What's In A Name?


Ninja always had to face flak for her unique name. Had she been a tall girl with a glowing face and Athena-like countenance, then maybe all would be forgiven. But her namesake fell far from being an entitlement to her character, what with her petite figure and a monotonously meek smile that would reply to every question and end every initiation to a potential relationship. 

Had Ninja been told at a young age that she was the direct descendant of a passionate samurai lord, then maybe she would have summed up all the courage in the world and learnt to be confident, if even through a distant heritage. But by the time Ninja knew of this, she only felt despondent and embarrassed and with the first semester of college having passed with incredible discomfort, she doubted that her lack of social skills would magically transform into a bright fire of extrovert power, handed down to her by the spirit of her ancestor. 

It takes a windy intervention to rile up a small spark and provoke it to become a wild fire. Will an unforeseen encounter be the very thing Ninja needs in her cold and unexciting life?



A Sungyeol two-shot written on request for thekeytomyheart! Sorry for the late post! I know you've been waiting for a long time, but let's hope this story meets your expectation! 

Hope everyone else enjoys the story as well! You can also read my compilation of Infinite one-shots centred on the theme of Christmas to brighten up your holidays!

This will.... be a three-shot :p Hope you all enjoy it!


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writerofthistory #1
Chapter 3: You author-nim have made my day ! Love sungyeol :)