
Honey Vinaigrette


 Warning: Some gore. Also this chapter is a mess. Literally, and figuratively.


   An open, giant cooler of fish stood in front of the doorway, blocking Hyungwon’s way of getting inside his room. What a great way to start off a chapter.


One week earlier:

   “It hasn’t been half a year yet and we’ve already gone on a hiatus.” Minhyuk sighed. He was sitting in a chair in the kitchen, his feet propped up on the table. It was two in the morning. “Unannounced, too. It’s awfully out of character for me to say this, but if this continues, we might as well just call it quits.”

   “Oh please do.” Hyungwon grunted, sipping on his coffee. “That’ll do us all a favour. It’s exhausting, being in a nutjob of a story like this. We just had a comeback, too.”

   “But we’ve still got so much planned out. Like, the actual good part of the story. We just need to find away to properly transition from this to an actual plot.” Minhyuk said, “I know it’s been like ten chapters already, but the author needs time to get back onto her feet. She got hospitalized, after all.” (Yes, it’s true, I got hospitalized.)

   “I find funny how you think this story can actually be good when there are still so many plot holes.” Hyungwon rolled his eyes, and proceeded to mix a 5-hour energy into his coffee. “We’re set in a school setting, but we’re hardly seen actually attending class. I know the crazy that happens here is mostly set after school or on weekends, but we can’t keep doing that forever. There comes a point where it just gets unrealistic. Also, you,” Hyungwon jabbed a finger at Minhyuk, “Are becoming more and more out of character. In the description, you’re supposed to be sunny, a ray of sunshine, finger-curlingly sweet, but now you’re just a disappointment.” He reached for the closest bottled liquid, which happened to be a Mountain Dew, and dumped it into his “coffee”. “You aren’t even sweet anymore, you’re just annoying now. You’re bringing shame to this entire story, and you’re debunking the logic of this story’s title. If this keeps up, people are gonna hate you more than any character in Household Affairs.”

A few pellets of sweat dropped from Minhyuk’s head as he watched Hyungwon dump a Red Bull into his concoction. It was true that he wasn’t living up to his supposedly sunny and bright character lately, but to say he was worse than any given character in Household Affairs? Harsh.

   “Well lately you haven’t been as satirical and salty as you were in the first few chapters.” Minhyuk shot back, “In Orange Juice, essentially all you did was threaten Changkyun with the Glitter Slitter.”

   “Well at least I wasn’t as big of a disappointment as Jooheon in that chapter.”

   “True, but at least he was funny.

   “I don’t think you’re in the place to say anything.”

   “Why are we even having this conversation!?”

   “To beef up the length of this chapter.”

Minhyuk groaned, and buried his head in his hands. When he looked up, he saw Hyungwon pouring a water-like substance in a glass bottle into his coffee.

   “What is this stuff, anyways? Water? Sprite?” Hyungwon asked.

Minhyuk winced as Hyungwon chugged his creation.

   “That’s vodka.”


Hyungwon spat out his drink onto Minhyuk’s face.

   “Why didn’t you tell me earlier!?”

   “There’s a label on it that says, in capital letters, VODKA. If you keep drinking that, you might wake up in the woods, tomorrow.

   “Why do we even have vodka in our room? We’re underage.”

That’s what I want to know, too. But for the record, Hyungwon safely woke up in his bed, but had an for the next two or three days. The conclusion of their late night conversation was that more crazy is comin’ for ya, and it’s gonna be worse than ever.


Hyungwon honestly didn’t have a bad day at school. Meaning, the amount of time he spent plotting the murder of his classmates was short compared to other days. He almost thought today would be normal. He spent some time in the practice room talking to Jooheon, and decided to go home early as a celebration event.

   “See that!?” Hyungwon screeched at Minhyuk, “I was having a good day until now!”

The situation was that Hyungwon was standing on the cooler full of fish, shouting of Minhyuk for bringing in that giant cooler of fish. Well, in Hyungwon’s defense, it is hard to not be an when there was a strong scent of fish in your dorm.

   “Now, now,” Minhyuk raised his hands in defense, “Look on the bright side. We won’t have to worry about dinner for the next few days at least.”

Hyungwon paused for a second, in thought.

   “Do you know how to cook fish? And are the fish even gutted?”

