Chapter 7


Jimin pulled down his shirt after Jungkook had rubbed some ointment on the forming bruises. He sat on the couch as Jungkook left to put away the first aide kit. Jimin took his phone out and checked the time, it was about to be 6:40pm. He really needed to get going.


Jungkook came back to the living room, a fidgeting Jimin sitting on the couch.

Jimin turned and looked at Jungkook as he made his way towards him.

“Jungkook-ah, I should really get going now. It’s getting late, and I have already troubled you guys enough.”


“Won’t you stay longer?”


“I’m afraid I can’t. It’s getting late. Tomorrow is Sunday, don’t you guys have a schedule tomorrow?”


“Well, yeah but-”


“No, you’re busy tomorrow, and it’s my day off. I’ll get going.” With that said, Jimin grabbed his phone and walked towards the door with Jungkook following behind him. “It was fun hanging out with you. Thank you for everything. Bye bye Jungkook-ah.”


“I’ll see you again Jimin.”




Jimin walked up to his house and unlocked the door. He walked straight to his room and plopped down on his bed with a sigh. Today had been quite the interesting and tiring day for Jimin. He layed down on his bed, lifting his left arm to put over his eyes, but flinching at the pain of his shoulder. He opted to just letting his arm rest over his stomach.


Jimin laid there for a while, going through all the events that had happened throughout the day.


Jimin abruptly sat up as he recalled what Jungkook had said before he had left his house. ‘I’ll see you again Jimin.’ Did Jungkook mean that? Was he really going to be able to see and hangout with him again? Jimin dismissed his thoughts before getting out of bed.


Jimin walked towards his bathroom to wash his teeth. He washed his face and then headed for the closet to get his sleep wear, a large white t-shirt and some comfy shorts. It was already 7:30pm, so he decided to just go to bed. He was tired, so he was able to fall asleep easily.




Two weeks went by and Jimin returned to his usual routine of school, work, sleep, and the occasional lazy days on tumblr. There had been another BTS album signing event, but Jimin wasn’t able to attend. It was already Friday. Jimin didn’t have work this Saturday, so that meant he had the whole weekend to himself. He hadn’t made any plans yet, but he was thinking of calling his friend, Jeup, to come hang out with him. Jimin started getting ready as he called his friend. He was going out with or without his friend. Jimin didn't want to stay home on his days off.



“Hey Jeup, what are you up to??”

‘Nothing really, I'm just home, why? Are you off today?’

“Heheh, yup! Let's hangout! It's been a while.”

‘Hmm, sure. Coffee shop?’


‘Kay, see you there.’


Jimin set his phone down, walking up to his full length mirror. He checked his clothes. Jimin was wearing a simple grey tucked in t-shirt and black jeans with black combat boots. Satisfied with how he looked, he walked to his bathroom to wash his teeth. He fixed his makeup and hair, walking back to his room to get his phone and house keys.


Jimin was in his kitchen getting a water bottle when he heard someone knock on his door. He grabbed his stuff and made his way to the door.


He opened his door expecting the mailman or a door-to-door salesman. What he didn't expect was Jungkook to be standing there with his cute bunny smile.



Jimin sat in his kitchen with an overly excited Jungkook. “So, let me get this straight. You guys got a week off?” Jungkook nodded. “This precious week, that you probably won’t get again for a really really long time, you want to spend it with me?” Jungkook hummed, his smile slightly growing into a smirk. “Me? A complete stranger that you’ve only met once?”

“Actually, it is our third time meeting Jiminie.”

“That doesn’t change anything! You hardly know me, and you want to spend your time off with me? Shouldn’t you take this time to rest and sleep in? Do stuff you can’t do with your busy schedule?” Jimin was utterly shocked and confused. He couldn’t understand why Jungkook was so persistent on spending his time off with him.

“Yeah, I know I hardly know you, but that’s why we can spend this week getting to know you!”


Jimin was honestly very excited to have his bias in his house once again, but it was also very nerve wracking. Jimin also had plans to meet up with his friend Jeup, and he knew if he didn’t show up anytime soon, his friend would murder him. So Jimin did the only thing he could think of.


“Jungkook, I’m honestly really grateful that you would want to spend your time off with plain old me. Today is my day off, and well...I kinda already made plans with someone.” Jungkook stared at Jimin, his smile nowhere to be seen on his face.

“Did you get ready for this? You look really nice. Who are you meeting again? Where?” Jimin visibly gulped. Was Jungkook mad?

“U-uhm...I’m meeting a friend? At a coffee shop?” Jungkook’s smile came back, but it didn’t look like his natural happy face.

“Let’s go then! You don’t want to keep your friend waiting.”




Jimin and Jungkook made their way over to a little cafe Jimin visited often. As he entered, he saw his friend sitting at their usual table, a corner table. They made their way towards Jimin’s pink haired friend.

“You’re late” Jeup said without even looking away from his phone. He had sensed someone come near him, and just knew it was Jimin.

“I’m sorry, something came up...more like someone.” Jimin said, murmuring the last part. He pulled a chair and sat down, Jungkook following suit.


Jeup still hadn’t look up from his phone, until he heard someone else sit down next to Jimin. He was shocked to see the young singer sitting there.

“Oh. If you had a date with your bias, you could have just let me known. Since it’s your bias, I would have understood.” Jimin just sat there, his face getting hotter by the second. Jungkook turned and smiled at Jimin, or was it a smirk.


A/N ...heh..^^’ h-hey guys...heheh pleasedontkillme. Sorry it’s been like two months since my last update. Honestly anything I say will just sound like an excuse, so I’ll say I was lazy. Which is true, but yeah. Last time I updated I was still in summer break, and now ¼ of the school has gone by. lolol I’m at school right now, and it was kind of awkward typing and posting this from a school computer. Heheh Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy. Please comment and subscribe if you haven’t already. Thanks!

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Chapter 9: Wow, it's really been a long time since the last update and tbh, I had to reread all the previous chapter to remember what had happened^^ I still love this story, and even though I understand how lazy you must be, I'm sad that you're taking so much time to update (but really I should just shut up because I'm late on upates too lol).
Anyway, keep the good work and figthing !! :-D
ayaerika #2
Chapter 9: wait your not going to university? your just going to work? :(
mxv0109 #3
Chapter 8: kookie is really unbelievable, man, and chim is the luckiest breathing being on earth I swear. thanks for the update and I'm going to forgive you just because I'm the most lazy on this universe so yah, I got you fam
Litz12xx #4
Chapter 8: HOHO welcome back!! Thanks for the update OH IM EXCITED TO WHAT WOULD HAPPEN NEXT
Kpopisidklife #5
Hope can update soon :)))
Chapter 7: Jghttdhjhfdfkgy this fanfic got me speaking all kind of languges 채ㅕ파ㅏㅌㅎ옿ㅇㄹ핱 かさえあらたgんcjv
mxv0109 #7
Litz12xx #8
Chapter 7: Oh may gat. Please update ofteenn and yas love your story
Chapter 7: Pleaseeeee update more often~
Your story is really nice and fresh author-nim