Chapter 3

Ten Days

Hey guys! Long time no see! Sorry about the wait. AP testing is finally over and these last few weeks are the home stretch of high school. I've been thinking how to write about this for the past few weeks. Wow, seriously. Some weird has happened last time I posted. Stay tuned for more. I hope you enjoy! 




The first day of school had come. Kill me now. Oh my god. To top it all, I had to walk to school. Great.

I could not stop thinking about what happened at Irene's. Her family is the most stable and practical family I know. I knew that she was constantly gone every other weekend because of extended family and college but this was something completely new. I talked to my mom about it but I got no answer. Instead, I got giant lie. My mom isn't the best at lying; she's got no poker face. Her answer only worried me more. Plus, I hadn't talked to Irene since. The unknown was killing me but I couldn't force her to tell me. I should give her time. 

As I walked to school, I got a text from Eric.

"Yo ready for school!? GET WRECKED!" MY GOD.

I quickly responded a big, fat no. I had AP Lit first period and the comments about the teacher were bad. English was never my strong point. 

"I swear every time I text you I get a little sad because you are never as excited as I am," was his reply. 

"Really ? Really?"

"YUUPP." I scoffed. I really was not ready for this. Why was he giving me so much crap this early in the morning?

Before I could respond, he sent another text: "Well, you can't really be mad at me for long because we have like every class together." I TOTALLY FORGOT. I stopped walking and smacked my forehead. This guy is going to give me crap ALL DAY. I am going to have no chill.

Eric and I have been friends since 7th grade. Seventh grade was the starting year at our school; unfortunately, the school has 7th through 12th grade. We were the 2nd seventh grade class the school ever had because it was so new. I remember one of the only reasons that we met was because his older sister was friends with my older brother. Also, because we took the same classes, we practically have had at least 2 classes with each other every school year. 

I walked into the school and looked around. There were a lot of new faces. Mainly because they were middle schoolers. ing middle schoolers; they always jammed up the hallways. The building was so ing small and they just LOVED to get in everyone's way. I didn't know where everyone was so I walked into the gym hoping to find someone.

The first person I saw was V. We joked around that teachers always wondered if her was a girl. We always made really bad puns about his name. 

He had his feet shoulder width apart, his hands scrunched up like he was grabbing something (), and angled his head towards the ceiling. "WEEeennnDDDDIIIIII," he blurbed with a stupid, scrunched up look on his face.

As stupid as I am, I reciprocated the action screaming ,"vvvvvVVVVVVIIIIIIII!!!!!!"

As I approached he responded, "Heyo fam," normally. "I got Kwon first period. What you got?"

"Kwon, you idiot. We talked about this yesterday."

"WELLLL, you can't blame me for not remembering." I rolled my eyes. We literally talked about this yesterday and we have every other class period together. 

"I'MM SOOO TIRED," I groaned. 

"You should be happy it's a half day. It'll be the last one for awhile."

"That's right. They implemented the 3rd Monday off thing."

"It works for me," he replied, shrugging his shoulders, "I don't feel like driving half an hour to school and only being here for 4 hours. Do you want to grab lunch after school?"

"No thanks. I'm broke. Have you seen Eric or Irene? They're usually here by now. Or at least Eric is."

V looked around. "No. I haven't seen them." Then, I remembered what time it was. School started in half an hour. I guess I overestimated how much traffic would affect my walking this morning. I was wondering why there were only middle schoolers here. 

We walked upstairs to the "Senior Lounge" and found the couches that would be our hangout for the rest of the year. The location was great. It was right next to the main hallway and was practically the center of the school. The teachers lounge door was right across from us though; that's how they keep tabs on us. 

V sat on the couch across from me. He immediately whipped out his phone and started playing Clash of Clans. Last year, a majority of the guys in my grade started playing it together and now they all compete on who is the best. Oh, frail masculinity. 

Before long, we were joined by the twins, Sehun and Kai. Fraternal and in all ways completely different. Kai was, of course, the social butterfly, while Sehun was a little quieter but super nice. Sehun sat and waited for his boo thang and Kai started to talk to V about Clash of Clans. Basically, I was alone.

"Did either of you do the government paper," I asked V and Kai. Kai just started laughing and V, without looking up from his phone, made a peace sign. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"No really. Did either of you do the paper?"

Kai wiping his eyes from laughter said,"Yeah I did. But that was rough man. The book was so good at the beginning and then I hit the chapter on foreign relations and I fell asleep."