   “No, and no.”

   “...Do you know how to gut a fish?”


   “Get rid of it. Get rid of it all right now.”



   “We should probably get rid of all the scales, first.”

WHY!? Hyungwon screamed to himself. He and Minhyuk both stood at the sink, each holding a dead fish and a knife.

   “And then, we can get the insides out!” Minhyuk happily declared, as he began to scale the fish. Hyungwon just watched in horror as the scales began to come off. How the did Minhyuk even convince him to do this!?

One hour earlier:

   “I got a call from my mom yesterday saying that my dad recently got into fishing.” Minhyuk began, after Hyungwon had cooled off a bit. Hyungwon sat on the floor with a red bump on his forehead, listening. “And when my dad gets into something, he really gets into it. So on his latest fishing trip, he brought back four coolers of this stuff.”

   “So they sent you all this fish, blood and organs all?”

   “Yup. I swear, my dad’s gonna drive this family insane.”

   “I-If it isn’t too much to ask,” Hyungwon stuttered, “What else did your dad do to make you say that?”

   “Well he taught me how to drive when I was eleven.”

   “I don’t need to hear any more.”

   “So my mom decided to send some of this stuff over so they wouldn’t have to waste some 400 fish.” Minhyuk explained, patting the cooler.

   “I feel bad for your mom.”

   “Both my parents don’t even like fish.”

   “I don’t even like fish either.”

   “Same here.”


So here Hyungwon stood, stiffly trying to scrape off the scales of a fish, while Minhyuk happily whistled beside him. They ended up reading a WikiHow on gutting fish, and got the gist of it. (More or less.)

   “A-are you sure we’re doing this right?” He asked, flicking the scales into the sink.

   “We’re on the first step, I don’t think it’s possible to get the first step wrong, Hyungwon.” Minhyuk replied, running his fish under water. “So the next step is to slit the fish in half, right?”

   “I guess.”

Taking his knife, Minhyuk held the fish by its head, ran his knife through its stomach.

   “I think I did this right-”

The bottom half of the fish fell into the sink, along with most of the internal organs.


   “You idiot!” Hyungwon shouted, grasping Minhyuk by the shoulders, “You aren’t supposed to slice the fish into two! You’re supposed to cut lengthwise! Do you not have common logic? Here, watch me do it!”

Hyungwon grabbed his fish, and violently stuck his knife into the neck. Blood splattered all over his face and the sink. And possibly into Hyungwon’s nostrils.

   “...Huh? W-wait Minhyuk help! WIPE THE BLOOD OFF BEFORE I GET HERPES!”

Note: You don’t get herpes from this, Hyungwon is just uneducated.

   “You’re doing it wrong too!” Minhyuk gasped, doubled over with laughter. “You-” He was abruptly silenced by Hyungwon throwing the fish in his face.

   “Please shut the up and gut these damn fish before I shove one down your throat, entrails and all.”

The fish fell to the floor with a splat! revealing Minhyuk’s bloodied face. The intestines hung off the bridge of his nose.

   “Yes master.”

Anyone who would walk past their dorm in the next hour or so would think there was a mass murder happening. Wonho walked by, hearing Minhyuk scream “Where do I stick the knife!?” followed by Hyungwon screaming “Into the and up!” and thought his neighbours were having seriously . The creepy guy from room 206 was there too, and Wonho decided it wasn’t worth pointing out that he had a growing bulge in his pants. Meanwhile, in Minhyuk and Hyungwon’s kitchen, things were looking...just like a mass murder scene. A giant pile of reject fish lay on one side of the counter, and a giant pile of entrails were on the other side. Give or take a few kidneys and stomachs that were splattered over the ground. And Minhyuk and Hyungwon...well… they were screaming at each other, knives in hand, in their underwear. (Can’t get those clothes stained. Especially not with blood.)

   “I said go from the up!” Hyungwon shrieked, “Not from the DOWN, now you just tore up its and that’s about it!”

   “I’m sorry I’m bad at this!” Minhyuk shrieked back, “Here, I’ll uh…” He dragged the knife upwards, slicing the stomach in half.

   “There you go! Now get the insides out!”

   “I’m doing that right now!”

