Chapter 4


It was well past 10 when they arrived at Jimin’s house. After telling Jungkook to sit and offering something to drink, he quickly went to his room and closed the door, not wanting Jungkook to see the room through the open door. He made sure that his house was clean, before returning to Jungkook. Jungkook looked up as Jimin made his way over to the couch he was on and sat on the opposite side. 

“Jimin hyung”

“Yeah?” Jimin looked up from the TV where he was trying to connect to the console.

“I don’t feel like playing video games anymore.” Jimin looked at him with a puzzled look as the other awkwardly laughed.

“...Okay, then what do you want to do?” Jungkook looked around the living room before answering.

“Can we watch a movie instead?”

“Yeah, that’s fine.” Jimin went ahead and and his Amazon Fire Stick, opening up Kodi.

“Here,” Jimin handed Jungkook the control, “pick a movie while I go make popcorn. Butter?”

“Yes, please!” Jungkook went ahead and started looking for a good movie to watch on Jimin’s 55” TV. He scrolled through the different genres, deciding he felt like watching a thriller. He scrolled through the movies, selecting ‘The Man from Nowhere’.

Jimin came back with a big bowl of butter popcorn, setting it on the coffee table. “Would you like something to drink? I have coke, sprite, apple and orange juice.”

“Coke is fine. Are you okay with watching ‘The Man from Nowhere’?”

“Ooh, yeah, I’ve been wanting to watch it, but never really had anyone to watch it with.” Jungkook smiled at Jimin and proceeded to pull up the movie, pausing it once it started.

Jimin came back and handed Jungkook his coke, setting his own on the coffee table. He went around closing all the curtains, making the living room nice and dark. “Would you like a pillow and/or blanket?” Jimin inquired as he headed towards his room, stopping to hear Jungkook’s answer.

“Mmm, a pillow is fine.”

“Okay.” Jimin walked into his room grabbing his two pillows and blanket. Coming back into the living room, he saw Jungkook on his phone. “You ready?” He asked as he handed Jungkook his pillow.

“Yeah, I was just texting my manager.” 

“Is something wrong? Do you need to go?” Jimin asked as he settled down, putting his feet on the couch and covering himself with his blanket.

“No, he was just wondering where I was and what I was doing. “

“Ah, what did you tell him?” 

“I told him I was about to watch a movie at my friend’s house.” Jimin smiled slightly as he heard Jungkook call him a friend. 

“Ah, let’s watch the movie then.” Jungkook nodded and went ahead and played the movie. Jimin reached for the TV controller and put the volume up. 

At some point throughout the movie Jungkook had put his feet up and under Jimin’s blanket, feeling slightly cold because of the AC and cold soda. Jimin had been blushing at first. Jungkook had been touching Jimin’s legs with his feet, but Jimin had forced himself to focus on the movie. They both munched on some popcorn once in awhile. 

The main character of the movie was having a flashback. After purchasing some baby shoes, he walked out of the store, stopping when his phone rang. He answered the phone call as he waved and smiled at his pregnant wife that was waiting for him in the car. His wife smiled back, rubbing her big belly. It was a peaceful scene, when suddenly a big truck came and crashed into the car where his wife was in. Smashing her and the car against many others that had been parked in the same row. 

Jimin loudly gasped as the scene unfolded before his eyes. He quickly held a hand to his mouth to hold back sobs as tears trickled down his face.

Having heard Jimin’s loud gasp, Jungkook turned and looked at him. He watched as Jimin tried hard to stifle his sobs, and how his tears rolled down his face. Finding the older male cute, Jungkook snickered and returned his attention to the movie. As the movie continued, Jimin gradually calmed down. Both of their attention had been on the movie, the popcorn and soda long forgotten on the coffee table. 

As the movie credits rolled in, Jimin and Jungkook turned and looked at each other. “Waaah, the movie was amazing.” Jimin began as he leaned forward to grab his soda.

