Chapter 15

Ten Days

My thoughts went elsewhere, staring at that phone. My mind was running scenario after scenario of what I could say. I picked up my phone with hesitation.


Maybe. I have to memor-


Maybe. Why? I deleted the message again and retyped.


What you want to talk about? I pressed send. I slapped my forehead. me, man. This was annoying; it gave me a headache.


I got an immediate response. Just wanted to blow off some steam. Tomorrow's a big day.


Yeah it is.


Debate ready?






Hell no.

Same. I laughed. Irene was extremely good at speeches. She could pull a speech out of her ; she did it all the time. She exuded this different aura, different from normal Irene. She was held together, strong, and beautifully confident.

She sent me another message. Come on. You'll do fine. You have way more confidence up there than I do.


I scoffed, though smiling at the compliment. Thanks. I'm just anxious for the debate. 3rd period said he covered almost everything.


That’s what I heard. But it really wasn't a debate. They all kind of agreed


Hehe I wonder what’ll happen tomorrow


I know. I smiled. It's been awhile since I texted Irene like this. It was nice.


I looked at the time. It was 10:30. I shot her a text. Well you should get ready for tomorrow. Stop bothering me I got a speech to memorize. I smiled and sent her another. Night.




I rolled my eyes and got back to my speech.


I got a text 15 minutes later. Hey


Irene, really? I thought. Goddamn. I rolled my eyes and with the speech I was in the middle of and ignored her completely.


My phone vibrated again. Ugh, Irene.








A few heys later, Irene got to her point. I can’t sleep. Can you keep me company?


Shhhiiitttt. This . I looked at my speech, weighing out my options. My brain was going back and forth on what I should do.


I have to memorize this speech.


Do I really? Gone through half of it already.


I have to.




The guys are counting on me.


To be honest, I memorized the speech already. I know it by heart.


Make a compromise.


Fine. I slammed my head on the desk. I have to go through it one more time.


Irene’s text would have to wait.


Going through it again, I barely looked at my card. It was good, precise, and articulate. I had no problem with the rhythm. Words were coming easily. My work here was done. I had one option left: I had to answer Irene.


I checked my phone and left her for ten minutes. Text or call? I should text. My throat hurts. I moved to my bed. I laid down on my stomach and smiled. This was making me happy.


Still up?


There were two responses: “Oh finally back?” and ”Thanks for leaving me in the cold.”


I was doing my homework. Don’t judge


Hehe I did mine early. I beat the great Wendy at her own game.


. I could hear her laugh as I sent it. Classic Irene.


WHOA I SEE HOW IT IS. I laughed back. I laughed loudly; it was Irene. My laughing faded and cut short. That same feeling I get with Irene overcame me. Just like every time. It’s hard to explain it; what I had with Irene. The feeling inside me was something I couldn’t completely explain in words, simply in actions. I wanted to hug Irene and not in a friend way. Hold her like something else. Cradle her in my arms.

I hesitated at sending my next text because I felt like something different would be sent. I love you Irene.

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Chapter 16: Still here ❤💛💙💚💜
Soshivelvett #2
Chapter 16: Oh damn :(( this :( What’s the possibility of having this updated but pls come back author-nim :(
wanniechu #3
Chapter 15: Ahhh the cliffhanger! But thanks for the update! xx
Eririn #4
Chapter 12: So Wendy was staring at Irene. That is understandable lol. Irene is gorgeous.
Eririn #5
Chapter 11: I'm glad that author-nim updated. I hope Wenrene gets to have more interaction soon. They are cute together.
Chapter 9: I'm glad that Irene told the gang about her opening up to her parents, atleast she's not that sad anymore :) Poor Yeri suffering from all those college essays.. Her mom should understand her more.. She's just a teenager for crying out loud, and it seem like she was forced to do it :( Ooh~ now Irene's being comfortable and clingy to Wendy ;) Tsk tsk Wendy sure is mesmerized by Irene. Lol Irene you're so obvious *smirks* Update soon Authornim :D
Eririn #7
Chapter 9: I'm surprised Wendy managed to control and contain herself when Irene fell asleep on her shoulder. I don't think anyone else could resist planting a kiss on that cute face.
Eririn #8
Chapter 9: I'm surprised Wendy managed to control and contain herself when Irene fell asleep on her shoulder. I don't think anyone else could resist planting a kiss on that cute face.
Chapter 9: Love it! It's good such a cute and realistic vibe. Also SKYRIM HELLZYES BEST GAME EVAAAAAAA
Eririn #10
Chapter 8: Irene finally came out and faced everything. I guess the next step is to walk down that path together with Wendy.