Hair Clippings

Honey Vinaigrette



“Hyungwon, come look at this!” Minhyuk called Hyungwon over to his computer. He was on the YouTube tab, with a music video called “Stuck” playing. “It’s us! But like in the real world and way cooler!” He replayed the video.

   “I’d like to point out that we both have close to no lines in the entire song.” Hyungwon said, after the music video was finished. “But damn we look cool. And who decided it was a good idea to have Wonho wear a collar.”

   “Probably one of the stylists.”

   “I will single handedly ask the company to give that stylist a raise. Also can we get on to the actual story, this is getting too long.”


Minhyuk and Hyungwon laid on their bathroom floor, panting. By now, it was already evening, and they still hadn’t gotten the tape off their toilet seat.

   “Man, this is impossible…” Minhyuk heaved. Hyungwon nodded in agreement. “At this rate, we won’t be able to shower later.”

   “We can just crash Kihyun’s room again. But I’ll crash Wonho’s shower instead.”

   “You have an ulterior motive, don’t you.”

The two then stayed silent for another few minutes, before Minhyuk spoke up again.

   “Wait, what time is it right now?”

   “9:21.” Hyungwon said, looking at the clock near the shower.

   “Huh!?” Minhyuk stared wide-eyed in shock.

   “Wait hold up, 9:21!? We’ve wasted too much ing time ripping duct tape off the toilet! It’s a weekday. It’s Tuesday! There’s school tomorrow!” Hyungwon shouted, hurriedly.

   “Then we need to think of something fast! We can’t just leave our toilet and shower unattended until the weekend!” Minhyuk exclaimed, trying to rip more tape off the toilet seat. “We’re only like what, halfway done with the toilet, and we’ve still got the shower! Have you got anything, ‘cause I dont!”

Hyungwon anxiously tapped his foot against the floor. His face contorted into a scowl, trying his best to think of something that would put shame to the author’s image. (Lmao what image.)

   “Well I have something…” He said, slowly, “But I’m not sure if you’re gonna like it.”

   “It doesn’t matter at this point! You can be selling Kihyun off for all I care about, don’t actually do that, but just hurry!”

Hyungwon jumped up, grabbed his bag, and rushed out the door, into the hallway.

   “Don’t worry man, I won’t sell off Kihyun. He wouldn’t be worth much anyways.”

Minhyuk sat worriedly on the bathroom ground watching Hyungwon go. He didn’t have a great feeling about this.


The cold, night breeze brushed against Hyungwon’s face as he ran as fast as he could down the streets of the downtown. Of course for safety reasons, he had a pink, rhinestone studded pocket knife in his bag that he liked to call the Glitter Slitter, which was surprisingly intimidating. Okay… He pursed his lips, looking around attentively. It’s downtown so they’ve got to be around somewhere…

   “Hey kid, you looking for something?”

Hyungwon turned around to see a lightly clad woman around her twenties smirking at him. Jackpot.

   “How much for one hour?” He asked. The woman raised an eyebrow.

   “Starting off early aren’t ya? Twenty bucks.”

   “Okay miss, you will be coming with me.” He dug around in his bag and handed her the money. “But hurry it up, I’m in a rush.”

However, Hyungwon found out that with her heels, the woman did not run very fast.

   “Miss, do you need me to ing carry you you’re too slow.”

   “S-shut up, kid!”

   “Dude, I’ll carry your heels in my bag, but hurry hurry!”

He took her shoes, and dumped them into her bag, and started running again. There was a slight tugging at his zipper. Hyungwon turned around to see the lady’s entire head of hair caught on to his zipper, with the lady herself freaking out behind him over her wig. What the … He thought.


Minhyuk’s left eye twitched. His best friend stood at the doorway with an arm around a hooker, and all her could do was freeze and look at them with the most disgusted expression he could make.

   “Hyungwon y-you’re gay.” He finally uttered. Hyungwon rolled his eyes.

   “I’m pretty sure I am aware of my own uality, but thanks anyways.” He then motioned to the hooker. “I got us some help.”

   “I can’t believe you got a hooker to help us rip tape off our toilet!” Minhyuk raged, “You could have just threatened Kihyun with my idea of selling him or something!”

   “And how many hours would that take?”

Minhyuk stood silently for a moment before looking up again.

   “Okay then, miss, you will be coming this way.” He led the hooker over to the bathroom. “You will be ripping the remaining tape off the toilet while we rip the tape off the shower floor. Teamwork is key here. Fighting! Oh, and you can leave whenever you’re done with the toilet.”

