Yang Yoseob.

The Match-Making Maid [Hiatus]


"Ummm ..... breakfast," Hyorin said cautiously entering his room.

 Hyorin was surprised to see Hyunseung wide awake and completely dressed this early in the morning. Normally he'd still be in bed fast asleep. Once Hyorin had come up to check on him, but he was still sleeping, at the time it was one in the afternoon. She'd usually have a hell of a time trying to wake him up.

“You’re late," Hyunseung said sternly fixing his hair.

"Miahne," Hyorin said as she set down the tray and backed away. Hyorin stared at Hyunseung as he went for the soup. Slowly he ate his first spoonful, to Hyorin's astonishment, without a word or sound he went for another spoonful. Seeing as how Hyunseung hadn't complained about the temperature of the soup Hyorin began believing he liked the cold soup afterall.

"So it was true, you do like your soup cold, that's odd," she said with a light laugh. Happy she was finally able to get him to eat Hyorin missed the death glares he was giving off. The way he stared at her head was surely capable of burning through. Hyorin began cleaning the tray of breakfast Hyunseung hadn't touch since he still had the soup in his hands.

"You must really like it, you still haven't tried anything else," she said unaware of how close Hyunseung had gotten to her.

"You wanna know something," Hyunseung began.

 "What," Hyorin asked unknowingly starting trouble for herself.

Now Hyunseung was standing right in front of her, so close that when she looked up she'd accidently hit her nose against his body. Surprised Hyorin backed away slightly.

 "I like cold soup .... ," he started, casually raising the bowl over Hyorin's head, "as much as I like you." And with that being said he slowly poured the soup onto Hyorin.

“I hate it.” He said ominously. He began to shake the bowl, making sure each and every last drop of soup was no longer in the bowl but on Hyorin, he then placed the empty bowl on her head.

"Arraso?" He asked mockingly patting her across her forehead as if she were his pet. Hyorin was stunned, silent; with no other options she shook her head in agreement.

“An old friend is coming over so be good girl and go buy snacks,” Hyunseung said dismissingly pushing Hyorin into the hall way. Exasperated Hyorin stomped her feet in anger. Throwing a mini silent tantrum, she started kicking the air and pulling her drenched hair.

She let out a defeated sigh “Why Hyunseung I outta,” Hyorin raised her fist to the door, swearing Hyunseung quietly all unknowingly being watched the entire time.

“Ahem.” Hyorin turned to see Mrs. Jang standing there with her arms crossed head cocked to the side.

“I was just,” she began.

“Save it, I need you to take Hyunseung into the office today. Convince him to come back to work, arraso?”

But before Hyorin could object Mrs. Jang was already long gone.

“Neeeee …” Hyorin sighed to herself.

“Unnie are you okay, mianhe you were already late and if you didn’t take it to him, who knows what would’ve happened and I feel really bad, ”

Hyorin held up her hand to a purple looking Daeun, who was out of breath from trying to explain herself quickly, “Unnie gwenchana.”

“I’m fine, but where’s the closest market from here?”

Aish this guy seriously asking me to buy all these things and he doesn’t even lend me the car. It’s not like I’m a freaking body builder how does he expect me to carry all these things, she sighed talking to herself. Hyorin continued wobbling her way back to the Jang household, both hands weighed down by countless grocery bags filled with drinks, and snacks.  As she made her way down the sidewalk a sudden car sped past her; nearly causing her to fall, as well as throwing leaves, which were piled together at her.

“Yah!!!!!” she screamed dropping her things and flipping off the white vehicle.

The car came to a screeching halt, when suddenly a man stuck his head out the car window. Both shocked and embarrassed Hyorin immediately turned around to pick up her bags. Omo did he see me.

“Hey” she suddenly heard.

“Gwenchana, no need to apologize.” Hyorin interrupted, her back to him, grabbing her belongings off the floor.

The man rolled his eyes. Tsk, the man scoffed to himself. “I didn’t ask if you were okay idiot. Yah next time just stand in the middle of the freaking road, why don’t you.” He shouted shaking his head in the process. Hyorin couldn’t believe what she was hearing today was just not her day.

Finally after what seem like an eternity Hyorin was back at the Jang household. 

