Chapter 7

Fake Relationship
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A Sudden Confession


The taekwondo competition was nearing, and thanks to that Jiyeon had merely time to rest. The girl always stayed over at school to have practice. It took her about four until five hours everyday. She was thankful Hyomin and Yoona would always come to watch her practicing.

“It must be good to be you, having two beautiful girls watching your practice everyday. I envy you, Jiyeon” Qri, a senior in her school and also a member of taekwondo club approached her. They just returned back after taking a quick break.

“Honestly, there is nothing to envy sunbae” Jiyeon replied coolly. “Besides, you got yourself a loyal audience” she pointed to Soyeon who was sitting at the audience seat.

“I can’t disagree with that” Qri said sending her lover a charming smile “Actually Jiyeon, there is something I’ve been wanting to ask you since few days ago. Do you mind if I ask it now?”

Jiyeon shook her head, “Not at all. Please go ahead sunbae”

“Thanks. Well you know, I don’t mean to be rude or mending in your relationship with Hyomin. But don’t you think you’re a bit mean to her?”

Jiyeon raised her brow. “What do you mean?” She had no idea where this conversation would lead to.

“I've been observing you lately. I notice you’re pretty biased to your best friend. Every time we have a break, you’re always busy chatting with Yoona and ignored your own girlfriend. You left Hyomin alone like an abandon puppy. Just like what you did just now” Qri pointed out. It’s true that Jiyeon was happily chatting with Yoona in their break time some minutes ago. She even barely said a word to Hyomin.

“Honestly, I kind of pity that girl” The older girl continued “She always ends up sitting alone with that gloomy face of hers. I think she feels lonely...” there was a pause, Qri purposely let her words hanging before she added “or maybe jealous because her own girlfriend didn’t care of her presence at all. Well, who knows? It can be both”

The underclassman was taken aback. Was she really doing that mean thing to Hyomin just like what Qri said? Why would she never realize about it?

Jiyeon changed her attention to where Hyomin was sitting. The brunette gave her a soft smile as soon as their eyes met. She immediately ran her gaze away. There was a sudden feeling of guilt crept up her heart.

“The practice is about to start again. Don’t let my words bother you, Jiyeon” Qri gave a light tap on her shoulder before mincing away to join the rest of taekwondo club members.


“I think she feels lonely or maybe jealous because her own girlfriend didn’t care of her presence at all”

Thanks to her senior, Jiyeon couldn’t focus on her taekwondo practice. Qri’s words kept repeating itself on her mind like a broken record. She couldn’t stop herself on stealing glances at Hyomin. Qri was right after all. Jiyeon noticed the brunette look a bit down. It made her feel even guiltier.

“Jiyeon sshi, please focus! You keep making mistakes”

Their couch’s voice was heard scolding her

“I’m sorry. I won’t repeat it again” she bowed her head in apologise

“Maybe Jiyeon is tired. Just let her take a little rest, Ssaem. She will be okay after that. Right, Jiyeon?” Qri voiced out. She gave her junior a knowing smile.

“Maybe Qri sunbae is right. I need a little rest” Jiyeon smiled back in return.

“Okay. I’ll give you fifteen minutes rest. After that I don’t want to see you making the same mistakes again. Understood, Jiyeon?”

“I understand. Thank you Ssaem” She bowed before excusing herself and walked off to approach Hyomin.

“What’s wrong? I saw you get scolded just now” The brunette asked in worried tone.

“It’s nothing. Don’t bother yourself about it” Jiyeon assured her. “Where is Yoona?” She asked when she realized her best friend was no where to be found.

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Irksome #1
Authornim update pleaseeeee
ibusag #2
Chapter 10: Authornim update please.
ShainaloveTara #3
Chapter 10: Authornim please updatee.
thedevil08 #4
Chapter 10: Hope you will update soon, and continue the story. Thank you.
fanniaulia #5
Chapter 10: I CANT WAIT,please update soon
Chapter 10: Omg pls update SOONN
Chapter 10: More more please TwT
Han-hyo #8
Chapter 10: Omg i cant ... My minyeon feelings need more chapters author :(
andokit11 #9
Chapter 10: Waaa~ thanks a lot author!! i love this story~ n that random bonus story~ XD

gonna wait for ur update~ ^^