Chapter 1


Park Jimin was in line waiting for the store to open along with several other ARMYs. BTS was releasing their new album and Jimin had to buy it. He was super excited and couldn’t wait. The doors would open soon, and he would finally be able to get his hands on it. Jimin ran a blog dedicated to his bias, Jungkook. Yeah he loved all of BTS, but nothing could beat his love for his bias.

“Finally!” Jimin exclaimed as the clock hit 6am. He had been waiting in line for over an hour. The store finally opened its doors to the public and Jimin was able to buy his album.

Once he had purchased his album, he hurried home to open and take in its beauty. he arrived quickly to the small one story house at the end of the street when his phone went off.
“Jimin-ah? Did something happen? You didn't call yesterday. Did you forget? You had me worried.”
“Ahaha…. sorry. I forgot, I was in line waiting to buy Bangtan’s new album..”
“Again? When are you going to get over this? You’re wasting a lot of money on such useless stuff! When are you going to grow up? You need to focus on your studies and work!” 
“Ugh MOM! It's not useless! They’re my life! why can’t you be supportive huh? At least I’m using my own money, I don’t get why you’re so against it. If I was using your money, then it would be a different story. Can’t you just let me be?” 
“FIne fine, whatever. I don’t understand you and your obsessions. DId you get home alright?”
“Yeah, I’m just getting in.”
“Okay, that’s good to hear. Please don’t worry me so much. You know I can’t help but worry when you’re living by yourself in Seoul.”
“Yeah yeah mom. I’ll be careful.”
“Okay well I’ll let you go cause I have stuff to do.”
“Okay mom, I love you!”
“ugh, so rude. She didn’t say ‘I love you’ back. UGh my heart” JImin grabbed at his chest faking a broken heart, and walked inside.
To say that he owned a few BTS merch was an understatement. Jimin had his whole room decorated with BTS posters, buttons, standees, a couple of fan t-shirts, and the most impressive, his Jungkook shrine. well atleast that’s what he called it. Jimin was a proud owner of every BTS album.

Jimin quickly sat his desk that was up against a wall near his bed and started to carefully open his brand new album. He took off the plastic wrapping and just held it in his hands. 

“waah….it’s so….pretty..please please, let the photocard be Jungkook.” He slowly flipped to the first page. He admired the beauty of the first picture. A group picture. They looked amazing. 

Jimin continued flipping and carefully admiring each picture until he finally reached the page that contained the random photocard. The photocard was under the few ad pages, adding to the suspense. Jimin only prayed he got his bias. Jimin couldn’t take it anymore and quickly removed the ad pages, and there laid Jungkook’s photo card. 

Jimin squealed in delight. Jungkook looked amazing. He always did in Jimin’s eyes. He set the photocard aside and continued looking through the album. Once finished he grabbed his laptop popped in the CD and quickly logged onto his tumblr. He typed a quick text to his lovely followers.

It was almost 9am when Jimin finally logged off and started quickly getting ready for work. It was a Saturday. Jimin quickly finished getting ready and rushed out the house to the coffee shop. It was a 20 minute walk from his house to his work place.

Jimin worked in a coffee shop near the center of Seoul. The shop was always busy in the mornings and during the lunch hour. Though it was a lot of hard work, Jimin enjoyed working there. 

Today was another typical day at work, everything was just going by in a blur. People coming in and out, the sounds of coffee being made in the background, along with the smell of coffee. His shift was soon ending and he would be able to head home. The sun was still out when he walked out of the coffee shop, it would set soon. Jimin made his way home through the busy streets of Seoul. 

Jimin floped on his bed and opened his laptop. He decided to check his tumblr for any new updates. As Jimin scrolled through, he saw a post that mentioned a possible album signing meet & greet with BTS. 

“No way! Seriously?” Though Jimin was a big fan, he had never met the boys. Yeah he had gone to some concerts, but he never could afford those front row seats. He would always be towards the back, but he didn’t mind. School and work always got in the way of those meet & greets, so he never really got a chance to go. 

Jimin quickly searched around to make sure the news were true. They were. Jimin squealed in excitement and rolled around his bed, clutching his Jungkook monster plushie. He checked the date, and verified it was scheduled for next Saturday at 5pm. There was no school. Now he only had to check and see if he was working that day. 