“I swear I hate you Hyunseung.” Hyorin mumbled to herself walking across the large driveway, and then suddenly a car caught her attention. It was a white SUV that she’d never seen around here before, but for some odd reason it looked vaguely similar. Without giving much thought to why it looked so familiar Hyorin went in.

*knock knock knock*

“Come in.”

Hyorin walked in to see the two men casually sitting across one another laughing wholeheartedly amongst themselves. It was as if Hyunseung was a completely different man. Never before had he seemed so carefree and happy.

“Ah, yes this is my new personal maid Hyorin.”

“Hello, call me Yoseob.”

“Anyyeonghasaeyo  Hyorin-nimda,” she said with a bow. As she was about to pour him a drink, Hyorin was distracted by the man’s familiar appearance.  She paused for a moment trying to remember where she had seen him.

“Anyways as you were saying.”

“Ah, where was I?”

“Something about almost running over some idiot.”

“Oh yeah, and while I was driving here some stupid girl decides to walk  damn near in the middle of the road, she’s lucky her didn’t get run over. People nowadays.” Both man laughing with one another.

“I was on the sidewalk !” Hyorin shouted. 

"What was that?" Both men stared at her quizzically.

"Ah nothing, just talking to myself," she gave a light smile and a faint laugh realizing how stupid she must have looked and sounded.

Averting her attention back to serving the food, Hyorin was still fuming over the rude comments and jokes they made about her, hands shaking from her pent up emotions finally spilling Hyunseung’s drink in the process.

"Yah, what the hell!"

"Oh my god I'm sorry," Hyorin said reaching for napkins trying to dab the spill dry. "Here let me help you." Hyunseung had a death grip around her wrist.

"Neo, nal ttalawa." Hyunseung uttered through griited teeth, forcing a smile.

"Ah, hyung don't be so harsh, it was a complete accident," Yoseob flashed his innocent smile, "right Miss. Hyorin-shhi?" Hyorin shook her head softly in response.

"Accident or not, follow me."

Yoseob began roaming around the office, hands trailing the shelves where Hyuna's photo onced stood, peering nervously over his shoulders, waiting for the perfect moment then ....  *cllick* As soon as the door were closed Yoseob quickened his speed. This was the perfect moment, all alone with no distractions, opening, drawers left and right, where could it be?


"Are you sure it's going to be in there?

"Ne, I remember clearly Ms. Jang and he always kept it in there." Hyuna said as she slid her arms around him. "In a black manila folder, third drawer on the left."

*end of fb*

Yoseob's fingers twiched nervously as his eyes darted back and forth from the door to the desk. His heart began to race as he lowered himself, hand merely inches from the destined drawer. It's been six months since she'd been here, hoping that everything she had told him was still the same. He closed his eyes and held his breathe as he slowly opened the drawer, and to his astonishment and bliss there it was, the black manila folder Hyuna talked about. A sly grin appeared before him, completely satified with how things went. Just as he reached for the folder, he heard a suden click, still kneeled in front of the desk his eyes nervously shot up to see Hyorin peering down at him suspiciously.

"What are you doing?"



- Firstly, sorry for the tremendously long wait. Hopefully it wasn't too bad to read with me jumping all over the place in this ch. I'm having trouble with what to write next. No idea as to how & when to change Hyunseung so to speak lol. I feel like this story is going to drag out wayyyy to long. Anyways enjoy. [Unedited Ch.]





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Kim_hyorin11 #1
Chapter 15: Please update again
pronika86 #2
Chapter 15: Hope the next update soon...
Chapter 13: omg this story is so amazing ! please update soon. i really am so addicted to this hahah i hope hyuna and yoseob fail -.- like majorly completely fail -.- lol and hyorin hits hyunseung at least once lol ohhhh hyorin and JH are sooo cute tho <3
Chapter 12: Yeay! Gomawo for the update...
Hyunseunglover123 #5
Chapter 12: You updated! I've been waiting!!!!!!!!!!!
LinYooJung #6
Chapter 12: wow! I miss your update~
Hyunseunglover123 #7
Chapter 11: Omg this is the best fanfic I ever read. As you can tell by my username I am hyunseung Jangs favorite stalker! Nice job but hyunseungs scary. I still love him though!!!!!!!!'
AyyoLyne #8
Omgg.. this story is so goood. BEST STORY I EVER READ!
Update sooon (:
juicy_red #9
Fighting <3 ~