7th Month: How to stop him speaking?

9 Months

“Omma, where a’you?”

“Omma, what a’you doing?”

“Omma, what s’this?”

“Omma, omma, omma….”

He was unstoppable. Since Yu Jin learned how to speak, Mai wasn’t able to do anything longer than 3 min. Yu Jin had questions for everything, was looking for her every minute, was curious about animals and objects. He was even singing while playing his piano toy his uncles bought for his birthday. What a gift from hell by the way. Mai was getting crazy because of all the noise that machine was doing, adding this with the songs invented by her son, it’s was hell really! She was cracking up, and thinking that is was only the beginning, she wondered how she will survive alone. Hopefully his dad had some free time offered by the company to raise his son. But as expected from Taemin, he was most of the time in his studio, the furthest room in the house, trying to create new songs.

“Omma! –Yu Jin screamed from the cough behind her.”

“Yes sweetie? – Mai sighed”

“Wang, wang.”

Yu Jin words sometimes were a bit strange but thanks to her mother superpower, she was able to decrypt them all.

“You want the dog? Here is it, my angel.”

She gave the puppy soft toy and got back to her work she brought home to finish. She wondered if it wasn’t useless after all. She has been on it for the last hour and could just give it 20min… Suddenly an idea popped in her head.

“Yu Jin ah, stay here a minute, omma is coming back quickly okay?”

“ 'kay”



No, this melody sounded strange. He wanted something fluid, something with more emotions. It was really hard to concentrate these last days, the house was so noisy. He thought of going back to the company studio, but Mai would have hated him for that. So he stayed but seriously that was barely bearable.

Knock knock

“Taemin, may I enter?”

Mai's voice came through the wood of the door. Taemin sighed, one more distraction from his creative work.

“Yes, Mai come in.”

“I’m sorry, did I disturb you?” – She asked with an apologetic smile.

“No not at all honey.” – Taemin lied.

“I see… I read in you as an open book you know. You can’t lie to me, not anymore. Anyway, never mind that.”

Taemin felt guilty, that look in her eyes, the disappointed look, was horrible to watch. He felt really bad.

“I know you can’t actually work well, and so do I. So, I want to talk with you of a way to be able to do it.”

“What have you in mind?” Taemin replied with a curious voice.

“Let’s look for a children day care. I really need to finish the work I took home, and you really need to concentrate on your songs. But, as much as I love our beautiful son, I can’t do it with him and his curious mind. What do you think about it?”

Mai really looked tired. Taemin felt guilty one more time to have left all Yu Jin care to his wife. She also had a job, she wasn’t a mother full-time home.

“I’m sorry honey, I should have taken Yu Jin with me for a bit…” –Taemin started.

“That is not the question right now Taemin! And your work is what pays the banks and their confidence in us. I am looking for your thoughts on the day care” –Mai finished.

“I’m still sorry. And about the day care, we said we couldn’t because I am famous and we wanted to hide Yu Jin until he was older. Remember?”

“I know… I know but, it would also make him meet other children, meet new people and meeting new words. And nowadays, words are what he wants to learn. And it would give us some break. We can’t always ask your parents or mine. They also need to rest. They are old people.”

“So we’re not protecting him anymore?” – Taemin asked a bit angry

“It’s not a question of protection. It’s about us, me. Take him with you a whole day, we’ll see if you won’t consider day care after?” – Mai dared him.

“Call! I take the dare!”-Taemin defied his wife.

“Very well then! Good luck APPA!”

Mai turned around and went out.


The next day, Taemin took his son with him in the studio.

“Omma, is crazy, how can we send you at day care? Right Yu Jin ah?”


He took some toys and some of his books and placed then as well as Yu Jin on the town carpet. He was sure that his pretty son will be a good boy there. But as he barely opened his computer…

“Appa? Appa?!”

“Yes, Yu Jin?”-He turned his office seat to face him.

“Wang Wang ‘ot here.”

“Wang wang?”

Ok that was bad start. What was wang wang? “Ma….” Wait no he couldn’t ask Mai, he was supposed to take care of Yu Jin alone.

“Wang Wang ‘ot here”

“Not here? Ok, wait appa will go looking for it, okay?”

“ ’Kay.”

He stepped out the studio walk all the way to the baby room and try looking for what could be a “wang wang”. He looked all around the room and his eyes stopped on something. “The robot! Robots do wang wang!”

He walked quickly back to the studio.

“Here! Wang wang!” – He gave him all proud.

“ ’ot wang wang. Yu Jin ‘ants wang wang.”- Yu Jin slapped the game and frown at his father.

“Ok, ok, appa was wrong.”

He did the same walk to the bedroom, threw the robot in a case and looked for anything “wang wang”. He grabbed 4 games doing the sounds and walked back.

“ ’ot wang wang!!”

Yu Jin was angry, Taemin was angry, and the computer ready for work.

“Ok, listen, Yu Jin you don’t need wang wang, you have all sort of game here so just play with them. Appa has work.” –He scolded his son.

He sat on the chair, put on is headphone letting one ear free and began to work. 5 minutes past before Yu Jin crashed something.

“YU JIN! What did you do? Why aren’t you on the carpet anymore?”-Taemin yelled at his son.

A trophy he won on a music TV was on the floor, not broken but it wouldn’t survive a second jump for sure. Surprised by the sudden high voice of his father the little boy fell on his causing more trophy jump.


That scream was a mix of fear and anger for his son. The baby felt the danger in his father voice. He first just had wide open eyes, until he finally panic and cried with all his lungs.

And this was just the first 10 minutes of the day.


At the end of the day, Mai entered the studio room. What she faced made her very proud of her.

“So still won’t consider day care?”- She smirked.

Taemin was sat in the middle of the room with so many toys that it looked like a toy pool. His hair was messy as if he faced a storm. His breathe was heavy and his mouth dry. All kind of objects that were usually at mid-height from the wall were all packed at a higher height. When Taemin looked at his wife, his eyes were exhausted and Mai knew she won her dare. She was restraining herself to laugh, not until he admitted she won.

“Let’s look for a day care…”

His voice was really low and tired. Mai exploded. It was hilarious. Taemin looked like he had the worst day he ever had while, quietly, just doing cute sounds, Yu Jin was playing with toys. He looked like and angel with the smiles and laugh.

“He isn’t your son for nothing. Like father, like son.”-Mai laughed.

She helped her husband to get up and took Yu Jin in her arms.

“You worked well Yu Jin! You worked well also Taemin.”

She gave a kiss to both of her men, and turned around to left the room.

“Thank you, I guess.” –Taemin smiled at his clever wife. “Ah! By the way!”

“Yes, tired appa?”

“What is wang wang?!”



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This is my cute fluffy fic with a baby ~ Come and read for having a good time ^^


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Chapter 10: That baby is so cute!
Chapter 9: awwww!!!! was beautiful <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 9: I was waiting for the members to show up and taste Tae's cake and all end up with food poisoning lol
Chapter 8: Very cute like always. The idea of Taemin building a bed is scary XD
Chapter 7: So cute! XD also poor Taemin!
Chapter 6: kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 6: LMAO....thats so real! Everything is appa!
Chapter 5: Is that your drawing? Thats really good. And i fall in love with little lee. Yujin-ah pls be more like dad okay. Haha
Chapter 5: Awwwwww!!!!!!!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ love love loveeeee~♡♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 5: lol the toys part so cute XD lol Taemin and the baby are the cutest!

It was a really cute scene, but Yu Jin was clueless I the middle of this cuteness. All he wanted was his car. LMAO

It was short but very sweet! ^^