Chapter 10

Ten Days

I woke up with a headache. Whyyy??? Then, I remembered last night. Last night. My alarm didn't help; it was impatient. My ears were ringing. I had to force myself up.


I sat up only to fall back down again. My eyes wanted to stay closed, but I was telling myself to get up. I finally pushed myself up with a little jump.


In the dark, I felt around for my phone and clothes. God, it's ing cold. I stumbled into the bathroom. I felt for the light switch. The lights blinded me and I groaned out of pain.


I jumped into the shower too early and got hit by a blast of cold water. “AAAHHH!” It was not my morning.


Getting out of the shower was worse. Winter was definitely coming. God dammit. I dried off as quick as possible and put on my clothes. I checked my phone for the forecast. 80% chance of rain, 53° to 75° F. No no no. I have to walk home! I rubbed my forehead. I'll text the neighbors. Maybe they can give me a ride home.


I walked out of the bathroom and started down the stairs. I was texting my neighbors while walking down the stairs for a ride home and I bumped into my mom.


Not my best moment, but I almost lost my balance almost pushed her over. “Wendy!”


“Sorry mom!”


“It's fine. Did you text Moonbyul? It's going to rain later.”


“Yeah. I was doing that right now.” I nodded my head.


“You look tired. What time did you go to bed last night?”


Lie. “11.”


She raised her eyebrow and nodded. “Well, I'll take you to school. I don't have to go in early.”


“Okay.” My mom smiled and pushed past. I exhaled in relief and walked to the kitchen.


I ended up making oatmeal and tea. It was cold so no cereal today. I watched videos on my phone while eating. My head was pounding. I rubbed my head again. I already had a headache. I laid my feet out on the chair next to me. God, I have Gov today. I ran my hands down my face, sighing. It's gonna be a long day.


My mom and I left at 8. We didn't live far, but my mom had to get to work. She dropped me off and I walked towards the back doors. It was freezing. I could see my breathe when I walked.


The doors were open and a gust of wind pushed my hair back. The gym was already full of kids. As I walked on the side, some acquaintances of mine smiled when they saw me. I smiled back. But I was tired as .


Before I walked out, some freshmen was getting into it with a middle schooler because he hit him in the head with a football. Time for me to get out of here. I walked into the greater part of the school and headed upstairs. I smiled at a few people on the way up. The school was too small for me not to know almost everyone.


The Senior Lounge was empty, until I saw Dongguk poke his head up. He waved at me. “Good morning, Wenrito.”


I chuckled at the nickname. “Morning, DG.” I faked a gangster stance and Dongguk giggled. I can see why Suelgi likes him so much.


Dongguk and I shared a small conversation. We talked about random stuff. Usually, we were the first two people before everyone else so we often talked. We got on the subject of the Spring Musical and Broadway because Dongguk’s mom was the theater teacher. Our group of friends were talking about doing it together. The theater department lacked seniors.


V joined us soon after. Usual morning conversations ensued and everyone began to pile in. Suho and the rest of his crew came soon after. It was a party. Being one of the only girl who sits upstairs with the guys, I know own a lot of their .


I was happy to talk to everyone and relax before school started. I actually liked coming to school early. It was surprising relaxing to lounge on the couches.


We all headed down together when 5 minute bell went off. Most of us had Kwon or Park, so it was perfect. On the way down, I talked to Xiumin. I always ended up teasing him.


We walked to Park’s door. Everyone was there. Irene was talking with the girls. I hesitated to talk to her, so I talked with the guys.


Park greeted us normally, shaking hands and saying good morning. My table partner got there first and took down our chairs that were on the desk. I decided to take down the chairs on the table in front of us.


When I put the second chair down, Lay thanked me and sat down. I moved out of his way to let him through. I heard laughter at the door and Irene was strolling in. Mr. Park was dying of laughter and Irene had this smug look on her face. She was trying not to laugh. I smiled when she looked at me.


“Morning,” She smiled.


I was a little struck, so I just smiled again. She sat down and class began.


Park strolled to his desk to take roll. “Morning, guys.”


There was a silent “good morning” reply. We sounded a bit defeated. Mr. Park laughed at us. “Wow, you guys are SOOO enthusiastic.”


“Well, we'd be more enthusiastic if we had a better teacher.” I turned around at Chanyeol who obviously was messing with Park.


Mr. Park burst into laughter. Don't worry. Chanyeol and a few others can joke with him like that. Park and Chanyeol are really close. That's what happens when you do track with him: you get to tease Park without getting in trouble.


“I know you guys don't want to do a bunch, but we've got a lot to do before this next break. Get in your groups and start on your projects.”


I wasn't there the previous class, but Park let me know who I was with.


Because this was AP Government and Politics, we were going over the presidency through our own class election. It also meant we had to come up with our own political parties. I was excited.


