The party part 2

Can't deny fate
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“ Sana why are you here..?”

Bobby: “ Both of you know each other..?”

“Hi, Jin let me introduce you to my girlfriend Sana..” Sana I’m sorry but I have to do this..

Bi mouth is on my mouth.. God what the heck is he doing.. he’s kissing me. Once, twice, until I’ve had a taste and realize people are looking at us..

Jin: “ Bi, what the hell are you doing..*Pouch in the face*”

Fighting between Bi and Jin, Sana ran away from the scene

Jackson: “ Jin what the hell are you doing.. Break it down now.. People are looking, do you guys want to be in the headline..?”

Bi: “ What the heck Jin, why are disturbing my girlfriend and me kissing don’t you have respect for us at all..”

“ I know what you are trying to do Bi, and I won’t let it happen.. You want revenge don’t you..?”

“ What revenge Jin, are you crazy why would I take revenge on you?”

“ You know better than anyone Ni, and just take it on me, not Sana, you know she is my girlfriend.. Why do you have to go this far..?”


“ Shut up Bi, you won’t understand any of this things, you think Sana will be with you.. Dream on because in her heart there is only me and will have no one at all..”

“ Don’t you think you are crazy, super crazy, what make you think she will love you the same, like last time.. You know as time goes people change.. You should be the one who should stop dreaming and came into reality..”

Jackson: “ Where is Sana?”

“ Jin it was because of you, Sana is gone now..”

“ If it was because of you she wouldn’t ran away, because of you Bi..”

JB: “ Will both of you stop, and go find Sana, if something happen to her I won’t forgive you both.. Especially you Bi..” I will kill you both if my little sister is gone..

Bobby: “ She is gone what does it have to do it with you Jaebum..?”

“ I don’t want to spill anything out for you guys, such a bunch of gangster..”

Why do I have to meet Jin, like this I didn’t wish to see him like this.. This party is for those idol people. Why did Bi take me here and kiss me in front of everyone.. Is he an idol too..?

“ well well, isn’t she the girl Bi, just kiss now..?”

“ Yes, she is the girl that kiss Bi just now, Joy shouldn’t we teach her a lesson, she touch something she shouldn’t be touching..”

“ Yes, lets teach her a lesson for once, I would pull all her hair out for kissing my prince when I haven’t even touch his face before.. How dare she..?”

“ What do you guy wants to do to me..?”

“ Don

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