
Take My Heart

The following morning was a normal school day. It was biology class and the students were already falling asleep since the subject was boring. Dahyun sighed as she tried to focus on the teacher's explanation on the board. The fact that Jaebum didn't talk to her from the morning and was acting coldly towards her made her anxious. It was unsual of him to act like that towards Dahyun and it was strange to be mad at her for so long. 

The bell suddenly rang as the teacher stepped out of the class. It was Algebra class afterwards. The students immediately spended their free time chatting to each other as Dahyun rested her head onto the desk. She was about to close her eyes and get some 2 minutes rest when suddenly her phone vibrated. She slipped out her phone and swept her finger across the screen. She frowned immediately as it turned out that she received a message from an unknown number. 


Hello Dahyun-ah ;)


She pursed her lips and started to type a new message when suddenly it vibrated again.


I have a surprise for you. Wait for it.


Dahyun sighed as she put her phone away. "Weird." she muttered. 


Suddenly the teacher stepped in and the students gave greetings towards him. Dahyun took out her algebra notes onto the table and tidied up her biology books. 

"Class, today we have a new transfer student from A3. Please step in and introduce yourself." Mr. Yoon spoke as he gestured towards the door. 

The class immediately buzzed as a boy walked in. Dahyun's eyes widened as her jaw dropped immediately. That couldn't be right. It was a dream. Wasn't it? 

"Congratulations everyone! The hottest guy on earth is now on your class. I'm Kim Taehyung." he spoke with a smug as his eyes scanned the classroom. Searching for none other than Jaebum's little sister.

Dahyun scoffed in disbelief at what she just heard. THE Kim Taehyung was now on her class and he'd probably pick on her everyday, everytime. Dahyun sighed deeply as she bit her lip in anxiety. Jaebum will eventually found out and he'd go nuts over the fact that Taehyung was in her class. 

"Please take a seat now Taehyun-ssi." Mr. Yoon said.

"Ahh he's so cool!" one of the girls said as she starred at him.

"I hope he'd sit next to me." the other girl spoke.

Taehyung smirked in return as he started to walk. The students started to whisper to each other as they were hoping that Taehyung was going to sit next to one of them. On the other hand, Dahyun had her eyes starring blankly with her fingers crossed. Praying as hard as she could so that he wasn't going to sit next to her. 

Suddenly he stopped right next to Dahyun as he smirked widely. He glanced at the seat next to her.

"Ah! I guess I found the perfect seat for me." he said nonchalantly. 

That was it.

Dahyun laid her head on the desk as she let out a deep sigh. "I'm dead." she muttered under her breath.

"Psst. Dahyun-ah!" Taehyung whispered. 

Dahyun straightened up and glanced towards him. Her face was pale and she felt like she had no energy left. 

"You're so lucky I sit next to you!" he winked to Dahyun as he smirked playfully. 

Dahyun scoffed in disbelief as she looked away. It wasn't just for her mental health, but Taehyung would probably ruin her studies. 

The algebra class started and Mr. Yoon was writing on the board infront of the class. The students were taking notes and Dahyun was trying to focus as hard as she can. Meanwhile Taehyung, being the ordinary Kim Taehyung, wasn't even paying attention to any of the explanations. He took out his phone and started to type a message quitely.

Dahyun's phone suddenly vibrated as she sighed. She slipped out her phone and read the message. 


Do you like the surprise? ;)


Dahyun scoffed as she finally realized that the person who had been sending her messages was none other than Kim Taehyung. She glanced at him instantly as she sighed deeply. 


Stop texting me. 


Dahyun turned her phone off as Taehyung pouted with his puppy eyes in reply. Dahyun leaned back onto her seat as she started to write on her notes and ignored him. 

The class ended with the sound of the bell ringing. The students immediately went out of the class and sprinted towards the cafeteria. Taehyung quickly approached Mr. Yoon and spoke to him. Dahyun who was tidying up her books started to feel suspicious as the teacher glanced at her quite a few times.

"Now what is he up to." she sighed deeply. 

Dahyun was about to walk out when suddenly Mr. Yoon called her. She approached to him with Taehyung still there standing next to her. 

"Yes seonsangnim?" Dahyun politely asked.

"Your friend here said that he's struggling with the subject and he's asking for a tutor to help him. Since you're one of the best here, Dahyun-ssi can you do me a favor and help him?" Mr. Yoon spoke as he looked at her. 

Dahyun's eyes widened in instant as she turned to look at Taehyung. He was smirking proudly as he looked at her. "B-but seonsaengnim-"

"You're responsible for his grades now.  Do your best Dahyun-ssi." Mr. Yoon spoke cutting off her sentence. "Alright you both can have your lunches." he smiled and walked away. 

Dahyun looked at him as she scoffed in disbelief. "You're so-"

"Amazing. I know." Taehyung replied as he wiggled his eyebrows. "So when should we start?" he asked.

Dahyun sighed deeply as she started to walk away. But suddenly Taehyung scooted and blocked her. "Today?" 

"I have to go now." Dahyun replied as she tried to walk passing him. 

With a swift movement, Taehyung walked and stopped right infront of her again. "After school. At the cafe downtown." he continued as he smirk. 

"Maybe if you stop texting me earlier and pay attention more you won't be struggling with the subject." Dahyun said to him. 