"Yeah. It ing ," V added, finally paying attention. "What you write yours on, Kai?"

"Uhh, totalitarianism and libertarianism."


"Come on the book wasn't that bad, guys."

"I mean yeah but it was so dense. I barely got through the last chapter."

"Hey guys." We all turned around to see Xiumin walking towards us. Xiumin is ing short, man. But his abs: yes. We all have gotten a sweet glimpse at them at least once or twice during high school. Just like V, he immediately pulled out his phone to play Clash of Clans. For a few minutes, it was just us upstairs. None of us really talked because all the guys suddenly began to play on their phones together. It left me to try to fall asleep.

Xiumin finally joined us to break the silence. "Hey guys," was all he said before Tao jumped off the couch and proceeded to pretend to hit him. Normal. Tao was the martial arts God in our class and did parkour. Xiumin did a bit but mainly did parkour. So naturally, they got along well. All I could do was laugh at them for showing everyone upstairs how stupid us seniors were.

It all cooled down in like two minutes because Mr. Dong walked upstairs and freaked everyone out. He's SUPER creepy. And once again the little circles of conversation about games on their phones began. I repeatedly sighed for the next 5 minutes before the rest of the guys came.

Chanyeol, the tallest goofball, was followed by Baekhyun, Suho, and Luhan. I call them the "Privileged Ones." All of them in some way have been blessed with some uncanny smarts or some and are kind of s at times, to be honest. 

"Hey guys. Ready to die in English this year," I asked when they reached the couches. Baekhyun pretended to scream and jumped onto the couch. Then, he pretended to jump off the ledge. Oh, what an . We were so getting in trouble. Perfect response though.

With the addition of the four, we all began to talk in our own little circles, me included. We had to scream to talk because we couldn't hear each other over the number of students pouring into the hall below us. Unfortunately, the senior lounge overlooked the hall with the most foot traffic. Most of the main classrooms were down one of the halls. R.I.P my throat. 

The five minute bell rang and we all headed downstairs to our first classes. I saw a bunch of people I knew and was able to say hi to a few teachers. I didn't get to see Irene or Eric though. It must have been the first day traffic. 

We headed down the crowded hallway to the Honors class room at the very end of the hall. A bunch of middle school classrooms were right before it so it took awhile. 

Finally, I saw Irene. As usual, she looked very clean cut, but with a bit of casual hipster in. She had her coffee mug, probably filled with chai tea. She was talking to Suelgi, Joy, Hwasa, and Yeri.

Her back was to the window of the classroom, so I caught a beautiful profile shot. Her hair was normal, flowing too perfectly. She was laughing and covering . Her eyes scrunched to form little half moons and her cheeks were a bit pink. Damn that makeup though. She always did her makeup well. 

Senior year had officially started.

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Chapter 16: Still here ❤💛💙💚💜
Soshivelvett #2
Chapter 16: Oh damn :(( this :( What’s the possibility of having this updated but pls come back author-nim :(
wanniechu #3
Chapter 15: Ahhh the cliffhanger! But thanks for the update! xx
Eririn #4
Chapter 12: So Wendy was staring at Irene. That is understandable lol. Irene is gorgeous.
Eririn #5
Chapter 11: I'm glad that author-nim updated. I hope Wenrene gets to have more interaction soon. They are cute together.
Chapter 9: I'm glad that Irene told the gang about her opening up to her parents, atleast she's not that sad anymore :) Poor Yeri suffering from all those college essays.. Her mom should understand her more.. She's just a teenager for crying out loud, and it seem like she was forced to do it :( Ooh~ now Irene's being comfortable and clingy to Wendy ;) Tsk tsk Wendy sure is mesmerized by Irene. Lol Irene you're so obvious *smirks* Update soon Authornim :D
Eririn #7
Chapter 9: I'm surprised Wendy managed to control and contain herself when Irene fell asleep on her shoulder. I don't think anyone else could resist planting a kiss on that cute face.
Eririn #8
Chapter 9: I'm surprised Wendy managed to control and contain herself when Irene fell asleep on her shoulder. I don't think anyone else could resist planting a kiss on that cute face.
Chapter 9: Love it! It's good such a cute and realistic vibe. Also SKYRIM HELLZYES BEST GAME EVAAAAAAA
Eririn #10
Chapter 8: Irene finally came out and faced everything. I guess the next step is to walk down that path together with Wendy.