Its Not Him

The Reincarnation of Lee Donghae


Listen to Gossip Man (ft. Kim Gun Mo) – G-Dragon

With the roaring crowd still intact, the gates of the mansion suddenly opened and in the blink of an eye, Aiden Lee zoomed past the awestruck fans in his bike.

“Someone send the bodyguards!! NOW!!” The manager hyperventilated and jumped inside the superstar’s Rolls Royce, knowing that once the shoot was over, Aiden would want nothing but to sit in the comforts of his luxury vehicle.

“Dad! He’s here!” Sungmin, the young assistant director woke up a middle-aged man from his nap, causing the latter to wake up with a start. Aiden threw his keys at his manager, saying, “ONE scratch and –”

“I’ll be fired,” completed the manager. He hung his head and looked up, shocked to see Aiden smile at him.

“Aniyo,” murmured Aiden, walking towards the set. The manager’s lips turned up when suddenly his face was hit by a leather jacket.

“I’ll tattoo the same scratch on your and force you to wear buttless shorts.” Aiden was swarmed by his stylists and the father-son duo before the manager could react. The tall girl attached the bluetooth to his ear, while her blonde counterpart handed him the script.

“Okay sir, so this is the scene that we’re shooting.” Starstruck, Sungmin hesitated when he saw Aiden nodding to something during his phone conversation. The latter turned to look at the fan and scowled. “Are you going to speak or not?”

Sungmin blinked then fidgeted. “Um, okay but…”

“No,that is not what I wanted!” Aiden shouted then sniffed at Sungmin. “Who is this guy anyway?”

“Sir I’m the AD, Lee Sungmin!” Sungmin shuffled his hands then pointed at the script. “There its written right at th—”

“I don’t care!” Aiden turned his attention to the Bluetooth then snatched it out of his ear. Fuming, he turned to face Sungmin who gulped.

“Listen here boy. I don’t have time for knowing your name, age, and other unimportant things. Describe the Goddamn scene so I can get it over with. You know about my shooting style, right?”

Sungmin shook his head. Aiden flared his nostrils then pushed him away. “Aiden Lee shoots his scene in only one take. Otherwise, pack-up.”

“PACK-UP?” The director clutched his chest then groaned. “Sungmin!”

“Sorry Dad! Sorry for the delay sir I—”

“What did I say? I don’t have time! Just tell me what I have to do, no need for stupid formalities.”

Sungmin took a deep breath. “Sir, this is the scene.” The man stared at the spotlights and in a dreamy tone, continued. “You’re sitting in a church, the love of your life getting married to someone else. The priest asks if anyone has an objection. No one raises their voice, not even you sir.”

“Why?” Aiden chomped on his apple, his eyes flitting across the piece of paper.

“Because you’re mute sir,” Sungmin sighed. “And then, as she looks at you, waiting for you to speak up, your eyes don’t meet hers.”

“Why’s that?” Aiden started tapping his feet, pursing his lips.

“Because you’re blind sir.”

Aiden nodded, smiling. “Ah yes of course…. What else? Go on, this is interesting.”

“And then, she starts walking down the aisle, newly-wedded, the bouquet of flowers in her hand. She nods her head towards you, you can hear her footsteps getting distant, but you cannot do anything, cannot even step up to catch the last reminder of her love.”

“Reason?” Aiden tightened his jaw and put his hands on his waist. “Am I physically disabled?”

“Yes sir!” Sungmin’s eyes brightened. “I knew you would react to such a powerful storyline!”

Aiden nodded, narrowing his eyes at the excited man. “Who wrote it?”

“Me,” Sungmin grinned and shrugged. “I have another story, waiting for your—” Suddenly, he was pulled up to Aiden’s face. Looking down, he saw Aiden’s hands holding on to his collar, the superstar breathing on him.

“Listen assistant,” hissed Aiden. “You think I’m stupid? You think I’m just someone who acts for money? No way, I act when I want to act, not at the orders of helpless creatures like you and your old man out there. Tell him and your crew to modify the story, or else I will make sure that you never look at a pen again. Get it?”

Sungmin whimpered. “But sir, I…”

Aiden shushed the guy. “Oh shut up. Just like everytime, I am the one who will come up with something and make this movie a blockbuster. Forget the , we’ll start shooting a song.”

“Song?? But sir, your character cannot even speak, cannot even see, cannot even walk!”

Aiden left his hold, throwing the man away. “Bird-brained idiots. Don’t you know the way this industry works? Its in his imagination, you fool! His imagination!! Set a song with some lovely girls as back-up dancers, let the lyrics and the dance transport the viewer to the heartbroken soul of hopeless me…” Aiden placed his finger on his lips and chuckled. “Genius.” He turned around, grabbed his sunglasses and shouted, “PACK-UP!”

“PACK-UP??” While the old man fainted in his chair, Sungmin looked on at the door, his jaw hung wide open.

“I cannot believe he’s the number one star,” he muttered. Outside, a throng of fans cheered for Aiden.

“Ah yes! My Rolls-Royce!” Aiden walked towards the open door and patted his manager’s head. “You know me well, Spud.”


Aiden startled and turned around. He saw an old lady, clutching his elbow and crying. “Donghae my son! I missed you so much! Even your poor friend Hyuk-Jae was worried about you! Where have you been Hae-ah? WHERE?”

Aiden narrowed his eyes and when the woman continued to cry, he nodded at the security guards and threw the woman off his back. “You’re senile,” he muttered and climbed inside the car. “What’s wrong with her?” he turned to his manager. “Everytime, all fan-meetings, all birthdays… That lady should have died by now! Look how ancient she is!”

The manager grimaced. “She thinks you’re her son, Aiden.”

“So?” Aiden snorted. “All mothers in South Korea think I’m their son! Doesn’t mean they scratch me all the time, crying out like that!” He opened a can of beer and after one sip, threw it out of the window.

Meanwhile, the old lady wept on the road. She looked up as an arm reached out for her and stood her upright. “Hyuk-Jae, our Donghae…”

“Omonim, how many times have I told you?” Hyuk-Jae shook his head and sighed. “Just because he looks like Donghae doesn’t mean he’s our Donghae. Donghae vanished from our lives long ago and Aiden is a young actor!”

“No, Hyuk-ah,” cried the lady, “My heart tells me, that’s MY Donghae!” She trudged towards the security guard and said, “I’m telling you that’s my son out there.”

“Yeah, yeah! And Hyun Bin is my butler! Now get lost!”

As the two figures walked out of the studio gates, the man named Hyuk-Jae took one last look at the speeding Rolls Royce and murmured, “Its not him. Its just not him.”

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--Moonie #1
this was cute!
tiarashinyoora #2
Chapter 46: omg great story..
but i little can't understand, in the end, is she yoona or eun ah??
anyway, your story make me almost in tears, imagining yoonhae in the fire.. ;(
Chapter 46: congrats! I haven't read in years, great story ^_^
congrats c:
sea0horse #5
Congrats. :)
This storyline is from one of my favorite movies!!