New Year, New Me

Honey Vinaigrette



Disclaimer: This chapter is actually set closer to Halloween than New Years.


   “I’m sorry.” Minhyuk clenched his fist as he bowed as low as his back could take him. “Hyungwon is in the hospital. I don’t think he can make the performance.” Hyungwon’s piano teacher stood in front him with her arms crossed.

   “I’ll have to give his position to someone else.” She grimly said. Minhyuk squeezed his eyes shut. Every inch of him was filled with dread. “Is he going to be okay with that?”

Minhyuk nodded. Of course Hyungwon wasn’t going to be okay with it, but did they have a choice? There was no way Minhyuk was going to let Hyungon on stage four days after he was hit by a truck.

   “I see.” Hyungwon’s teacher sighed, and leaned against her doorframe. She rubbed her temples. “I hope he makes a fast recovery.”

Minhyuk was then sent off back home in misery. That’s right. Hyungwon had a performance in two days. He had chosen the worst possible time to be hit by a truck. Minhyuk didn’t know if Hyungwon would even wake up in two days time- the doctors and nurses told them to be patient. Shoving his hands in his pockets, Minhyuk slowly made his way towards the hospital.

   “Minhyuk, you better film this!” Hyungwon shouted from his room. His hands were twitching with excitement.

   “Coming!” Minhyuk bursted through the door with his phone in hand, ready to record.

   “I don’t know what happened…” Hyungwon stuttered, “B-but when I played today, everything just sounded much better. I have no idea why.”

   “Is this the one you’re performing in a week?” Minhyuk asked, steadying his phone over Hyungwon’s hands.

   “One of the two, yeah. This one finally started sounding good today, but the other one is still crap.”

   “Well I’m sure you’ll do it in time.”

   “You’d better be sure.” Hyungwon said, a shining glint in his eyes. “I’m more ing pumped than ever. Anyone dare take my place, I. Will. Murder.”

Minhyuk laughed. He knew Hyungwon was joking, but under his snarky comments was someone more serious than ever. He had no doubt that if anyone dared challenge Hyungwon, they would be cut down immediately. He was so sure.

Pushing open the door to Hyungwon’s room, Minhyuk was yet again greeted to Hyungwon’s sleeping body. He looked so at peace. So innocent and vulnerable. So different from his usual self. Minhyuk let himself stare at Hyungwon for a while. Hyungwon always seemed so far away, so much more accomplished than him, but for this first time, Minhyuk felt as if he were next to him. He sat down in the chair placed next to Hyungwon’s bed- the chair he had been sitting in for the better part of the day before.

   “Hyungwon,” Minhyuk whispered, grabbing Hyungwon’s limp hand, “I’m sorry but I had to give your position up. You’re unhealthy and I don’t want to put you in danger-”


Hyungwon was up, screaming, his heartbeat monitor furiously beeping. What a grandiose entrance.  


Wonho raced up the stairs to the second floor of the hospital. Hyungwon was up. He was still alive.

   “Which room is he in?” Wonho panted over the phone.

   “Room 666.” Minhyuk answered. “Somewhat fitting if you ask me, but I’m not gonna say any more. We have a minor problem here.”

   “What do you mean?” Wonho asked, scanning the room numbers for 666.

   “It’s a bit difficult to explain. Just get your here and you’ll see.”

   “Bro just tell me-”

Minhyuk hung up. Rude. Wonho turned another corner and into a narrow hallway, where he found room 666 right away. Quietly, he pushed open the door. Everyone was staring back at him. (Everyone meaning the entirety of Monsta X.)

   “So...What’s the problem?” Wonho quietly asked. He then noticed the pessimistic atmosphere that was negative enough to give an angsty teenager crippling depression for two years. It seemed as if nobody wanted to explain what had happened. Finally, after, what, half an hour, Minhyuk cleared his throat.

   “Uh… Hyungwon lost his entire personality.”

   “Uh… I don’t think that’s biologically possible.”


One hour earlier

   “Hyungwon!” Minhyuk exclaimed, seeing Hyungwon still alive and obviously kicking. “You’re okay!” He wrapped his arms around Hyungwon, nearly choking the poor guy.

   “Y-yeah…” Hyungwon muttered, gently prying Minhyuk’s arm off his shoulder. “I’m good. Thanks?”

   “You were out for what, a day and a half, two days? I don’t know, but I was so worried!” Minhyuk shouted, grasping Hyungwon’s shoulders. However, Minhyuk’s happy bubble was immediately popped, remembering the sad news he had to deliver. “Hyungwon, I have to apologize in advance.” Minhyuk said, his face falling. “I...I had to give up your position.” He squeezed his eyes shut, “I know how much you wanted to rock that stage, but I can’t let you perform right after you’ve been injured this badly.” He braced himself for Hyungwon to yell at him, but how could be blame Hyungwon?

   “I do not mind”

What the . Snapping his head up, Minhyuk looked Hyungwon straight in the face. No emotion at all.

   “E-excuse me?” Minhyuk stuttered, still staring at Hyungwon.

   “I do not mind” Hyungwon repeated, “I can see that you are worried about my health. I greatly appreciate it.”

It was then that Minhyuk noticed the soulless, robotic voice Hyungwon was talking in. Something was off.

   “Hyungwon, this isn’t like you.” Minhyuk scolded, “Come to your senses! Do you need me to knock you out again? ”

   “No, I do not.” Hyungwon answered, “But I need you to listen to what I have to say. That’s what Hyungwon is screaming inside my head.”