"Mm. But I didn't stop texting you earlier and I didn't pay any attention to the explanations. So that's why I need a tutor." Taehyung shot back at her as he smirked widely. He was just trying to have more time to spend with Dahyun and the tutor thing was definitely just an excuse for it. 

"And plus you're responsible for my grades." he spoke. 

Dahyun pursed her lips as she sighed deeply. She had no other choice than to help him. If he failed then Mr. Yoon was going to blame her. "Alright." 

"Assa!" Taehyung exclaimed happily as he pumped his fist onto the air. Dahyun rolled her eyes as he scooted next to her, letting her walk away. 

"Im Dahyun you're a pabo." Dahyun muttered under her breath as she sighed deeply and walked towards the cafeteria. 



School was over and Jaebum and Jinyeong were on their way to the cafe where they usually met up with their friends a.k.a GOT7. The rest of the members went to different schools so they had always spent time together after school in a week. 

Jaebum hadn't seen Dahyun since they both came to school that morning. He wasn't even having lunch with her and he was acting differently all day. He was cold and he wasn't talking much. Something was off and Jinyeong even realized that. 

"Ya hyung what's wrong with you?" Jinyeong asked his friend as he looked at him.

"Nothing." Jaebum replied without even glancing at him. 

Jinyeong sighed as he nudged the older boy. "Oh come on. Is it her again?"

"..I'm not sure." Jaebum exhaled deeply. 

"Tch. Come on hyung just forget about Dahyun for a while." Jinyeong spoke. "We're going to have some fun." he replied trying to lighten him up. "And plus you don't want the others to know you actually like her right?"

"Mm yeah." the boy nodded slightly. 

They both eventually entered the cafe as they immediately spotted the rest of the members sitting on the corner of the place. 

"Oi Jaebum hyung! Jinyeong hyung!" suddenly one of them exclaimed as the others turned their heads toward them and they both walked approaching them. 

"Right. You should forget about Dahyun for a while." Jaebum said to himself.



Dahyun tapped her feet as she glanced at the time on her phone. "Where is he?" she muttered under her breath as she looked around. She was waiting on the hallway as the clock kept ticking. 

The fact that she was going to a cafe to tutor Taehyung was pretty unbelievable. Taehyung transferring to her class, sitting right next to her and asking the teacher to have a tutor helping him were definitely far from coincidence. It was definitely a part of his plan. 

"Let's go!" suddenly someone exclaimed from behind her and snatched Dahyun's bag away. 

"Y-ya!" she startled as she ran towards Taehyung. "Give it back!" Dahyun yelled as she scoffed in disbelief. "Why did I even agree to this?" she whined to herself as she looked at the boy. 


They both arrived infront of the cafe and stepped out of Taehyung's car. He pushed the glass door open as the gentle breeze shot through them.

Dahyun sighed as her eyes scanned the place, trying to find a perfect spot for her them to study.  Her eyes widened instantly as her sight fell onto a spot in the corner of the place.

There he was. With the rest of his friends. 

"Mm.. where should we-"

"Let's go to another cafe." Dahyun suddenly said, cutting his sentence off as she spun around. 

Taehyung glanced at the girl next to him as he then looked around the cafe. A smirk appeared on his lips as he looked towards the corner of the cafe.

A group of boys, and none other than Im Jaebum.

"Well well." he smirked.

Dahyun was about step out of the cafe when suddenly Taehyung grabbed her wrist and dragged her approaching them.

"Y-ya!" Dahyun tried to loosen the grip but it was no use. 

"Look who's here." Taehyung said as he smirked widely.

The boys suddenly glanced towards Taehyung as their eyes fell onto Dahyun. Jaebum's expression changed as his eyes widened immediately.

Dahyun lowered her gaze as she tried to avoid any eyecontacts with her older brother. Her heart was beating rapidly as she pursed her lips. That was it. She was done. 

"Dahyun-ah?" one of the boys said as he looked at the girl. 

"Ya Kim Taehyung what do you think you're doing?" Jackson stood up as he looked at him coldly. Jaebum's friends knew about him and what he had been doing to Dahyun.

Dahyun bit her lip as she slowly looked at her older brother who had his fist clenched. 

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NekoRin-chan #1
Chapter 11: Please up date author-nim :)
Kkaey02 #2
Chapter 11: Update pls~~~~ btw I'm #TeamTaehyung lol. And why suddenly I ship Dahyun with Jinyoung kkk~
KrisTine09 #3
Chapter 11: Please Update~~~~
enefeydee #4
Chapter 11: Pls updateeee omh
Kim_Ya_Dha #5
Chapter 11: Why do I suddenly ship her with Jinyoung ( >~< )
Is there any possibility not to love this story, I might get addicted
Beckycute #6
Chapter 10: Jinyoung is about to get savage ahaha
Chapter 10: Thanks for constant updates! Really aprreciate it and can't wait for further chapters :D
Beckycute #8
Chapter 9: Jinyoung is in da place, and that's not good for my hormones LMAO
Kim_Ya_Dha #9
Chapter 9: OMO Jinyoung Oppa ;) hul you're making me ship crazy things (>.<) but I really loved that chapter, poor Dahyun :(
Beckycute #10
Chapter 8: Omg ahaha, I love Seulgi so much but she makes the perfect villain.