what Hye Jung has taught him.

"Ji Hong...." Yoon Do's eyes widened as he got up from his seat while furrowing his eyebrows together. "Do you see what I see?"

Ji Hong blinked back to reality and narrowed his eyes at the entrance. "You've got to be kidding me.."

Jung Pa Ran and Jo In Joo walked into the church - laughing and giggling over their little jokes as they held hands tightly. They smirked once they halted their steps in front of Yoon Do and Ji Hong. "Surprise...."

"This...." Ji Hong took a moment to think. "In Jo was the date that you had when you bailed out on dinner with me?"

Pa Ran shyly chuckled. "Guilty."

In Joo drew a deep breath. "Are you two really shocked? I told you we should've told them beforehand."

Yoon Do couldn't take his eyes off of them. "I cannot believe that I am the only single one among everyone who was also single like me." He briefly covered his face for a few seconds. "I need a girlfriend."

"Slow your roll, nephew!" Yoon Do laughed. "After what you accomplished on breaking free from my brother, I think you need more time to find the love of your life like I did."

"Love of your life?!" Ji Hong said loudly. "You two are my best friends. I never expected this."

In Joo shrugged her shoulders. "Neither did we." She looked up at Yoon Do with love in her eyes. "But it happens."

Ji Hong was about to say something about the whole loving expression he was witnessing in front of him when he noticed Jun So rushing over. "What's wrong?"

Jun So breathed harder each time he spoke but he pointed out toward the entrance. "She's outside! She won't come inside until you come out!"

"Hye Jung?" Ji Hong immediately started rushing across the church and stopped when he saw Hye Jung leaning against the wall. "What happened?! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." She muttered under her breath. Hye Jung blinked several times as she stared aimlessly at the floor. "At least I think so."

"I don't understand." Ji Hong adverted his adverted his attention to Jun So, who ran along with him. "Jun So said that you needed to tell me something."

"Ji Hong...." She couldn't even believe that she is saying this. Finally looking at him straight in the eyes, she handed him something in his hand.

"What is this?" Ji Hong opened his hand and that's when his eyes widened. "Oh my God..." It was a pregnancy stick and it clearly states that she is positive. "You're pregnant?!"

Hye Jung slowly nodded her head and placed her hand over her heart to breathe calmly. "I'm...pregnant." She started giggling because of the overwhelming happiness. "We're pregnant!"

Ji Hong laughed loudly as he wrapped his arms around her waist, twirling her around in the air. "I can't believe this!"

"I've been feeling dizzy and couldn't eat normally as usual," she smiled. "Soon Hee suggested that I just check.."

"We're pregnant!" Ji Hong chuckled.

Jun So looked at them. "Does this mean I will get to be a big brother?"

Ji Hong and Hye Jung turned and smiled at Jun So. "Of course it does!"

"We're going to have another family member?!" Jun So smiled brightly as he rushed over to hug the both of them. "I can be a big brother!"

Hye Jung sighed out relief. "You're happy for us?"

Jun So nodded his head. "Yeah!" He lets go of them. "I've been wanting to ask you something."

Ji Hong looked at him. "Of course, ask us anything."

"Can I stop calling you Paris?"

Hye Jung knit her eyebrows together. "I mean, if you want to. How do you want to call me then?"

Jun So stared at them, shrugging his shoulders. His eyes big and wide while clenching onto the wedding rings since he's in charge of it. "Mom and Dad..."

"Mom and Dad...." Hye Jung repeated, a little surprise by the sudden idea of it. Not like she and Ji Hong hasn't thought about it or anything. It's more of the fact that they didn't want to pressure Jun So on anything. They just imagined that he needed more time with adjusting to the family. "Of course."

Ji Hong chuckled as he hugged Jun So. "I would love to hear Dad from you first before your baby sister or brother comes out."

Jun So smiled. "Really?" He stared at his hands out of nervousness. "Thank you,"

Hye Jung exhaled as she got up and smiled at them. "Now, let's get married."

"I couldn't have said it better than myself." Ji Hong took both of of their hands and smiled at them.

Yoo Hye Jung never believed in marriage or even the mere idea of dating. It seemed almost like an impossible dream that even she couldn't accomplish. What she witnessed when she was younger from her parents, it broke her. She spent most of her time acting out because of her mother's death. She lost time with her dad because of it but she gained more love from her grandma. It's those people who has helped shape the way she is. Ji Hong was the first person that was willing to challenge her. He made her mad. He made her seem useless at times because he would outsmart her. He made her seem foolish for always acting the opposite of what he does. Importantly, he made her fall in love for the first time. That little spark that he ignited inside of her made her opened her eyes and realize that love isn't a bad thing. As long as two people try in the relationship and don't try to forcibly change the other person - everything will go on it's own course. And she can't imagine a day without Hong Ji Hong, not again. As soon as she walks into this church, she can finally acknowledge him as her husband.

