Chapter 12

Ten Days

During Stats, I was practically blanking out. I remembered I had to text Chan though. If I forgot that, I’d be dead. I'll be at your house after school.


K. We’ll shoot the video then.  


Chanyeol was in charge of the video for my “campaign.” Everything was set except for that so Kai, V, and I planned on being at his house. He texted us the day before. It was the only place we could shoot.


My phone went off again and it was a text from V.


Did you finish the Campaign designs?


Yeah I sent them to Kai. He should be doing them.


I checked my work again to make sure I had my speech. I had to memorize it before the debates which was on Friday, 3 days from now.


I don't know if I trust his judgement of design, V texted me soon after.


I laughed. I'm pretty sure the whole group did.


Well we have to give him some slack. Chanyeol is doing the video so…


Yeah but Chanyeol's doing the video and he's already made our party poster. It was nice too.


Yeah I know what you mean. But we had to divide it some way.


I exhaled and I looked up. I had a lot to do this week with so little time. I observed the familiar sight in around me: my stats class not taking anything seriously. Some of us were studying for the stats test we had on Thursday.


“Hey what did you get for number 7?” Eric questioned. He was working with Dongguk and Suelgi, while I preferred to work alone.


“I'm still on six,” Dongguk replied without looking up. “I'll help you in a sec.”


Suelgi began to rub her head. “God I hate this.” She looked at Dongguk’s worksheet and then back at her’s. “Wait, how did you get that?”


“Huh.” This time he looked up. “Oh because this.” He pointed at his paper. I can only assume he was right because Eric nodded but Suelgi looked confused.


“Wait but I thought-,” Suelgi started.


Dongguk took her paper, looking it over.  “Oh I see what you did. Do it this way; it’s less complicated.”


Suelgi started to work again. “Thanks babe.” Dongguk smiled and stayed to work again. I realized how creepy I must have looked and started my work again too. I put my headphones in to drown myself in music.


“Did you grab everything?” V asked.  


“Yeah,” I replied, as I got back into his car. “Do you know how to get to Chan’s house from here?”




“Ok. Well just head back towards the school. I'll tell you when to turn.”


We drove back towards the Costco warehouse we called school. V started to dance when his favorite song came on. What an embarrassment.


Stop! You're driving!” I yelled through my laughs.


“It doesn't matter. This is my jam man!” V took one hand off the wheel and waved it above his head.


“God, WHAT AN IDIOT!” I screamed.


V laughed. He put both his hands back on the wheel and just moved around in his chair. He was humming along now too.


We reached Chan’s house last. Kai was already there. Chanyeol was setting up his living room as a backdrop.


“K, let's do this,” Chanyeol said. He clapped his hands and sat down in across from me. He took out his phone to film and adjust the settings.


“Wait, I haven't finished memorizing my lines.”


“Then, hurry the hell up,” Chan scolded from behind his phone.


“Fine…. The country we must strive for…” I began. Yikes. I forgot my next line.


“Is one that emphasizes the importance of equality in its society,” V finished. I let out a sigh of relief. He's always got my back.


“The country that we must strive is one that emphasizes the importance of equality in its society as well as its system,” I repeated. “You forgot that end part there, V.”


He gestured a sarcastic “Well sorry” pose and rolled his eyes. It was hilarious. I giggled at his pose as I went over my lines one last time.


“Nice, Wendy.  We got it,” Chan exclaimed. “I'll have this done by Friday.”


I looked at the time. It was only 6:00. “Wow. That was shorter than I thought it would be.”


“Well you got the lines down pretty quickly,” Kai pointed out.


“Yeah, but it was only a one minute speech,” I responded. Kai shrugged.


“Ok, well. That's done. We just have to finish the posters. Can you get everything printed out by Friday,” V pointed at Kai.


“Yeah. Chan, just make sure you send them to me.”


Chan nodded in response. He was going over the footage already. “Ok.”


“I finished my speech,” I added. “V, you can go over it to make sure it's good.”


“Cool. Do you need a ride home?”


“No. My mom is coming to pick me up. She'll be here soon.”


“Okay. Well peace out, motherers. I'm going home,” V answered.


“Bye, V. See you tomorrow.”


“Bye guys,” V waved. Kai and Chan said their respective goodbyes and V walked out.


The two of them began to play on their phones, leaving me with a quiet house and a cute cat who wouldn't come near me. I watched the window to see if my mom was coming because it sure as hell was awkward. Luckily, she showed up 5 minutes later. I was saved.


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Chapter 16: Still here ❤💛💙💚💜
Soshivelvett #2
Chapter 16: Oh damn :(( this :( What’s the possibility of having this updated but pls come back author-nim :(
wanniechu #3
Chapter 15: Ahhh the cliffhanger! But thanks for the update! xx
Eririn #4
Chapter 12: So Wendy was staring at Irene. That is understandable lol. Irene is gorgeous.
Eririn #5
Chapter 11: I'm glad that author-nim updated. I hope Wenrene gets to have more interaction soon. They are cute together.
Chapter 9: I'm glad that Irene told the gang about her opening up to her parents, atleast she's not that sad anymore :) Poor Yeri suffering from all those college essays.. Her mom should understand her more.. She's just a teenager for crying out loud, and it seem like she was forced to do it :( Ooh~ now Irene's being comfortable and clingy to Wendy ;) Tsk tsk Wendy sure is mesmerized by Irene. Lol Irene you're so obvious *smirks* Update soon Authornim :D
Eririn #7
Chapter 9: I'm surprised Wendy managed to control and contain herself when Irene fell asleep on her shoulder. I don't think anyone else could resist planting a kiss on that cute face.
Eririn #8
Chapter 9: I'm surprised Wendy managed to control and contain herself when Irene fell asleep on her shoulder. I don't think anyone else could resist planting a kiss on that cute face.
Chapter 9: Love it! It's good such a cute and realistic vibe. Also SKYRIM HELLZYES BEST GAME EVAAAAAAA
Eririn #10
Chapter 8: Irene finally came out and faced everything. I guess the next step is to walk down that path together with Wendy.