He held the fish so both he and Hyungwon could see it. Taking a spoon, he carefully scooped out the insides-

   “Oh -”

And they somehow ended up getting flung onto Hyungwon’s torso.

   “Are you ing kidding me, Minhyuk.”

   “I have a shaky hand I-I’m sorry.”




   “I. SAID. I’M. SORRY!”

The screaming went back and forth for the next while, (It then escalated to them attempting to strangle each other) which became so intense there seemed to be a giant aura of nen around them. (HunterxHunter reference.) It was so intense that they didn’t notice Shownu and his tiny presence in this story enter their dorm with Kihyun’s extra key.

   “Hey guys, hope you don’t mind me coming in, Kihyun is really mad at at me and I have no idea what to do-”

Both Minhyuk and Hyungwon whipped their heads around just in time to see Shownu’s eyes roll into the back of his head.


Minhyuk released his hands from Hyungwon’s throat, and looked around the room, which, undeniably, looked like an absolute murder scene. Fish guts were basically all over the place, and blood from at least fifty or so fish was all over the floor. Both he and Hyungwon were in their underwear, with blood spattered over their arms and faces, trying to strangle each other.

   “...What are we gonna tell Kihyun?”

And that is how Shownu got sent to the emergency room while mumbling PPAP after passing out. He may or may not have post traumatic stress disorder after this. And that is also how Minhyuk and Hyungwon got beaten the out of by Kihyun. (For multiple reasons, but mostly Shownu.)


   “So...How are we gonna clean this place up?” Minhyuk said, standing in the doorway of the kitchen. “I don’t think either of us have the skills to clean this place up properly.”

   “I can always hire another e.” Hyungwon sighed, picking at his fingernails. (They both took showers, thank god.)

   “On second thought, get me the windex.”

   “Oh, and also, what are we gonna do with all this fish we massacred?”


It was the day after Shownu had passed out, and he just got released from the hospital. Kihyun had picked him up, and they had just gotten back to the apartment. The second Shownu stepped in, he was welcomed with everyone sitting at the dinner table, and a wonderful aroma coming from the kitchen.

   “What is all this?” He asked, his brows furrowed.

   “Well as an apology, Minhyuk and Hyungwon offered to make dinner for all of us!” Kihyun explained, sitting Shownu down in a chair.

   “I didn’t know they could cook, though.” Jooheon inquired. Changkyun nodded in agreement.

   “Food is ready!” Minhyuk called from the kitchen, bringing out a HUGE mixing bowl filled to the brim with fish. He set the bowl on the table, and Kihyun swore he heard the table crack.

  “W-where did you get all this fish?”

Hyungwon poked his head out of the kitchen.

   “Minhyuk’s family happened.” He hastily said, “I swear, we gutted them properly, so if any of you get food poisoning it’s not because of the fish at all.”

(Later in the evening, Shownu found Kihyun passed out on the toilet, in the middle of his poop, quite possibly dead. He is convinced it's the clowns.)



Im back guys. (Damnit.) So sorry about the unannounced month-long break, but a lot of stuff happened. Went on vacation, then school started, I got hospitalized because of an infection, and then i had to catch up with all my missed homework, yeah the past month has been hell. (Besides the vacation that was good .) But I finally got around to writing this chapter, so yay.


Household affairs is a manga (or manhwa cause the characters are korean by the looks of it) in which every single character is a dip. It also has a lot of heteroual , and the wife needs to wear a bra. (I honestly didn't like it at all.)

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2016/10/09: Since there are gonna be a lot of references in this story in general, I've decided to list them all out at the end of each chapter.


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Chapter 11: Omg ... ㅠㅠ
MuttsuLiniRicchan16 #2
Chapter 11: Noooo, hyungwon don't cry TT.
Chapter 11: HYUNGwOON ( btw what if minhyuk got a goldfish)
Chapter 10: JOOooOoHhhhhnnnnnyyy MAH BOOOiiiii
EstherElectra #5
Chapter 7: I'm crying this is so funny
Lmao this is some amusing stuff here, keep it up
Chapter 3: this ...story too funny ...
Minhyuk and Hyungwon are such a blasting dynamic duo.
Poor Shownu , having a roommate like Kihyun ( roommate or bedmate), I feel you man ...but Kihyun seems to make your apartment nice to be inhabitated