Hong Ji Hong always believed there is an order to everything. The way his room looks like when it's a mess, that's his own organization. He didn't feel comfortable about people trying to help him. He was never used to that sort of kindness, he doesn't even know how to exactly react to it. Which is ironic because he had no problem on going into other people's businesses. It wasn't until Hye Jung walked into his life, making her mark at every single memory in his mind that he didn't mind change in his life. Since she became a part of his life, there was never a moment where he couldn't stop think of her. The way she was physically stronger than him became his weakness and he didn't mind. The way she would challenge him on almost anything he says or do makes him go through a roller coaster of emotions. It's their love that keeps him feel so empowered and strong willed to handle anything that come their ways. And just like that - because of just one single-handedly cd, it made him encounter the love of his life. Even if fourteen years passed or even twenty, he can't imagine a life without Yoo Hye Jung. He will never lose her again. Once they share their vows and kiss each other in front of everyone, he can finally announce to the worlld that Yoo Hye Jung is his wife.

Jun So, Hye Jung, and Ji Hong stared at each other before laughing altogether. Just like that, they took a step into the church. For the beginning of their new chapter together as a growing family, they are grateful to be surrounded by their love and the support of others in this very room. Witnessing the love that has struggled painfully and emotionally to finally recieve the happiness that's well deserved. Let this new journey begin.



A/N: I can't believe this is the end. I struggled a lot with this chapter because I didn't want it to end too fast. This chapter started around eight in the morning and now it's close to four in the morning. I didn't want to stop writing because I mainly didn't want to delay it. After so many hours, it's finally here! Wow! What can I exactly say? Thank you thank you thank you thank you so much for being along this beautiful journey with me. When I say it means alot, I truly do mean it. Each and every single comment inspired a part of this story. It's not perfect. In fact, I know there are plenty mistakes that I haven't gotten yet but you guys still loved it so much. That's where I was surprised because I never expected for that to happen. The love and support that this story gained has given me so much strength to continue writing. As this is the end of the Doctors 2 version of my writing for the drama. Nightfall will be a completely different and practically new among the eyes. But Hong Ji Hong and Yoo Hye Jung will still love through that story - just differently.


as for anyone who hasn't subscribe to Nightfall, please do!

Thank you for reading this twenty chapter story fanfic, beautiful readers!

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Celine_9 #1
Chapter 20: Beautiful story! I was a hardcore RaeShin's fan back then. I had watched the drama countless time and this is my second time reading your fanfics. Again, loads of heart-wrenching and emotional as well as happy moments. Can't help myself from dropping a tear or two. Thanks for your great and hard work!
Dominaxe #3
Chapter 20: i'm bawling right now and i just want to say this: thank you so much for writing this story. it's been so long since i've been engrossed in a fanfic. this sense of escapism was a great ride, and i loved every bit of it--the ups and downs of everything. i started reading it a few days ago, and i don't have any regrets. i cried really hard in so many parts, and i just can't even with this story.
in all honesty, i would give anything for this to be the actual season 2 (if there ever be one) or at least the plot. this was a really great adventure to go through, and i will forever be thankful to you for writing this. i cannot wait to finish Nightfall with you--i'm absolutely thrilled to know that i will be "growing up" (for lack of a better term) with the story. thank you so much, dear, and i hope you have a great day~
whitenyc23 #4
Chapter 20: superb...thanks for a wonderful story..after watching doctors, it was so hard to move on feels like it's not enough..but after reading your story, the feeling of contentment and satisfaction is there..two thumbs up for you author-nim. keep writing more...
p_aisah #5
Chapter 20: Thank you so much for the awesome story...very very loved it
Chapter 20: Thanks so much for this wonderful story writer~ nim!!thumbs up!
Annalise93 #7
Chapter 20: This was a perfect ending to be honest, it makes me feel like there should be more after this, but the ending of how they'll always be together with their perfect little family was so cute. You tied up everything perfectly, and also JiHong's words to Yoondo were really sincere and touching. It's like everything the viewers wanted plus what should've happen in the drama.

Thank you for creating this story and helping the majority of us fans with our withdrawal symptoms haha. I felt like this story and the drama itself is complete now, so it's easier to let go. I'm looking forward to "Nightfall" because of how different it will be! Also I really enjoy your instagram!
Eppas05 #8
Chapter 20: Wow! I'm gonna miss this series... Thank you for your vivid imagination, romantic, thrilling episodes. I'm looking forward on your NIGHTFALL. Take care.
rearubzbi20 #9
Chapter 20: I can't believe its already end...luv it so much....thank you for the effort u's nice f park shin hye or Kim rae won can read ur story bout's wonderful...I will luv waiting for ur next story..his Bless!