Chapter 9

Fake Relationship
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Romeo & Juliet


It was 23rd of November. Kirin high was going to have its anniversary next month, which meant there was going to be a festival! It had been a tradition for Kirin High’s students to celebrate their school anniversary by holding a festival.

The student council and the entire school’s clubs had been busy preparing for the big event. There were many events going to be held in that day. A bazaar, sport competition, talent show, and the most awaiting one... The school’s play. It had been decided that this year’s story was going to be “Romeo and Juliet”. As for the casts itself, the representatives of student council along with the members of school’s magazine had been doing a vote for the entire week. All of students were given the chance to vote for their favourite person to take a role in the play.

“Yo! What’s up people?! It’s me again, your one and only favourite DJ, Shannon Areum Williams”

Shannon’s voice was heard in the entire school when the students were having their lunch break.

“As you guys may hear, today we gotta reveal the lucky students who got the most votes and were chosen to take the roles in our school’s play, which going to be held next month. And in case you didn’t know, this year’s story is going to be Romeo and Juliet. Wow, one of my favourite love stories. I can’t wait to see that last scene when both of them have to die in tragic way, and of course the kiss scene. We can’t forget about the kiss scene. That’s the most important part. I hope the director will make it long” the school’s DJ was excitedly blabbering.

“Well, I know you guys are as curious as me. That’s why without wasting anymore time, let me announce you the list of the lucky students” she continued with the same excitement.

“First we have Choi Sooyoung sshi of third year to act as the nurse. Well, congratulation Sooyoung sunbae. We know you can do well. Next, we have....” Shannon kept mentioning the names of the casts one by one until it was the time for the leading roles.

“And lastly, I know you guys have been waiting for this. The lucky students who got chosen as Romeo and Juliet are...” she purposely took a pause while giving a thrilling sound for the background before announcing “Gaining the most votes from students in the entire school. Here, I proudly announce you the lead actors of this year school’s play” breathed in “Our school’s most favourite couple!!! Congratulation for Jiyeon and Hyomin sunbae from the second year!” A loud clap could be heard coming from the DJ herself as she finished revealing the name of all the casts

“Congratulation for all of students who got chosen. We believe you guys can make the play awesome.  And before I forget, all the chosen casts must gather in the theatre room after school.”


“What the heck is that?!” Eunjung’s loud voice echoed in the second floor of Kirin High building. “Why they chose Hyomin to play as the Juliet? Why not Yoona?” she growled in frustration.  The girl had voted for Jiyeon and Yoona as Romeo and Juliet but to her dismay, the role goes to Hyomin instead.

“Stop yelling like a madman Eunjung! It has been decided. It isn’t like you can go and make a fuss to change the cast” As usual, Soyeon would end up nagging at her.

“That’s a good idea!”

“No idiot you can’t!” She wacked her classmate right on the head. “And in case you didn’t hear the announcement clearly. We have yet known which role Hyomin will take in the play, as Romeo or Juliet. That chatterbox DJ only mentioned their names but forgot their roles”

“I don’t care! I swear I’m not going to watch that play!”

Soyeon could only shake her head at the hardcore fangirl. She then diverted her attention to the quiet girl in front of her.

“What’s the matter Jiyeon? Are you not happy to get chosen as the lead role?” she asked the raven haired carefully. She noticed the girl was in terrible mood lately. She thought it was something related to her losing in Taekwondo competition.

The ravenette took a weary sigh before saying “I don’t know” making the other girl raised a brow.

Jiyeon didn’t tell a lie. In fact, she herself didn’t know whether to feel happy or not about the play. The role itself wasn’t a problem for her. But thinking to play it alongside Hyomin as her partner, it really bothered her.

After the decision to stop their fake relationship, she couldn’t stop thinking about the young brunette. At first, she agreed to end their fake relationship because she thought it would help her to find the answer of her confusion, about what she really felt for the other girl. However as the days passed, instead of getting the answer, she became more confused of her own feeling.


The school was over. As had been announced, the students who would perform in the school’s play must gather in the theatre room. Jiyeon was the second to the last who came.

“Sorry I’m late. I got a sudden call from the taekwondo couch” She bowed in apologise

“It’s okay Jiyeonie. Besides, you’re not that late” Yoona cooed while running to her direction and clung onto her arms.

“Yoong? What are you doing here?” The raven haired furrowed a brow. She didn’t remember hearing Yoona’s name in the list of the casts.

“The student council asked me to help for the property. If you haven’t forgotten, I used to be a member of theatre club” The brunette ex

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Irksome #1
Authornim update pleaseeeee
ibusag #2
Chapter 10: Authornim update please.
ShainaloveTara #3
Chapter 10: Authornim please updatee.
thedevil08 #4
Chapter 10: Hope you will update soon, and continue the story. Thank you.
fanniaulia #5
Chapter 10: I CANT WAIT,please update soon
Chapter 10: Omg pls update SOONN
Chapter 10: More more please TwT
Han-hyo #8
Chapter 10: Omg i cant ... My minyeon feelings need more chapters author :(
andokit11 #9
Chapter 10: Waaa~ thanks a lot author!! i love this story~ n that random bonus story~ XD

gonna wait for ur update~ ^^