The Next Morning.

The Match-Making Maid [Hiatus]

Hyorin was in a zombie-like state of mind as she quietly drove over to the Jang household. She was unable to sleep at all last night. Her mind was in a jumble of emotional fragments replaying yesterday's events over and over again. Still unable to forget everything that had occurred. She knew it be best if she wouldn't let it affect her while on the job; but, still her mind couldn't help but think of Junhyung and how he probably felt about what happened. Her thoughts about Junhyung wandered aimlessly, however with the constant ringing of her phone it was hard to focus. Hyorin was reminded by Hyunseung non-stop texts of how mad he was about her being late. Deciding to focus more on work Hyorin pushed all thoughts of last night away as she rushed over to Hyunseung's.

Hyorin arrived at the Jang household 30 minutes later, with breakfast in hand. By the time she had gotten there Minjun and Daeun were already cleaning the dining table.

“Annyeong,” Hyorin happily greeted them as she walked towards the kitchen and dining area.

“Oh, Hyorin-unnie, annyeong,” Daeun replied overly excited nearly dropping all the dishes like the very first time they'd met.

"Noona, annyeong," Minjun said as he continued wiping down the table, now not as shy as before.

Hyorin began unpacking the store bought breakfast pouring the soup Hyunseung ordered into a pot.

"Noona, what are you doing?"

"Warming up the soup of course, it's cold."

Daeun immediately looked to Minjun who was still cleaning up the remnants of this morning’s breakfast.

"Unnie, you shouldn't do that Hyunseung-shhi likes his soup cold, right oppa."

Minjun getting ready to object looked over to Daeun confused. Daeun began to eye him motioning him to agree.

"Uhhhhh, yeah he does." Minjun answered sounding somewhat skeptical.

"Chinja-roh?" Hyorin asked surprised.

"Chinja," Minjun spat out abruptly due to Daeun's sudden elbow to his body.

Hyorin looked at him doubtingly but nothing seemed out of the ordinary, so she ignored her suspicion of his uneasiness.

"I guess," Hyorin said while pouring the cold soup back into a bowl. After grabbing the rest of Hyunseung's breakfast and putting them on a tray Hyorin made her way to his room.

After Hyorin disappeared into the hallway Minjun immediately turned to Daeun.

“Yah! What was that all about?”

“Oppa, sometimes I find myself questioning your intelligence.” Daeun said shaking her head, now washing the dishes.

Minjun stood there still unaware of what Daeun was inferring, looking like a deer in the headlights. Puzzled he turned his head from side to side trying to think of all the possible reasons for Hyunseung to have cold soup.

“Aissh, Remember what happened to the previous maid when she was late and took hot soup to him,” Daeun asked with a hint of sarcasm in her tone.

Still he stood there trying to process all the previous occurrences he'd experienced or witnessed after entering the Jang household, finally after what seemed like forever to Daeun, "Ahhhh you're right, let's hope nothing happens to noona."

"Hopefully," Daeun said as she stared towards Hyunseung's bedroom.

Hyorin finally made her way to his room, unaware of what was coming next. *knock knock knock*






- So summer session has finally ended now & I have a month off before fall semester starts up, fmlatm. But a super quick, short update before bed.

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Kim_hyorin11 #1
Chapter 15: Please update again
pronika86 #2
Chapter 15: Hope the next update soon...
Chapter 13: omg this story is so amazing ! please update soon. i really am so addicted to this hahah i hope hyuna and yoseob fail -.- like majorly completely fail -.- lol and hyorin hits hyunseung at least once lol ohhhh hyorin and JH are sooo cute tho <3
Chapter 12: Yeay! Gomawo for the update...
Hyunseunglover123 #5
Chapter 12: You updated! I've been waiting!!!!!!!!!!!
LinYooJung #6
Chapter 12: wow! I miss your update~
Hyunseunglover123 #7
Chapter 11: Omg this is the best fanfic I ever read. As you can tell by my username I am hyunseung Jangs favorite stalker! Nice job but hyunseungs scary. I still love him though!!!!!!!!'
AyyoLyne #8
Omgg.. this story is so goood. BEST STORY I EVER READ!
Update sooon (:
juicy_red #9
Fighting <3 ~