Everyone got up and headed to their group areas. I would say I had a great team, but I also didn't think I had the greatest. I was stuck with Chanyeol, V, and Kai. I honestly had no idea how the hell Kai got into our group.


The guys were already in the back, where the pillow area was.“Hey guys. Did you figure out the roles?” I asked.


“Kai and I are the Campaign Managers. V is… V what are you,” Chanyeol stated. Smooth, Chanyeol.


“I'm helping with the speeches and public promotion stuff. Check the rubric.”


Wait. “So that makes me the candidate?” I filled in. The guys all looked at me.


“Well, I mean if you want to.” Wooow, these guys.


I raised my hands in defeat. “Fine. I honestly don't care. What did you guys talk about last time?”


“Our platform,” V responded, “we have to write it out and you have to know it in and out. We had ideas. But, it's better if we're all together.”


“Ah.” The guys pulled out their iPads. Let's get this done.


We worked endlessly for a whole hour without stopping. We chose the points we wanted to hit on most and our own party platform. Chanyeol and Kai brought up points, while V and I added to them. V typed up the ideas. I came up with media campaign designs. Park came by and was impressed with our work. We had thought things out well.


After getting through the basics, we took a break. Each of us resorted to our own pleasures. I'm pretty sure Chanyeol was just playing on his iPad. V was finishing things up and Kai… oh Kai. His friends came over and they pushed me out of the pillow area. They were and all cuddling. BROOOMMAANNCCEE!


I got up to stretch as obviously, I wasn't wanted in the sausage fest. I raised my hands above my head and stretched as high as I could.


“Ooh, that felt good.” I scanned the room to see everyone working hard. Some groups seemed to be having a hard time; they didn't seem to be getting along. Dongguk looked like he was going to kill his group. The group closest to us were all working silently. I don't think they were even talking, except for a few comments here and there. Across the room, Park was helping a group that looked utterly lost.


Irene and Suelgi had the pleasure of being in a group together. Luckies. I rolled my eyes. Park had grouped us according to papers we had written about our political views. Figures. Both of them were not super left, but left enough to be in a group together.


I looked down at my group. We were probably the farthest left. Wait. What about Kai? Kai was definitely as left as the rest of us. Why was he here?


I turned to Kai you see his friend falling asleep on his shoulder and the other gazing lovingly at his phone with him. I think they were taking selfies. I squinted my eyes in suspicion. No homo, my .


“Hey Kai.” Kai moved his phone to look at me. “How did you get in our group?”


Kai started laughing and returned to his phone. He knew just like I did that it depended on the paper we wrote.


“He didn't try to write the paper.” I looked at V, who answered in place of Kai.


“Yeah. I didn't write that paper. I BSed stuff so it fit onto a page.” Kai. That sounds like Kai.


I scoffed a bit. Oops. Didn't mean to let that out. “No way,” I laughed.


“I did! Park was as surprised as I was.”


So that's how a moderate got put with a bunch kids way more left than he was. Sounds like Kai though. That paper was annoying.


“Hey fellas.” Speak of the devil. Here's Park. “Come on. Go back to your work.”


Kai’s friends got up and walked back to their table. “How have things been going for you guys?” he asked.


“Well we got the basics out. V is helping put them into coherent sentences. Chanyeol is looking up presidential budgets. I started designs and my speech and I don't know what Kais doing,” I responded.


“Oh. I'm just taking a break.”


Park nodded. “Good job. Breaks shouldn't involve your phone though, buddy. Put it away.” Yikes. Savage. I looked at V, who looked like he was holding in his laugh.


Park walked away and V let out a small laugh. “Get wrecked, Kai.”


“Hey, I gotta rest my head bro.” He pointed to his head and started on the video research again. Idiot.


We worked until the bell. Everyone packed up and moved towards the door. I moved to Irene and Suelgi’s table.


I bumped Suelgi’s hip. “Hey how's your party going?”


“Actually great. We were able to get most of the platform done today,” Irene answered.


“We still have to figure out how we’re going to do the posters though,” Suelgi added. “I at photoshop and Solar doesn't have it on her computer.”


“I can help if you want,” I didn't realize Eric had walked up behind me. “I have photoshop on mine.”


“Seriously, Eric?” Irene questioned. She looked hopeful, but looked like she didn't want to burden him.


“Yeah, I mean I TA for this class. So I can do it with all of you together.”


“Oh my god. Thanks, Eric. You're a lifesaver.”


Eric smiled. “No problem.”


We headed out and headed towards the counselor’s office. Wednesdays were Senior Snack Day. We all mingled as it wasn't a long walk, but the amount of kids in the hall made it hard. I pushed past a group of kids and found myself pressed into Irene’s side.


We bumped into each other. I looked up at her and she met my eyes. I chuckled and she smiled shyly. “Sorry,” I said as I looked down.


“It's fine,” She giggled.


When we got our of the mess, Dongguk, Eric, and Suelgi were almost to the office.


“Well, it looks like we fell behind,” I got out.


