CHAPTER 6: The last letter

A letter you'll never read

Chapter 6: The Last letter

Dear Nayeon,

Why did you leave me?

Your hands shook as I held it, “Jeongyeon, I’m dying.”

It didn’t sink in until you covered your face with your hands.Tears fell down from my eyes. My world felt like it fell a part.

Because, My world is you.

“Nayeon no…” I said as I my lips trembled. 

My nayeon. My beautiful Nayeon is dying. And I didn’t even knew. Never in my dream have I thought that she will be gone. Continuous tears came flowing.

I’ve cried my lifetime supply of tears. It was the most painful thing to ever accept, that she will have to leave me permanently.

But Nayeon, She tried to act strong in front me. She would try to be better in front of me. That’s where my strength came from.

When tomorrow came, I heard her cries while her sickness attacks her.

“Nayeonie? You’ll be okey my baby. Don’t cry, I’ll get jeongyeon.” I heard her said as she caressed her face.

“No mom, I don’t want her.. to see my like this.” You said as you catch your breath.

I was on the verge of crying when I came in and held your hand,

You weakness, flaws and everything about you, didn’t I say i’ll embrace those too?

“Ya, Nayeon-ssi don’t give up. You’ll become a singer right?” I said, trying to hold back my tears.

“I will.. maybe.. in my next life.” Nayeon said as she laughed, saying those bunny teeth I loved.

She is covered in sweat and looked so much in pain so I just held her hand so desperately hoping that she won’t let go. That she won’t leave me just yet.

3 days passed by, and I will come by the hospital. We will talk for hours like we were before.

There in the hospital I bump into  Momo, in the next room. She had cancer. That is why she was close with Nayeon that time. That time Nayeon stood me up on birthday, It was probably because she is hospitalized.

It will only be a month? It’s like my whole body can’t accept it. And I felt pain all over of me on the thought of loosing you. It hurts because you’re the only one I want to be with in this life time.

Nayeon looked so happy as I pushed her wheel chair in the hospital garden.  She always loved flowers but there wasn’t enough space in that apartment.

She picked and smiled ever so lovely, “Pretty  flowers.”

“are you kidding?” I laughed. “You’re prettier.”

“Pabo.” Nayeon laughed.

“I love you, Nayeon. Forever.” I said like it was the most natural thing in the world.

I reminisce on our first meeting, when we were kids. When we were in Junior high and all through the years of happiness and sadness.”

“There wasn’t a single moment in my life where I didn’t love you.”

“Jeongyeon…” shereplied with such a painful expression, “I couldn’t be with you in the future you know.”

“I know, but will you… go with the park with me sometime?” I tried smiling.

“yeah, I want to see bunnies.” Nayeon smiled.

“will you.. sing for me?”

“of course.” She giggled.

“Will you see the sunset in the beach with me?” I said again as I kneel I front of her.

“Yeah, i love the sea.” You smiled again.

I grabbed your hands as our finger entwined., “then will you…..



 marry me?”

Nayeon looked at me, confused. “jeaongyeon… No.”

“You don’t love me?” I asked her again.

“Of course I do but..”  I covered and kissed her hands.


I, Yoo Jeongyeon, take Im Nayeon, to be my wedded wife. To hold from this day forward, for better or for worse…” I stopped as I forgot the next line.


Nayeon laughed and tightly held my hand, “for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health..”

Entwining our fingers that fit perfectly as I continued saying the same lines with her, “to love and to cherish.”


“Through death and to the next life.” I said a I kissed her.

As our lips touch, I felt her tears.

I cried, looking at my most beloved.

looking at my bestfriend,

my childhood friend,

 my first love,

my soulmate

…and the reason for my being.


“I love you.” 




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i will not update "the contract" until i finished "A letter you'll never read". But this will be finished soon since it will be just 8 chaps~


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Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Ohmygosh im crying
Nayeonah #2
Chapter 8: YAhhhhhh so the letters they got on the contract is Jeongyeon’s ????
Nayeonah #3
I cried a lot with The Contract and its so beautiful, i love your stories so much. Please write more 2yeon.
Chapter 8: OMG I LOVE THIS
Chapter 8: FUDGE YOU
xxxxioixxxx #7
Chapter 5: I have read this over and over again, and will still break down in tears.
Chapter 7: i'm not crying, you are-
Chapter 6: I WISH THIS WAS THE LAST CHAPTER la la la happy ending she's healthy again my skin suddenly clears my grades went up the sun is shining the-