Chapter 13

Ten Days

A/N: Sorry about the double chapters. I didn't realize it was posted twice. Anyways, enjoy!




The next day went by pretty fast. I was quiet most of the day because I was tired. By lunch, I wanted to take a nap.


I had Park’s class first, so it drained out all my energy. It was the last class to work as groups before debates. Anything was game in the debates. Park put on the rubric to focus on current events, especially foreign policy, domestic policy, minimum wage, and gun control.


I had to admit that all were extremely heavy subjects that could make or break our chance at winning the election. Plus, if we won, we'd get automatic A’s. So, I was really trying for that.


I was riding on people's opinion of me before the debates and the class’ opinion of the other candidates. I weighed out the options.


We took that test in class that showed we were 70% liberal, meaning this could be me, Irene, or Dongguk. Then again, Sehun is a wild card. But, he leans a little more moderate. In my opinion, Minho’s been a bit of an this year and Jiho… well Jiho is Jiho. Everybody hates him. Hmm but Dongguk-


“Wendy.” Chan broke me from my thoughts.


“Did you get the platform?” he asked.


I sat up. “Yeah. We’ll be creating a system where the homeless can earn a living wage by cleaning up areas. We’d prefer not to go to war. We have put too much into the military budget and hope to focus it in education. We hope to distribute funds to schools that actually need it, especially in areas of poverty. We will help in humanitarian efforts if we can and want education grants to be more evenly distributed to places of poverty. Minimum wage should be higher, but only if the state or local economy can sustain it. Is that it?”


Chan blinked at me. He looked a little baffled. “Uh yeah. Good job. You'll have the platform up there with you too.”


I nodded. I knew the procedure. We had gone over the  platform together so I knew it inside and out.


V gave me a thumbs up. “Just remember to say I. It's you debating up there.”


I smiled. “Thanks V.”


“Want to go over more topics with me?” he asked. “You might want to cover the recent shooting and minimum wage a bit more.”


“Yeah.” I pulled out my iPad. I searched the recent shooting. A couple held up a Planned Parenthood facility, injured employees, and fatally shot a few.


How awful. This has become too much of a trend.


“Now, what was your proposed policy on gun control?” V was testing me.


“I believe that a necessary background check on individuals must be a new standard. They are as easy as one, two, three and I propose that it be an easy process as well. We must be aware that it must be thorough, but it is also in the interest that many be able to purchase a firearm and have them within a few days time.”


“Good. Read a few more articles and we'll go over it again.”


I went over a few more articles and waited for V to put some finishing touches on the platform. I admit that some parts of our policies put us somewhere closer to the middle of the spectrum, but we had to make the policies something I could actually be put in place. Chan’s idea for the homeless was actually perfect. We had to make sure we understood everything inside and out to make people vote for me. It wasn't too easy, but it wasn't too hard.


V tested me again and we went over onto minimum wage.


“Um ‘kay. What about minimum wage?”


“Well, as we can see, many believe that agree with a higher minimum wage. The current national minimum wage sits at $7.25. It's hard for many Americans to be supported by this. It doesn't provide enough breathing room, let's say, for a single mother on her own. I believe  that minimum wage should be higher. But, there are steps we must take in order for a smooth implementation. In order to increase it, we must do it slowly and over time. Earlier this year, Seattle put raising minimum wage to the test and raised their minimum wage from about $7.25 to $15 in less than 6 months. The after effect was a slow collapse of it’s small businesses. We must also be wary of the area’s economy. Seattle is the perfect example of this. Their own economy could not handle such a fast change, which is a second point. An area and even a state's economy plays a strong factor. In order to increase the wage, we must increase it only to what the area or state’s economy can handle.”


“WOOOOOWWW. Wendy, you've really got this down. You should be a politician,” V said as he clapped.


I laughed at him. “Hell no. It's easy to lie but it's hard to lie for a living.”


V made an “O” face. “Savage.”


“Is that everything then?”


“Yeah. I mean that's all we really have to go over. Those were the two biggest things to go over and you nailed them so.” V shrugged.


“Okay. Well I'll just read over the platform again.” V nodded and got back to his work. He was polishing up my speech again to make sure everything was alright.


This actually gave me a lot of free time. I had gone over the platform plenty of times even with the new adjustments. We had to make them as a team. I had helped make the whole thing with the guys anyways.


I guess it's time for a break then. I got up to stretch and see what everyone was doing. The other groups were hustling to finish things up together. I felt like we were the only team who was relaxed at this point. We had basically everything done. The rest was up to me.