   “Bro, so we need to get you checked out, you’re referring to yourself in third person. My uncle started doing that in his fourth year in prison and it wasn’t pretty.”

   “No, you !”

Minhyuk squinted at Hyungwon. Now, he was talking normally. Did he adopt a dual personality in his mini coma?

   “Hey...real Hyungwon…” Minhyuk said, weirded out.

   “Okay, here’s what’s happening. I haven’t got a lot of time here.” Real Hyungwon hastily started, “After I got knocked out, I was sent to the author for some reason. Then, they decided I was too much of a for this ty blue site, and Vegeta completely drained me of my personality. I had to get down on my knees and beg for one more chance to speak to you.”

   “’re stuck inside your own head by the author of this story?” Minhyuk asked quizzically.

   “Yup, basically.” Hyungwon said, pulling out his phone. “Oh look, Vegeta wants me back.” He pressed the phone to his ear. “Hey, Vegeta.”

   “IT’S GOKU, MOTHERER.” Was heard over the line.

   “Okay, I gotta go now, or else my might be chopped off.” Hyungwon said, waving. “It’s goodbye for time being!” He then proceeded to close his eyes. When he opened them again, his usual bright eyes were replaced with soulless orbs. Minhyuk was still weirded out.

   “That is what happened.” Soulless Hyungwon said. Minhyuk started blankly for a couple of minutes. He then grabbed Hyungwon’s ear, and pressed his face against it.

   “Goku!” He shouted into Hyungwon’s ear, “I get that you’re trying to make Hyungwon a bit more pleasant but really bro?!”

   “Be patient, kid!” Goku yelled back from somewhere inside Hyungwon’s head, “I’m still working on his new personality, but we need to get a new chapter out or the readers are gonna be pissed!”

   “But he’s like a robot!”

   “Just bear with it for now! He’ll be as good as new in three or four chapters! But be careful, he still has a few loose screws here and there.”

   “What do you mean?”

   “He lost a small portion of his memory! Kk gtg byeeeee. :)”

Goku then went offline(?) and left Minhyuk hanging. Silence. A hell of a long time passed.

   “I have to call mom.” Minhyuk finally stammered, pulling out his phone to call Kihyun.


   “So that’s what happened…” Wonho quietly said. Minhyuk nodded. Silence engulfed the entire room for a while. Hyungwon looked as clueless as Minhyuk described him as. Gloom was set in the atmosphere, and Wonho could almost see it.

   “Is there any way to fix this?” Wonho meekly asked, not wanting to upset anyone even further.

   “If there is, we haven’t figured it out yet.” Kihyun replied, not even looking up. “The doctor said to give him time. Pretty unreliable doctor if you ask me. Discharging him an hour after he wakes up. What’s gonna happen if he passes out again?”

   “There’s really no point in us being here,” Minhyuk added, “So… I guess we’re going home.” He then helped Hyungwon up onto the ground, wrapping one of Hyungwon’s thin arms around his shoulders. Hyungwon stared at Minhyuk with wide eyes.

   “Before we go home, I have a question.” He said, “Who are you all?”

Minhyuk nearly dropped him.


   “So do you remember anything?”

Hyungwon looked around the unfamiliar room. It was messy, clothes thrown all over the place. A bunk bed stood at the side of the room. A piano was placed hear it, with a violin case resting on the seat. He shook his head.

   “You want to look at the kitchen?”

Hyungwon was currently in the apartment of a guy he didn’t recognize. The guy had dark hair, and he claimed that he used to be blonde. He wasn’t bad looking. Actually, he was quite handsome. Apparently, this was the man Hyungwon lived with. Dragging his feet, Hyungwon followed the dark haired guy into the kitchen. It was a small kitchen. Clean, though it smelled a bit of fish.

   “Does anything come to mind?” The dark haired guy asked. Hyungwon looked around the room again, racking his brain as hard as he could. Nothing. He shook his head again, and looked at the man.

   “Oh...I see.” The dark haired guy’s face fell. “Nothing, huh?”

Hyungwon watched as he tried to hide his sadness. He didn’t know why, but watching the guy so hit him. It hurt in a way he couldn’t describe. He wiped his face with his sleeve. Why was he feeling this way? He didn't even know who this man was.

   “I-I’m sorry.” Was all Hyungwon could mutter out. “I cannot recall anything.”

The guy turned to look at him, wide eyed. Hyungwon brought his sleeve to his face again to wipe. It left a wet imprint on the fabric. Tears.



I can tell you straight up that next chapter is NOT a happy chapter

References: Goku and Vegeta are both characters in the Dragon Ball franchise

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2016/10/09: Since there are gonna be a lot of references in this story in general, I've decided to list them all out at the end of each chapter.


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Chapter 11: Omg ... ㅠㅠ
MuttsuLiniRicchan16 #2
Chapter 11: Noooo, hyungwon don't cry TT.
Chapter 11: HYUNGwOON ( btw what if minhyuk got a goldfish)
Chapter 10: JOOooOoHhhhhnnnnnyyy MAH BOOOiiiii
EstherElectra #5
Chapter 7: I'm crying this is so funny
Lmao this is some amusing stuff here, keep it up
Chapter 3: this ...story too funny ...
Minhyuk and Hyungwon are such a blasting dynamic duo.
Poor Shownu , having a roommate like Kihyun ( roommate or bedmate), I feel you man ...but Kihyun seems to make your apartment nice to be inhabitated