“I know right! The knife fight was super cool!” Jimin laughed at Jungkook’s excited tone. 

“You look like a little kid!” He snickered and Jungkook pouted.

“Yeah? Well you’re a kid for crying!”

“I never cried!”

“Did too! You were crying really hard too over the death of his wife!” Jimin blushed and looked away, mumbling a small ‘whatever’. Jungkook smiled and stretched, his foot sliding along side Jimin’s legs. Jimin tensed and quickly got up, grabbing the blanket and pillows they had used. He scurried away to his room to put them away. 

Jungkook got up as Jimin disappeared around the corner. He quietly followed after Jimin, wondering where the other was going. He saw as Jimin went into a room and followed in after him. He saw Jimin setting the pillows on what he assumed was his bed. Looking around Jimin’s room, he couldn’t help the smirk that slowly formed on his face.

Neatly folding the blanket in his hands, Jimin walked over to his closet to put it away, turning around to see Jungkook. Jimin’s cheeks began to redden upon realizing that Jungkook was in his room, looking around at all the Bangtan merchandise displayed around his room.

After looking around the room, Jungkook turned and looked at Jimin, eliciting a small whimper from him. He watched as Jimin crouched down, hiding his face. Jungkook walked towards the table that contained nothing but stuff with Jungkook’s face on it. He couldn’t help but smile, happy that Jimin was a big fan, happy that he owned such much stuff. He recognized the photocard that stood in the middle of everything as the one from their new album. He didn’t know why he felt happy knowing that Jimin had gotten his photocard out of all the members. 

Jungkook turned and walked back to the Jimin that was still crouched on the floor, his hands covering his face. Jungkook bend down and grabbed Jimin’s hands, prying them off. They stayed there unmoving with Jungkook holding onto Jimin’s hands. Jimin slowly opened his eyes and looked at Jungkook who was staring back at him with a big smile.

Jungkook pulled Jimin and himself up, letting go once they were standing to slowly lean forward, embracing Jimin in a tight and reassuring hug. 

“It’s okay. You don’t have to be embarrassed. I’m actually really happy to see your room. It’s cute.” Jimin blushed at the contact initiated, slowly returning the hug. 

Jimin felt a little dizzy from all the blood rushing to his head. He tried to pull away from Jungkook’s embrace, to calm down a little. What he didn’t expect was Jungkook holding him even tighter. 

“Just a little longer. You’re really warm.”


[A/N] How’d you guys like the new chapter. I’m really sorry for the late update, but It’s still Thursday here, so~ yeah. I kinda got lazy and ended up typing this like earlier today….but yeah. Let me know what you guys think. Drop a comment! I’d love to read your thoughts on the story!

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Chapter 9: Wow, it's really been a long time since the last update and tbh, I had to reread all the previous chapter to remember what had happened^^ I still love this story, and even though I understand how lazy you must be, I'm sad that you're taking so much time to update (but really I should just shut up because I'm late on upates too lol).
Anyway, keep the good work and figthing !! :-D
ayaerika #2
Chapter 9: wait your not going to university? your just going to work? :(
mxv0109 #3
Chapter 8: kookie is really unbelievable, man, and chim is the luckiest breathing being on earth I swear. thanks for the update and I'm going to forgive you just because I'm the most lazy on this universe so yah, I got you fam
Litz12xx #4
Chapter 8: HOHO welcome back!! Thanks for the update OH IM EXCITED TO WHAT WOULD HAPPEN NEXT
Kpopisidklife #5
Hope can update soon :)))
Chapter 7: Jghttdhjhfdfkgy this fanfic got me speaking all kind of languges 채ㅕ파ㅏㅌㅎ옿ㅇㄹ핱 かさえあらたgんcjv
mxv0109 #7
Litz12xx #8
Chapter 7: Oh may gat. Please update ofteenn and yas love your story
Chapter 7: Pleaseeeee update more often~
Your story is really nice and fresh author-nim