It was the hooker's turn to glare at them with the same expression Minhyuk had on earlier.


   Minhyuk and Hyungwon sat on their bathroom floor, panting. (Wait, hasn’t this happened already!?) By now, it was almost midnight and they had finally rid their bathroom of the tape.

   “Oh man… finally.” Minhyuk heaved. “I can finally take a shower. We’re getting a new violin teacher, so I’ve got to make a good impression!”

   “Go ahead. If up to your teachers is you tactic of getting good grades, I ain’t stopping you.”

Minhyuk pouted, and puffed out his cheeks before grabbing a change of clothes.

   “Now then…” Hyungwon grabbed a music sheet and went to his piano.


   “Oh my god can you stop singing!?” Hyungwon shouted. “When did you think it was a good idea to sing DUBSTEP?”

   “Hyungwon.” Minhyuk calmly, “There are two things that get to be free when I’m in the shower. My balls, and my soul.” He then continued to sing his Skrillex. Hyungwon held his head in his hands. Why. The singing only continued for a due few minutes before the shower stopped. Finally… Hyungwon inwardly rejoiced.

   “You can use the shower now.” Minhyuk yawned, drying his hair with a towel.

   “Finally- OH NO!” Hyungwon’s jaw dropped to the ground the second he caught a glance of Minhyuk.

   “What?” Minhyuk started at Hyungwon with wide eyes.

   “Go look in the mirror!” Hyungwon got up and pushed Minhyuk towards the bathroom, and shoved his face in front of the mirror. Minhyuk’s jaw then dropped to the ground as well. He raised a shaky hand towards his hair.

   “W-why is it green…?” He slowly whispered. “No...put it back! Put the green back!

   “I would if I could!” Hyungwon said, trying to oppress Minhyuk, who was trying to rip out his hair. “Look, I’ll ask if Wonho has some hair dye. It might not be your original shade, but anything has to be better than green.”


   “Is blue okay?” Wonho suggested, holding up a bottle of blue hair dye.

   “N-no.” Hyungwon uttered.

   “Well it’s the only shade I have.” Wonho said, matter-of-factly. He crossed his legs. “Can’t you guys just wait until tomorrow?”

   “We could, but this kid over here,” Hyungwon jabbed a finger towards Minhyuk, “Has a good impression to make tomorrow.”

   “Green hair can be professional in some cases.” Wonho said.

   “Well then we must be living in two completely different worlds here.” Hyungwon deadpanned. Minhyuk felt his patience thinning, as Hyungwon and Wonho argued back and forth.

   “Guys, enough!” He shouted, making Hyungwon and Wonho turn their heads. “Just cut the dyed parts off. There are still some blonde strands.”

   “Well I guess that can’t hurt, right?” Wonho shrugged.

   “Okay, well I guess we can have a go.” Hyungwon sighed. He pulled out a chair, and found a pair of scissors in the bathroom. “Okay, you sit here.” He motioned for Minhyuk to sit in the chair,     “While we try our ing best.” Taking a deep breath, Hyungwon started.

   “Wow, you aren’t as bad as I thought.” Wonho commented. “You’ve got good posture.”

   “You don’t have to pretend you weren’t looking at my .” Hyungwon deadpanned, making Wonho laugh. “Minhyuk, is it okay if I cut your hair shorter this time- oh .”

   “What did you just say!?” Minhyuk cried. “My hair still better be in good shape!”

   “Author, please cross out the last part.” Hyungon whispered. Wait, don’t you think that’s giving them too much freedom!? But anyhow, there was now a small bald spot on Minhyuk’s head. Hyungwon and Wonho both winced.

   “Well now we’re definitely cutting it short.”

In the end, Hyungwon had taken a razor and shaved Minhyuk’s entire head.

   “M-my hair…” Minhyuk sobbed, curled up into a ball, holding a mirror in the corner of the room. “They don’t even allow hats…”

   “I never knew he took that much pride in his hair.” Hyungwon uttered, “It wasn’t even good in the first place.”

   “Come to think of it, I think I have something that might fix that.” Wonho said, “My friend Changkyun lent it to me. It’s this hair-growth serum that apparently makes your hair grow like super fast.”

A vein in Hyungwon’s head popped. This .

   “Why didn’t you say so before Minhyuk’s head looked like a hazing accident!?” He angrily said, making Wonho raise both hands in defense. Hyungwon groaned. “Well, whatever. Just bring it. Anything’s better than having a similar haircut to the One Punch Man.”

