little steps (coming back to you)

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Estranged husband and wife were brought together by a strange string of fate. Was there any second chance for them or was it too late?


"Junhee unnie, Yifan oppa is involved in a car accident."

She wasn't going to lie, her stomach sank when she heard that. Yifan was still her sons' father after all.

"How is he now?" She asked, chest suddenly tightened, anticipating the worst scenario to happen.

"He is still in the hospital. Out of danger." Baekhee bit her lips worriedly, glancing at Chanyeol who wore the same expression. 

"But?" Junhee asked, sensing something more that the couple wanted to say.

"He is asking for you, noona." Chanyeol answered instead.

"Me?" She frowned, "But I don't have anything to do with him anymore." 

"We also don't know. Luhua unnie asked us to fetch you. But it is better for you to see him first." 



Yifan's warm smile welcoming her wasn't something that Junhee expected when she stepped into his room. They didn't even in speaking terms with each other. Maybe they occassionally talked when Yifan picked up Jongdae and Jongin to spend the weekend with him. But it wasn't even friendly. Yifan that she remembered was cold and collected around her. So it was kind of strange to see him beaming at her. Like how it had been between them.

"Hi." She greeted him, awkwardly moving nearer to her ex-husband in front of the wary eyes looking at them. "Are you feeling better now?" She asked, cautiously took a stance near Luhua and Minseok. Her ex-sister in law gave her an undecipherable look.

"Hey, you finally came. I thought that you don't care about me anymore." Yifan grinned, arms stretched out, trying to grab her hands. Junhee flinched at the gesture, noticing that Jessica was staring at them coldly. Luhua, sensing the weird atmosphere in the room, was quick to step up.

"Alright, we'll talk later. You need to rest, Fan." She said, squeezing her twin brother's hand. Yifan was visibly upset for not being able to reach Junhee's hand but he said nothing. He was fast asleep, fatigue took over his still weak body, leaving the awkward silence hanging between the people who were still conscious.

"Jun, I need to talk to you." Luhua said and Junhee agreed, too confused about the whole thing "Privately." She added when Jessica stood up from the sofa. Junhee tried to ignore the piercing eyes that Jessica sent her when she walked past the woman with Luhua.


"What's wrong?" Junhee asked when they had walked far enough from the room.

Luhua sighed tiredly and she immediately knew that something bad happened to Yifan.

"Is there anything that I should know regarding Yifan's accident?" She asked, pressing.

"That's what I want to talk to you." Luhua replied, hesitant. 

"Jun, Yifan has lost all of his memories from the past two years." Luhua watched Junhee's face changed from confusion to shocked beyond words. "And yes, he think that you guys are still married."

"What? Then when can he get all of his memories back?" 

"I have talked to his doctor regarding his condition. They can't give me the exact time since every patient is different. What they suggested is that he is put to the condition matches best with his memory to put his mind at ease. And yes, it's being at home with you."



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kim_alexpink #1
Chapter 9: Loved this story....
2526 streak #2
Chapter 9: authornim! found myself missing this story so i read it again! you must be busy but i hope you find time to update soon? i really love this fic and i think it's gonna end soon, will be waiting for the end! :)
Aimensi_2402 #3
Chapter 9: OMG, I have only recently stated rooting for the LayxSuho pairing, but this fic is making me feel things for Krisho again... You're doing great sweetie, keep up the great work~! Also I know it's just a character, but our Yixing wouldn't hurt a fly just putting that out there~!
Chapter 9: This is it... This is it... OH MY GOD
Chapter 9: Wow yixing is such a j*rk asdfghjkl good thing that yifan could recall his memory before the accident ;;; now i will patiently wait for yifan and junhee to get back together again after all of these drama kkkk
Chapter 9: Oh my god its coming...

I hop
2526 streak #7
Chapter 9: why delay the inevitable when it's been long overdue already! right Jun?
yes she just called of the wedding with Yixing, but she never stopped loving Yifan right? and now, Yifan is right there in front of her, why let him go away again???

YOU ENDED IT WITH SUCH A CLIFFHANGER THO! UGHHHHHH and i can't hate you for it coz you're updating this story again after years! HUHUHU thank you so much again! love youuuuuuu
asari2 #8
Chapter 9: This was perfect :)
Chapter 9: Oh dear dont feel sorry.. I am trembling and squealing reading this update. Thanks for the giddy feels lol.
luckydream05 #10
Chapter 9: Thank you for updating this story. I hoping yifan and junhee be together after this.