Chapter 8


Jimin sat there staring at his lap as his friend, Jeup, got up. Jeup leaned down to whisper into Jimin’s ear as he passed by him with a smirk plastered on his face. Leaving a fidgeting red faced Jimin behind with his bias. 

Let me know all about you and your hot date later.

Jimin sat awkwardly next to Jungkook. How was he going to explain the whole date thing Jeup had brought up? Jimin swore he would kill his friend later. 

“ said you had the week off right?” Jimin began.


“...and um..may I ask what you plan to do? L-like today.”

“Well Jiminie, your friend brought up a really good idea, so I plan on going on a date with you!” Jungkook said, irking Jimin a little for not calling him hyung. He was older than the brat! Yeah he was an idol, his idol at that, but he was still older.

“Haha, very funny Jungkook-ah. Might I remind you that I am your hyung? What are you going to do with your week off?”

“I am going to have a week long sleepover at your house…-hyung!” Jungkook said with a cheeky smile. Was this kid serious?

“Uh, no. I am not about to put up with a cheeky brat for a whole week.” 

Jungkook stared at Jimin, slowly starting to stick his bottom lip out. The brat was pouting. Nope. Jimin was not going to give in. He turned away from Jungkook and pulled out his phone. “Not gonna happen kid.” 

Jungkook, determined to sleep over at Jimin’s house, looked down at his lap as he willed himself to get teary eyed. There was no way he was going back home. He had begged Jin hyung to let him sleep over at the shorter male’s house. With teary eyes, Jungkook looked up again. Jimin was still staring at his phone, so he grabbed Jimin’s arm to bring his attention back to him, noting that Jimin had some slight muscle. 

Jimin turned to look at Jungkook when he felt the younger male latch onto his arm. Jimin panicked suddenly seeing the teary eyed idol. Was he like this because he had said no to him sleeping over? No way. 

“Jungkook, why are you crying? Are you hurt?” Jungkook sniffled before nodding his head.

“What’s wrong. What hurts?” Jungkook sniffled once again before speaking.

“M-my heart hurts. Y-you don’t wanna l-let me sleep over.” Jimin’s eyes widen. This kid.

“...seriously? You’re crying because of that?” A small nod was what he got in return. This freaking kid.

“Ugh, fine. Just stop crying.” Jimin didn’t want to let Jungkook sleep over, but he was still his bias, and it hurt him seeing the younger male cry. Even if he suspected it was fake. Jungkook only confirmed that suspicion when his eyes dried up when he blinked and smirked at Jimin. “You can’t take it back.” Jimin knew he was screwed.


After the whole ordeal, Jungkook led Jimin out of the cafe and to a movie theater. Jungkook was set on having his date with Jimin, after all, the shorter male was dressed very nicely. His black jeans accentuating his thighs and , he couldn’t let his efforts go to waste. 

A nice movie date with his bias. Jimin could die happy. He felt bad for not paying much attention to the movie, but how can anyone expect him to concentrate when Jungkook kept on accidentally touching him. Grabbing popcorn? Touch. Leaning against the armrest? Touch. Laughing? Touch touch. Jimin was going crazy. He was glad that the younger seemed to be to into the movie to notice the blush that was decorating his cheeks. 


How amusing. That’s all that was running through Jungkook’s head. He had not failed to notice the way Jimin kept on squirming and blushing from the small “accidental” touches they shared. This Jimin kept making Jungkook feel things he had never felt before, and it amused him greatly.

After the movie, the pair obted to just walking around Seoul, enjoy each other’s company. They chatted about many different things, letting Jungkook familiarize himself with Jimin more. 

As it got dark, Jimin began to lead Jungkook to his home.
“Are you sure you want to stay over for a whole week?”


“But we hardly know each other.”

“Come on Jimin hyung, I want to spend my week off with you!”

"But...but why?”

“Hmm...Let’s just say you left a really big impression on me the first time we met!” Jimin looked at Jungkook skeptically. A big impression? How? Jimin didn’t recall doing anything out of the ordinary that could have left an impression on his bias. Weird.

Jungkook smirked as Jimin turned away from him as he thought about what could have made a big impression on him. If only he knew. Jungkook slowed down slightly, turning to look at Jimin’s perfect and thighs, and up to his perfectly styled hair. Yup. He was very good looking. Perfect and all.

Jimin continued walking, oblivious to the younger male that was checking him out. He led the way to his home, still thinking about what could have made the impression. After a few minutes, he sighs. He would just have to ask Jungkook some other time, when they’re closer. 


Once home, Jimin excused himself to change into more comfortable clothes. 
“Would you like some pajama pants or something? You didn’t bring anything did you? Coming unprepared, tsk tsk”
“I did too!”
“Really? What did you bring?”
“The ‘must bring’ items to a sleepover!” 
“Which are?”
“Toothbrush! Phone charger!” He happily states as he pulls each thing out of a bag he had left in his house before they left.
“That’s it?”
“Yup! I kinda figured you’d have everything else.” Jimin sighed, muttering to himself something that sounded very much like This freaking kid. Jimin could feel it was going to be a long week. A very long week. Looking over to the smiling Jungkook, he let out another sigh. Yes, This was going to be a very VERY long week.


A/N Hey guys~ I’m back! ...heheh ^^’ How’s you guy’s Winter holidays going??? Anything exciting? Heheh
Wanna know what I’ve been doing? Probably not huh? You guy’s are probably hella done with me. Not even updating in a long time. I apologize. You see, I am a very very lazy person, and I just didn’t feel like working on the chapter. And I am even more sorry for not posting this chapter sooner. It had actually been written quite a while ago, but I wasn't sure where I wanted this story to go. So I refrained myself from posting it until I had an idea of what I wanted to do. I kind of have an idea, but I at putting my thoughts into words, so yeh. I hope you guys can understand. I really want to thank you guys for subscribing and giving so much love to this story. You guys are the best. I’ll try really hard to update soon! Thank you guys so much for being patient with me, and I apologize if this story is not up to your expectations. I know this isn’t the best chapter, but things should start to move along after this….hopefully :3 
Thanks again, and sorry for the long author’s note. Merry late Christmas and I hope you guy’s have an awesome New Year’s!!

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Chapter 9: Wow, it's really been a long time since the last update and tbh, I had to reread all the previous chapter to remember what had happened^^ I still love this story, and even though I understand how lazy you must be, I'm sad that you're taking so much time to update (but really I should just shut up because I'm late on upates too lol).
Anyway, keep the good work and figthing !! :-D
ayaerika #2
Chapter 9: wait your not going to university? your just going to work? :(
mxv0109 #3
Chapter 8: kookie is really unbelievable, man, and chim is the luckiest breathing being on earth I swear. thanks for the update and I'm going to forgive you just because I'm the most lazy on this universe so yah, I got you fam
Litz12xx #4
Chapter 8: HOHO welcome back!! Thanks for the update OH IM EXCITED TO WHAT WOULD HAPPEN NEXT
Kpopisidklife #5
Hope can update soon :)))
Chapter 7: Jghttdhjhfdfkgy this fanfic got me speaking all kind of languges 채ㅕ파ㅏㅌㅎ옿ㅇㄹ핱 かさえあらたgんcjv
mxv0109 #7
Litz12xx #8
Chapter 7: Oh may gat. Please update ofteenn and yas love your story
Chapter 7: Pleaseeeee update more often~
Your story is really nice and fresh author-nim