Chapter 6


“Hyung, let’s get out of here.” Jungkook reached forward and grabbed Jimin’s hand. Pulling him away from the two girls, glaring at them as he led Jimin out of the arcade.

Jungkook abruptly stopped outside the arcade. Jimin was conflicted. Why was Jungkook so mad? Jimin began to worry about him. Jungkook seemed to be lost in his thoughts, glaring at the buildings on the other side of the street.

Jungkook was brought back by the soft ringing of his phone. He turned to look at Jimin, giving him a quick once over, checking to see if he was alright before digging his phone out of his pocket. 


‘Jungkook, we’re almost there, say goodbye to him and walk outside.’

“Hyung, please hurry up. We’re waiting outside.” Jungkook cut the call, turning to face Jimin as he pocketed his phone. 

“Jimin hyung, Jin hyung will be here in a little bit to pick us up, okay? You’re not hurt badly, right? It’s okay, don’t worry. I’ll treat any wounds when we get home.” Jungkook rambled.

“Jungkook-ah, it’s okay. I’m fine. I can just go home. Jin-ssi is coming to pick you up, not me. I’m sure he’s worried about you hanging out with a stranger. Just go home, okay?”

“No. You’re coming with me.” As he said this, a van was pulling up in front of them. The back door opened to reveal Jin. Jungkook started pulling Jimin towards the van, Jin was about to complain, when Jimin pulled his hand away.

“Jungkook, no. Stop. You go home. I’m fine.”

“Hyung, no. Get in the car.” Jin reached out to grab Jungkook to bring him inside, but he stepped away. 

“Jin hyung, he’s hurt! Tell him to get in.” At the mentions of Jimin being hurt, Jin look at him and then turned to look at Jimin.

“You’re hurt? Are you okay? What  happened?” Jimin was about to respond but was shoved in the direction of the car by Jungkook. Jin moved over, allowing space for Jungkook to push Jimin in, getting in himself and closing the door.

“We can talk about this at home. Jimin hyung is coming with us.” After a few seconds, the van drove away, in direction of Bangtan’s dorm.


Jimin sat on a couch, in the living room. Jin had dragged Jungkook away to talk in the kitchen.

“Explain.” Was all Jin said, so that’s what  he did. 

Jungkook explained how some girls had attacked Jimin when he went to take his call. “They attacked Jimin hyung! They were going to slap him, so I dragged him out of there. Then you came and picked us up, and now we’re here.”

“You said he was hurt.” 

“He probably is. They were about to slap him when I got there. They probably hurt him before I got there.” Jin eyed Jungkook before nodding and making his way to the fidgeting Jimin in the living room.

Jimin was nervous. He was in his favorite group’s dorm. He was also scared that they might jump him for putting Jungkook in danger. He flinched as he saw Jin walking towards him.

“Hey, Jimin, right?” Jimin could only nod, Jin smiled. “It’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you. Tell me, does it hurt a lot?” 

Jimin was a little surprised that Jin knew he was hurt. Had Jungkook seen him get pushed around? Deciding he didn’t want to be a bother, he lied. “I-I’m okay. It doesn’t hurt too much.” Jimin couldn’t help but lie, it actually hurt a lot.

“Hmm, so you did get hurt. Where? Show me.” Jimin panicked a little. Jin didn’t know, he had only speculated, and he had basically just confirmed him.

“...No, it’s okay. It doesn’t hurt.” Jin wasn’t going to take that. He had to make sure the younger was okay.

“Jimin, show me. Let me make sure you’re alright. Where does it hurt?” Jimin  gave up. He couldn’t go against the concerned Jin. Jimin turned slowly so that his back was now facing Jin, and started lifting his shirt up.

“M-My back and left shoulder hurt.” Jin reached out to help Jimin pull his shirt up as he noticed the boy struggling to lift his shirt. Jimin put his arms down, letting Jin lift his shirt up instead. It hurt.

Jin was shocked to see two nasty bruises forming on his lower back and shoulder. Jin could only wonder what the girls had done, for him to have those bruises. “ Does it hurt a lot?”

“Y-Yeah…” Jin could only sigh, this kid. He should have just been honest from the beginning. 

“Let me go get the first aid kit. I’ll be right back, okay?” Jimin nodded. Jin got up and walked away to retrieve it from the bathroom. 

Jungkook saw Jin making his way to the bathroom, so he made his way towards Jimin. Jimin’s shirt was still pushed up, the bruises now visible to Jungkook as he was now behind Jimin. Jungkook couldn’t help the anger that was building up inside of him. 

‘How dare anyone cause pain to my Jimin hyung?! ...My Jimin hyung? Yeah, Jimin hyung is mine.’ Jungkook reached out to touch Jimin’s back, but his hand was pushed away. He turned and saw Jin holding the first aid kit. Jin made a shooing motion to Jungkook, asking him to step back a bit. 

“Let me do it hyung.” Jin eyed Jungkook before agreeing, taking out the ointment and handing it over to him before walking away.

Jungkook opened the ointment, sitting back on the coffee table as he squeezing some on to his index fingers. “Let me know if it hurts too much.” Jungkook waited for Jimin to nod before starting to softly rub the ointment on the forming bruises. 

Jimin couldn’t help but blush as Jungkook rubbed the ointment, flinching once in awhile. Never had Jimin imagined he would ever be in his favorite idols’ dorm. Jimin couldn’t help the soft moans escaping his lips. Jungkook was rubbing circles over the bruised area. The slight pain mixing with the pleasure of Jungkook’s fingers on his back. 

Jungkook could hear Jimin’s small moans. He was trying hard to ignore them along with his slowly growing arousal. Trying to save them both the embarrassment. His Jimin really was cute.


[A/N] Hello~  would right now count as a late update? The sun hasn’t set yet… Anyways, did you guys like the update??? Oh! That part where Jungkook calls Jimin his are his thoughts, in case you hadn’t already figured it out. Hehe, let me know what you think in the comments! See you guys next week! Bye bye~~

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Chapter 9: Wow, it's really been a long time since the last update and tbh, I had to reread all the previous chapter to remember what had happened^^ I still love this story, and even though I understand how lazy you must be, I'm sad that you're taking so much time to update (but really I should just shut up because I'm late on upates too lol).
Anyway, keep the good work and figthing !! :-D
ayaerika #2
Chapter 9: wait your not going to university? your just going to work? :(
mxv0109 #3
Chapter 8: kookie is really unbelievable, man, and chim is the luckiest breathing being on earth I swear. thanks for the update and I'm going to forgive you just because I'm the most lazy on this universe so yah, I got you fam
Litz12xx #4
Chapter 8: HOHO welcome back!! Thanks for the update OH IM EXCITED TO WHAT WOULD HAPPEN NEXT
Kpopisidklife #5
Hope can update soon :)))
Chapter 7: Jghttdhjhfdfkgy this fanfic got me speaking all kind of languges 채ㅕ파ㅏㅌㅎ옿ㅇㄹ핱 かさえあらたgんcjv
mxv0109 #7
Litz12xx #8
Chapter 7: Oh may gat. Please update ofteenn and yas love your story
Chapter 7: Pleaseeeee update more often~
Your story is really nice and fresh author-nim