Chapter 6

Fake Relationship
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A Jealous Best Friend


“Hello Jiyeonie”

“Yes Yoong?”

“Are you asleep? Do I disturb you?”

“Not really. I’m still reading a book. What’s the matter? You rarely call at this hour”

Yoona took a glance at the alarm clock on her bedside table. Sure enough, it was already one at night. She should have fallen asleep by now, but something was keeping her awake. She felt the urge to have a talk with her best friend.

“Um, Jiyeon, I heard from Eunjung that you failed your math exam. Is it true?”

“Yeah. But I already have my make up test and thanks to Hyomin, I passed it”


“Hmm. She helped me to study. You never tell me Hyomin is good at math”

“What?” Yoona made the words escape with a much more irritated tone than she actually wanted “Why Hyomin? Why you didn't come to me instead? In case you didn't know, I got a better mark than her in that subject” The girl didn’t understand herself, for unknowing reason she felt upset hearing Jiyeon asked Hyomin for a help instead to her, her own best friend.

“You were busy with your dance practice. I didn’t want to bother you” the raven haired explained calmly.

“But you know it very well you would never be a bother to me!” She remarked unconsciously raising her voice.

The line became silence. Yoona thought Jiyeon was mad because of her sudden outburst, until she heard the girl’s husky voice said

“Does something happen? You seem in a bad mood, Yoong”

Yoona felt bad. Instead of getting mad, Jiyeon asked her in such caring and tender voice. A wave of guilt quickly filled up her chest.

“No, nothing is happening. I'm fine. I’m sorry for shouting at you” she muttered weakly feeling regret after shouting at her best friend.

There was something definitely wrong with her. Why did she feel upset over such thing? Jiyeon had every right to study with everyone else. She shouldn’t feel jealous about it.

Jealous? Yoona thought. Ridiculous! Why would I be jealous over my own best friend? She quickly brushed off the thought.

“Yoong, are you still there?”

She hummed in response.

“It’s late. You better go to sleep. I'm going to sleep as well. Good night!”

But I still want to hear your voice. “Good night Jiyeonie. Sleep well”

There was no more reply as she heard the line was cut.Yoona grabbed the nearest pillow and buried her face on it. “What is this feeling?” she brought her hand over her chest, where her heart placed “I’ve never felt this kind of pain before. It really hurts. It suffocates me until I can't breathe. God, am I going to die?”


The next morning, upon arriving at her school, Yoona rushed to Jiyeon’s classroom to find her best friend.

“Yoong? What are you doing here and why are you panting like that?” Jiyeon was confused. She was talking with Eunjung when Yoona suddenly came while panting heavily.

The girl ignored her question and leapt up to enclose the ravenette’s body into a tight hug, “I miss you Jiyeonie. I really miss you”

Jiyeon was dumbfounded. It was too sudden. She had no idea what was happening.

Her eyes shot opened when she heard a light sob coming from Yoona. She hastily pulled the shorter girl off her body, “Yoong what’s going on? Why are you crying?” she asked. Her voice was full of worried.

Yoona shook her head while wiping off her tears roughly, “I’m okay. I just woke up this morning and found myself missing you so bad” she said in between her sobs.

The young ravenette let out a relief sigh followed by a light chuckle, “You silly girl. I thought something bad was happening. You ma

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Irksome #1
Authornim update pleaseeeee
ibusag #2
Chapter 10: Authornim update please.
ShainaloveTara #3
Chapter 10: Authornim please updatee.
thedevil08 #4
Chapter 10: Hope you will update soon, and continue the story. Thank you.
fanniaulia #5
Chapter 10: I CANT WAIT,please update soon
Chapter 10: Omg pls update SOONN
Chapter 10: More more please TwT
Han-hyo #8
Chapter 10: Omg i cant ... My minyeon feelings need more chapters author :(
andokit11 #9
Chapter 10: Waaa~ thanks a lot author!! i love this story~ n that random bonus story~ XD

gonna wait for ur update~ ^^