Soon, Hyungwon was vigorously rubbing the serum all over Minhyuk’s bald head. He really didn’t trust the idea of a hair-growth serum, but hey, they were pretty desperate here. As long as Minhyuk didn’t look like he was losing hair at the age of 16, things should be okay.

   “Oh yeah I forgot to mention,” Wonho suddenly piped up, “Changkyun made that serum himself.”

Hyungwon halted, and slowly turned his head to face Wonho.

   “What the did you just say-

He was interrupted by a sudden a sudden explosion of hair; Minhyuk’s natural brown hair shot out and covered his entire body, and the chair, and draped several metres on the floor. Hyungwon’s jaw dropped to the ground. (How has he not dislocated his jaw yet) You’ve got to be kidding me…

   “What the hell is going on!?” Minhyuk’s shouts were muffled by his hair.

   “Now this isn’t going to work.” Wonho condemned, examining Minhyuk’s hair. “Although it is very soft, we’re still going to have to cut it.”

   “Well no …” Hyungwon wheezed, still shocked at what just happened. He handed Wonho a pair of scissors. “You take the left side, I’ll take the right.”

And they went back to work, gigantic hair clippings falling to the floor at a somewhat alarming rate. Soon enough, they were finished, however…

   “T-this isn’t going to cut it…” Wonho groaned. Hyungwon nodded. On the left side of Minhyuk’s head was a ing bowl cut, and Hyungwon somehow managed to give the right side an afro. “Though I must admit, you have some skills, giving him an afro with just scissors.”

   “Yeah, I should just stop playing the piano and use my mad skillz to become a stylist.” Hyungwon sarcastically commented. “I think we have to restart this again. Get me the razor.”

All Minhyuk do was cry as his hair was shaved yet again. And clipped yet again. Repeat process around ten times. By now, beads of sweat were rolling off of Hyungwon and Wonho’s noses. Minhyuk’s hair was in its long form again, and Wonho raised his scissors to attempt a cut when-

   “Oh no, it grew back!” He exclaimed, causing Hyungwon to drop his scissors. Wonho was right. The hair did grow back.

   “Wait let me try.”

All they could do was collectively sigh, as Minhyuk’s hair, indeed, did grow back.

   “What even caused this to happen in the first place?” Minhyuk sobbed, tugging at his long hair.

   “Probably Kihyun.” Hyungwon huffed. It was way past midnight, so there wasn’t much anyone could do about it now. “Let’s just call it quits tonight.”

   “I am so sorry this happened.” Minhyuk quietly said, “I mean, come on. I could have just went with green hair.”

   “Nothing’s your fault.” Hyungwon placed a gentle hand on Minhyuk’s shoulder. “But I’m sorry to say that you’re gonna have to say goodbye to your good impression.”


   “Okay, done!”

It was the morning after the entire disaster, and Minhyuk still had flowing, long hair. Currently, he was sitting on his bed, with everyone crowded around him, while the Girl from the Ring introduced in Chapter 1 braided his hair.

   “Man, that was a real great help, Hyunli!” Wonho exclaimed. Hyunli rolled her eyes.

   “Yeah, you first break up with me and then you tell me to braide this er’s hair.” She grunted.  “Come to think about it, what the hell even happened to this guy?”

A collective sigh echoed around the room.

   “Too much. Way too much.”


It was supposed to be a nice day for Kihyun. He was even whistling when he walked to class. However, it all shattered when he caught ahold of Minhyuk and Hyungwon in the hallway. Or more specifically, Minhyuk with twin braids that both went down to his kneecaps. Without thinking, he immediately got down on his knees and did a full bow in apology in front of Minhyuk. This had to have something to do with him.



Applauding for the longest chapter I've written here whoop. This was incredibly inspired by SKET Dance, which by the way, y'all should watch.


The One Punch Man is an anime character who is very well known for his bald head.

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2016/10/09: Since there are gonna be a lot of references in this story in general, I've decided to list them all out at the end of each chapter.


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Chapter 11: Omg ... ㅠㅠ
MuttsuLiniRicchan16 #2
Chapter 11: Noooo, hyungwon don't cry TT.
Chapter 11: HYUNGwOON ( btw what if minhyuk got a goldfish)
Chapter 10: JOOooOoHhhhhnnnnnyyy MAH BOOOiiiii
EstherElectra #5
Chapter 7: I'm crying this is so funny
Lmao this is some amusing stuff here, keep it up
Chapter 3: this ...story too funny ...
Minhyuk and Hyungwon are such a blasting dynamic duo.
Poor Shownu , having a roommate like Kihyun ( roommate or bedmate), I feel you man ...but Kihyun seems to make your apartment nice to be inhabitated