“I hope there's still snacks left.”


“Same. Seniors and free food though? Not the best combination.”


Irene giggled, covering with her hand.

“I guess we should at least try to get some snacks.” I started to walk and Irene followed my steps.


The walk isn't long, like I said but there was an awkward silent moment. How the hell is it taking this long to walk over there?


“Did you finish that application for the business school?” I asked.


“Yeah. Sort of. I'm just you known having problems with my parents.”


“Oh.” I was at a lost for words. It's been weeks since we really talked about her parents.


“I'll have to pay for tuition. My parents will pay for everything else.”


“What?! Wow. That seems a bit much.” I pushed open the door to the front and held it open.


“Well you know my parents. They want to teach me the way they did things. Even if it'll be hard.”


Wow. Irene's parents immigrated here when she was a baby. They were wealthy back home and her dad was an engineer. Her family is the ideal example of the American dream. Her parents were able to back to school, while still raising Irene and supporting their family back home. Now her dad works for a successful engineering company and her mom is a nurse. Irene's parents worked hard to get where they were. Of course they'd teach Irene to do the same.


We walked into the counselor’s office and found it was packed with seniors grabbing the snacks. Someone brought cookies. NICE. I grabbed one for myself answer passed one to Irene.




“No probs. Want a napkin?”


“Yeah.” I gave her a napkin and began to eat my cookie. It was super good. They were homemade. I looked up to see V making that stupid face again. I rolled my eyes. I stuck out my tongue at him and continued to enjoy my cookie.


Eric, Suelgi, and Dongguk were talking about designs for her and Irene's project. I walked towards them and faked a kick at V’s shin. He of course scrambled away, but he was smiling. Idiot.


“Irene,” Suelgi started, “What do you want on the posters?”


“Whatever matches our party. I'm artistically challenged.”


Suelgi giggled. “Well you are our party's candidate.”


I snapped my head towards Irene. “You're a candidate too?”




“Dude so am I.” I raised my hand for a high-five. I was baffled but also touched. At least I wasn't the only female candidate. “We're gonna kill it.” Irene hit my hand. I smiled like an idiot. I held her hand in my hand, shaking it for congratulatory purposes. I let go after a second, but I was still smiling from ear to ear.


“But we're rivals, remember?”


“Doesn't mean we can't like each other. If anything your group is the closest left to us in the race.”




“Hey, I'm running too,” Dongguk added.


“Yeah but you guys are closer to the center,” I responded. Dongguk shrugged. Our class was more left than second period, but at least we got along.


“Who else is running?”


“So, you, Dongguk, Irene, um, Sehun-” Suelgi answered.


“Sehun?” I looked at all of them. “Sehun is running?”


“Yup and then Minho and... Jiho.”


I scrunched my face in disgust. “Oh.”


“Shhhhhh.” Suelgi jumped forward and waved her hand in my face. “He's right behind you, with Jieun,” she whispered.


My eyes widened. I was giggling actually. That was hilarious. Irene was giggling too.


“Yikes,” Irene said through her giggles.


“You guys are so stupid.”


“Thanks, Suelgi. It means alot.”


The whole group was laughing. We all hated neck beard and his girlfriend. It was a collective hate. That's why we're friends.




A/N: So, super long update after a super long time of no updating. Sorry guys. I'm losing track of time.

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Chapter 16: Still here ❤💛💙💚💜
Soshivelvett #2
Chapter 16: Oh damn :(( this :( What’s the possibility of having this updated but pls come back author-nim :(
wanniechu #3
Chapter 15: Ahhh the cliffhanger! But thanks for the update! xx
Eririn #4
Chapter 12: So Wendy was staring at Irene. That is understandable lol. Irene is gorgeous.
Eririn #5
Chapter 11: I'm glad that author-nim updated. I hope Wenrene gets to have more interaction soon. They are cute together.
Chapter 9: I'm glad that Irene told the gang about her opening up to her parents, atleast she's not that sad anymore :) Poor Yeri suffering from all those college essays.. Her mom should understand her more.. She's just a teenager for crying out loud, and it seem like she was forced to do it :( Ooh~ now Irene's being comfortable and clingy to Wendy ;) Tsk tsk Wendy sure is mesmerized by Irene. Lol Irene you're so obvious *smirks* Update soon Authornim :D
Eririn #7
Chapter 9: I'm surprised Wendy managed to control and contain herself when Irene fell asleep on her shoulder. I don't think anyone else could resist planting a kiss on that cute face.
Eririn #8
Chapter 9: I'm surprised Wendy managed to control and contain herself when Irene fell asleep on her shoulder. I don't think anyone else could resist planting a kiss on that cute face.
Chapter 9: Love it! It's good such a cute and realistic vibe. Also SKYRIM HELLZYES BEST GAME EVAAAAAAA
Eririn #10
Chapter 8: Irene finally came out and faced everything. I guess the next step is to walk down that path together with Wendy.