Customer Service

Honey Vinaigrette



Warning: The amount of dirty jokes in this chapter makes me lose my will to live.


The B.O. (And no, it does NOT stand for Barack Obama) apartment building is an apartment building near A.H. Institute of Music and Arts. It’s a comedically run-down apartment building densely populated by students. However, the students have to pay their own rent, however cheap it may be. Most of the students resorted to multiple odd jobs. Minhyuk and Hyungwon were no exceptions. It was a Sunday morning, when Minhyuk, Kihyun, and their classmate, Jooheon, sat at a table in a McDonald’s.

   “Hyungwon seems to be in an uncharacteristically good mood today.” Kihyun commented, pointing towards Hyungwon standing at the register in his uniform and all. “He’s actually smiling.”

   “It’s because he hasn’t had his day ruined yet.” Minhyuk stated, matter-of factly. He sighed, and shook his head. “Believe me, every Sunday afternoon when I check up on him, he’s wearing the most pained expression that’s probably reserved just for this job. Then, when he gets home, he locks himself up in the bathroom and screams for 10 minutes or so. When I ask him what's wrong, he tells me that he should have become a male stripper instead.”

Kihyun and Jooheon started at Minhyuk.

   “Does Hyungwon really hate his job that much?” Jooheon asked, with a surprised expression on his face.

   “Of course he does, he’s Hyungwon.” Minhyuk said, as if it were plain obvious. “Hyungwon hates working in general. Plus, he has to deal with unrealistically aggravating customers. All for the rent.” His phone buzzed. “Guys, I got a text from Hyungwon.”

Jooheon and Kihyun crowded around him to see. Both their faces fell as soon as they read the text.

   Lanky Child (Hyungwon): hELP ME IM ABOUT TO KILL MYSELF HERE.

All three of their heads snapped towards Hyungwon’s direction.


Meanwhile, Hyungwon watched as a woman leaned across the counter while he was taking her order.

   “So just one hamburger and an order of small fries?” He inquired.

   “Yup.” The woman said, while loudly chewing her gum. She smirked and stretched out her hand to caress Hyungwon’s cheek. “You’re really cute, you know that? Look, I don’t have any money with me today…” The woman pretended to pout, causing Hyungwon to develop a bitter taste in his mouth. She then proceeded to pull her top a bit, and slid her number across the counter. “But I can pay you another way...does it get your heart beating?”

   “Yeah, my heart nearly stopped.” Hyungwon replied, raising an eyebrow. “Look man, I really need the cash. And for the record, I have a boyfriend.” Okay, the boyfriend part wasn’t true, but he did need the money more than getting banged up by a lady quite possibly twice his age.

   “And how hot is your boyfriend?” The woman asked, with venom lacing her tone. Oh, how Hyungwon wanted to drown himself in that oil used for the fries.

   “On a scale from one to ten? A certified twenty.” He paused a bit, in thought. Oh, and he totally didn’t think of Wonho when he said that. “As a reference point, you’re probably a six point five.”

   “You know what, you!” The woman seethed, stomping off. “.”

   “You do realize you’ve made my drier than Arizona!” Hyungwon shouted after her. He then turned to the next customer. “May I take your order please?”

   “U-um…” The poor customer was clearly traumatized. Hyungwon didn’t blame her. If it wasn’t his shift, then he would have thrown up over the register by now.



   “This is a McDonald’s.” Hyungwon calmly said, “If you want tacos, go to the ing Taco Bell next door.” He pointed to his left. Around half an hour after the thirsty af lady left, a tall, burly male customer came in. Hyungwon mentally prepared himself for the worst case scenario, which isn’t appropriate for the public eye, so we’re not gonna mention it.

   “You little brat!” The burly man grabbed Hyungwon by his collar. “GO YOURSELF, YOU WUSS! I WANT TO TALK TO YOUR MANAGER!”

   “Oh, the manager?” Hyungwon inquired. He then pointed to the kitchen. “Sure, but she’s probably someone’s at the back, so be careful.”

Needless to say, the customer left, but not before giving Hyungwon a punch in the face. Hyungwon sighed, and went to the back to get some ice, where he found his manager someone’s while a batch of patties caught on fire.


On a select few days, Hyungwon would actually see a considerate customer. It made his heart flutter, and probably unclogged his pores. Today was one of those days.

   “I saw the guy that just stomped out…” A boy that was probably a few years younger than Hyungwon himself said, after ordering. “It must be hard to deal with so many inconsiderate people.”

   “You have no idea.” Hyungwon commented. He looked at the boy, and patted him on the shoulder. “In the future, whenever you are in the need of a part time job, never work at a resturaunt.”

   “I think I get what you’re saying.”

After the boy left, Hyungwon wistfully stared at the doorway. Maybe he could make it through his shift without taking an unhealthily large dose of advil.


   “What would you recommend on this menu?”

Hyungwon inwardly screeched. It was this kind of customer.

   “What I would recommend,” He said exasperatedly, “Is that you decide what you plan on ordering before you get to the front of the line.”

   “I-I just want your suggestions.” The schoolgirl muttered, twiddling with her fingers. Hyungwon bit his tongue, and refrained from possibly making her lose her will to live. “I’m just deciding between a veggie burger, a cheeseburger, or the one with jalapenos.” Half an hour later, the girl finally came up with her choice. “I would like to order the burger with jalapenos, with an order of medium fries, please!” She said, confidently. Hyungwon winced. And she was wearing such a bubbly expression on her face as well. He leaned inwards, getting closer to the girl.

   “I’m really sorry to break this to you…” He whispered in her ear, “But that jalepeno burger is gonna make your hurt more than my first time receiving without lubricant by the end of the day. If you aren’t up for that, I would reconsider your order.”

The girl turned the shade of a tomato. In the end, she walked away with a veggie burger. Hyungwon could swear he saw steam emitting from her head.


The moment Minhyuk appeared at the fast-food restaurant, Hyungwon ran straight into his arms. (The schoolgirl he recently took the order of watched with a suspicious expression on her face.)

   “You have no idea how much I miss you.” Hyungwon exclaimed, his words muffled into Minhyuk’s sweater. “There’s no way people this obnoxious exist in the real world, right?”

   “I’m assuming you had a tough day.” Minhyuk patted Hyungwon’s head. “I’m gonna destroy that author for making you suffer like that.”

Wait no don’t do that. I sincerely apologize to Hyungwon, but it’s all for comedic effects.



Yeah. Also, thank you to all three of my subscribers to this story. I seriously appreciate your support :’)

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2016/10/09: Since there are gonna be a lot of references in this story in general, I've decided to list them all out at the end of each chapter.


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Chapter 11: Omg ... ㅠㅠ
MuttsuLiniRicchan16 #2
Chapter 11: Noooo, hyungwon don't cry TT.
Chapter 11: HYUNGwOON ( btw what if minhyuk got a goldfish)
Chapter 10: JOOooOoHhhhhnnnnnyyy MAH BOOOiiiii
EstherElectra #5
Chapter 7: I'm crying this is so funny
Lmao this is some amusing stuff here, keep it up
Chapter 3: this ...story too funny ...
Minhyuk and Hyungwon are such a blasting dynamic duo.
Poor Shownu , having a roommate like Kihyun ( roommate or bedmate), I feel you man ...but Kihyun seems to make your apartment nice to be inhabitated