Chapter 8

Fake Relationship
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It's Over


The taekwondo competition had been going for few days. The tournament was held in Kirin High’s gymnastic hall and attended by several local high schools. During the match, Kirin High’s representatives were giving their all to win, there same goes to Jiyeon. The girl managed to make it to final for the black belt class in the sparring category.

The final match would be held the day after tomorrow. However, Jiyeon was feeling a bit down. It wasn’t because she felt nervous or afraid to lose in the important match. It was something else, something related to a particular brunette.

Since the day Hyomin confessed her feeling, the girl had tried her best to avoid Jiyeon. She wouldn’t want to look at her in the eyes when they accidently bumped into each other. She also refused whenever the raven haired asked to have a serious talk. What made Jiyeon became more frustrated, the girl didn’t even show up in the tournament to give her support.

“Jiyeonie are you okay? You seem a bit down today” Yoona asked her when she just came back from the changing room. The brunette was really concerned about her best friend’s condition. She noticed Jiyeon always looked gloomy for the past few days.

Jiyeon gave her faint a smile “I’m fine Yoong. Don’t worry about me”

Of course the other girl wouldn’t buy it. She had known her best friend long enough to be fooled by that fake smile “Is it anything to do with Hyomin? I notice something is off between the two of you”

The latter sighed. “Nothing’s going on between us. I admit there is a little misunderstanding but everything is fine” who was she trying to fool? Everything was totally not fine.

“Are you sure?”

She nodded.

“Um, Yoong, I wonder if you can help me on something” Jiyeon looked at her best friend with a bit hesitant.

“What is it Jiyeonie? Just spill it out. I’ll be happy to help you” the brunette beamed at her. It was the first time Jiyeon ever asked her for a help (aside from teaching her math)

“Can you give me Hyomin’s number?”

Yoona turned quiet. Her best friend never asked for someone else’s number before. Unless, there was something important or... she took interest in them.

“S-sure. I’ll send you her number later. My phone is running out of battery now”

Jiyeon’s lips curved upward “It’s fine. Thanks Yoong”

Is there really nothing going on between you and Hyomin? Why do I suddenly feel insecure?


Two days had passed and it’s finally the time for the final match. Kirin High’s hall was crowded by many students from different schools who purposely came to watch the tournament. Most of them were there to cheer for Jiyeon. Apparently, the young ravenette was not only popular in her own school.

A loud cheer could be heard when the two competitors in their white taekwondo appeared in the middle of the hall. Jiyeon earned herself the loudest cheers, thanks to her popularity. The ravenette paid it no mind. Her gaze was busy peering around the audience seats, looking for a particular girl. She didn’t even notice Yoona was sitting amongst the audience, frantically waving at her.

Is she not coming? Jiyeon thought as she couldn’t see Hyomin anywhere.

Her little daydreaming got interrupted by the referee, signalling the match to start.

It was Jiyeon who sent the first kick on her opponent’s stomach as soon as the game started. The force sent the girl stumbled backward, earning Jiyeon her first score. The game got exciting when the competitor gave her double kick in return.

The match continued for a while. It got heated up as the two competitors sent each other kicks and strikes, trying to gain themselves scores. Jiyeon had to admit defeat when her opponent gave a final kick which sent her on the floor. The sound of whistle and loud cheer were heard when the referee gave a sign of the end of the game.

I lose. Jiyeon was lying down on the floor. She let out a bitter smile. Pathetic.

The game was over. The young ravenette was ready to go to the changing room when Yoona rushed over to her direction.

“Jiyeonie are you okay?” The girl asked giving her a worried look.

“I’m sorry Yoong, but can you give me sometime alone? I need to clear my mind” She uttered weakly, not even looking at Yoona’s direction.

Yoona was shocked. Jiyeon had never pushed her away. It was

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Irksome #1
Authornim update pleaseeeee
ibusag #2
Chapter 10: Authornim update please.
ShainaloveTara #3
Chapter 10: Authornim please updatee.
thedevil08 #4
Chapter 10: Hope you will update soon, and continue the story. Thank you.
fanniaulia #5
Chapter 10: I CANT WAIT,please update soon
Chapter 10: Omg pls update SOONN
Chapter 10: More more please TwT
Han-hyo #8
Chapter 10: Omg i cant ... My minyeon feelings need more chapters author :(
andokit11 #9
Chapter 10: Waaa~ thanks a lot author!! i love this story~ n that random bonus story~ XD

gonna wait for ur update~ ^^