Dongguk’s group whole group was typing away furiously because they had to go over their platform again. Minho’s team was goofing off. They kept trying to switch out their candidate to confuse people, but I knew Minho would be the one to run. Lay was giving Sehun a few pointers. Jiho’s group was listening to him talk and Irene's table… well they looked stressed. I didn't want to bother them, so I kept my distance.


Class was over as soon as it began. It seemed like all of the other groups except mine were stressed beyond relief. I felt uneasy that we were so laid back. I had that gut feeling like I had more to do than just memorize my speech. But, I felt so ready for my speech and the debates. I was ready to win. Talking in front of the class would be easy. But knowing quick responses before Park could get to me would be hard.


I walked to my next class alone. I was still contemplating my place amongst the other contestants. But more than that, I just wanted some time alone. I had more interaction with people than I wanted today and I was mentally exhausted already. It was only 10 in the morning get for crying out loud.


From my next class, I had to go to A’s. I still had two college apps to look over. Two down, two to go. My 4th period teacher let me go immediately and I walked to A’s. God I’m tired. I could barely keep my head up as I was walking and my body was uncomfortably warm. I hope I don't have a cold. Well, I did sleep with wet hair last night.


Everyone was in A’s because it was Wednesday, meaning senior snack day. Someone had brought in chips. The variety pack kind. I grabbed the last cool ranch and munched on those.  Eric nudged me with his elbow and because of my fatigue and him being slightly taller than me, my whole body practically moved. I had to put my foot out to catch myself.  


“You tired?”




“What time you go to bed last night?”


“Sometime after 12. I had to finish my AP bio chapter which took me like 3 hours to finish after I finished the rest of my homework.” I closed my eyes and stood in place, munching on my chips. Ummm delicious.


“Wow. You finished all your homework?”


I nodded as little as possible. “Even the stats study guide.”


Eric whistled. Internally, I hated that he whistled. It made everything louder.


My eyelids grew heavy. I could feel my whole body relaxing. If only I could fall asleep...


“Why, Miss. Wendy. You must be tired.” It was Mrs. A’s voice.


“Huh.” I opened my eyes as best I could and looked at Mrs. A tiredly. She laughed at my sleepiness and sat down at her desk.


“I hope you didn't stay up late doing college essays again,” she joked. No. I only do those here. I felt like screaming because she knew I only worked on those in here. But, I couldn't lose my temper just because I was tired.


“No. I had AP bio stuff and more AP stats stuff.”


“Oh you and all your AP classes.”


I was able to let out a chuckle. “Yeah me and death.”


Mrs. A laughed. Her voice wasn't exactly annoying, but it was high pitched and took a little to get used to. Everything she said sounded excited. Well, I guess that's what you want in a college counselor. Excitable.


“Well are you coming in again?”


“Yeah. At this point, I might as well live here.”


Mrs. A giggled. “Well you might as well. You get to your work done.”


I smiled a little and sat down. I leaned my head back to try to relax. All this work seems for not.


It definitely wasn't my best time. I was tired and stressed and I couldn't remember the last time I got a good night's sleep.


Anyways, I was super tired and wanted the week to be over so I could sleep.

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Chapter 16: Still here ❤💛💙💚💜
Soshivelvett #2
Chapter 16: Oh damn :(( this :( What’s the possibility of having this updated but pls come back author-nim :(
wanniechu #3
Chapter 15: Ahhh the cliffhanger! But thanks for the update! xx
Eririn #4
Chapter 12: So Wendy was staring at Irene. That is understandable lol. Irene is gorgeous.
Eririn #5
Chapter 11: I'm glad that author-nim updated. I hope Wenrene gets to have more interaction soon. They are cute together.
Chapter 9: I'm glad that Irene told the gang about her opening up to her parents, atleast she's not that sad anymore :) Poor Yeri suffering from all those college essays.. Her mom should understand her more.. She's just a teenager for crying out loud, and it seem like she was forced to do it :( Ooh~ now Irene's being comfortable and clingy to Wendy ;) Tsk tsk Wendy sure is mesmerized by Irene. Lol Irene you're so obvious *smirks* Update soon Authornim :D
Eririn #7
Chapter 9: I'm surprised Wendy managed to control and contain herself when Irene fell asleep on her shoulder. I don't think anyone else could resist planting a kiss on that cute face.
Eririn #8
Chapter 9: I'm surprised Wendy managed to control and contain herself when Irene fell asleep on her shoulder. I don't think anyone else could resist planting a kiss on that cute face.
Chapter 9: Love it! It's good such a cute and realistic vibe. Also SKYRIM HELLZYES BEST GAME EVAAAAAAA
Eririn #10
Chapter 8: Irene finally came out and faced everything. I guess the next step is to walk down that path together with Wendy.