The next day Jimin walked into the coffee shop per usual, and walked up to the schedule in the back. Jimin quickly found next week’s Saturday and scanned for his name. And there it was. His name. Written under Saturday, indicating he worked that day. Jimin’s shoulders visibly sagged in disappointment. Just his luck. 
“Maybe I can ask my manager to let me leave a little early? After all, the event starts at 5pm, and I get off work at 5:30pm. Maybe he won’t mind. It’s worth a try.” 

Jimin walked over to his manager after getting dressed in his uniform. 

“Good morning Jackson!” Jimin said with his perfect eye smile.
“Morning Jimin”
“...hey Jackson, I was wondering if you would allow me to leave early next Saturday..?” Jackson stopped cleaning the counter, and turned to Jimin.
“What for?” Jimin looked down to his feet, playing with his hands, not sure how Jackson would take it if he told him he wanted to ditch work to go meet his favorite group.
“uhh...well, you know….So like you know BTS right..?”
“ that’s what this is about.” Jackson turned back to his task at hand. Jackson knew very well that Jimin was obsessed with BTS. 

Jimin just stood there, awaiting an answer. He started to dread Jackson’s answer. Knowing very well Jackson would say no. 

“..Sure” Jimin’s head snapped up at Jackson as the words registered in his head.
“Don’t want to? That’s okay too.”
“N-NO! I do.” Jackson laughed at how cute Jimin was being.
“Alright, get to work. Or I might just take it back.”
“Yes, sir!” Jimin scurried off to clean up some tables with a smile on his face.

Jimin’s week was going by too slow in his opinion. It was only Tuesday. Jimin was sitting in class. He was only a part time student. He attended Seoul University. Jimin majored in music. He had always wanted to be a singer, and BTS was always his inspiration. He only went to classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 

The professor was giving a lecture about the how the mind works. Jimin couldn’t care less. He was too busy thinking about Saturday. He was one day closer to meeting his bias. He couldn’t wait.

After a painfully long week, it was finally Saturday. Jimin got ready to go to work and packed extra clothes for after work. He wanted to make sure to look perfect for his bias. He also carefully placed his new album in his backpack and walked out. 

He arrived at work and greeted his manager good morning, heading to the back to change into his uniform. Time couldn’t have gone slower. Jimin was getting frustrated, but he still kept a smile on his face as he attended the customers and cleaned the tables. 

The clock striked 4:30pm and Jimin quickly went to change. He put on black leather jeans and tucked in a white shirt. Over his white shirt he put on a light blue leather jacket. He looked good. 

Jimin walked out of the coffee shop after bidding goodbye to Jackson and started on his way to where the meet & greet would take place. 

He arrived just in time. There was a long line, but Jimin didn't mind. He was just happy that he would finally be able to meet them. Finally be able to meet him. Meet Jungkook.

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Chapter 9: Wow, it's really been a long time since the last update and tbh, I had to reread all the previous chapter to remember what had happened^^ I still love this story, and even though I understand how lazy you must be, I'm sad that you're taking so much time to update (but really I should just shut up because I'm late on upates too lol).
Anyway, keep the good work and figthing !! :-D
ayaerika #2
Chapter 9: wait your not going to university? your just going to work? :(
mxv0109 #3
Chapter 8: kookie is really unbelievable, man, and chim is the luckiest breathing being on earth I swear. thanks for the update and I'm going to forgive you just because I'm the most lazy on this universe so yah, I got you fam
Litz12xx #4
Chapter 8: HOHO welcome back!! Thanks for the update OH IM EXCITED TO WHAT WOULD HAPPEN NEXT
Kpopisidklife #5
Hope can update soon :)))
Chapter 7: Jghttdhjhfdfkgy this fanfic got me speaking all kind of languges 채ㅕ파ㅏㅌㅎ옿ㅇㄹ핱 かさえあらたgんcjv
mxv0109 #7
Litz12xx #8
Chapter 7: Oh may gat. Please update ofteenn and yas love your story
Chapter 7: Pleaseeeee update more often~
Your story is really nice and fresh author-nim