07 Just Friends

In Your Dreams
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There was a deep fog surrounding me. I tried to concentrate my eyes, but no matter how I tried I could not see a single thing around me.

“Nothing good will come out of associating yourself with people like us.” Namjoon’s voice echoed off the walls of my subconscious.

This was a dream wasn’t it?

My gaze shifted down to my hands. They felt real though. There was a solid feeling to them. Was this really a dream then if everything felt so real?

 A figure approached me cutting through the thick fog. “Is there someone there?”

As soon as my voice came out though the figure stopped and then began to retreat. My instincts told me to follow the figure so I found my feet running along what felt like a field of grass. “Wait! Stop running!”

It was then that I tripped over a loose patch of grass. My hands braced my fall, but there was a stinging sensation instantly.

“Ah!” My body sat up, and I found myself back in Taehyung’s room. The first thing I did was look at my hands. The stinging was still there, and that was when I realized my hand was bleeding.

The hand that had gotten cut by the glass the day before was bleeding through the bandage. My cut had been open again? But, I didn’t do anything.

There was a grumbling from next to me. “Jin, I told you just five more minutes.”

That was the moment everything from the night before came back to me. I slept in the same bed with Kim Taehyung. On top of that I fell asleep with his arms around me.

Even now his arms were still wrapped around my waist. “Let me sleep a little bit longer.” He managed to pull me closer by the waist and bury his head in my lap.

My cheeks became red. What was I supposed to do?  We were hardly even friends it would be too embarrassing to wake him up now.

The stinging of my still bleeding hand reminded me of my injury. I had to take care of it, but I couldn’t just walk out of his room. What if his parents saw me?

I had to wake him up.

With a deep breath I placed my hand on his head. His hair was so smooth. “Taehyung this is Lee Rian. You need to wake up.”

He must have been a deep sleeper because he didn’t have as much of a reaction to my touch. If anything it made him settle in more against me.

By this point I thought I was going to explode from embarrassment.

I spoke a bit louder. “Kim Taheyung wake up.” Nothing, I was beginning to get a bit more frustrated with the situation.

Leaning closer to his face. I was only a few inches away. “Wake up already!”

His eyes opened almost immediately. Our faces were still extremely close to each other. So close that I could see how he had one double eye lid and one mono lid.

He very clearly was affected by the lack of space between our faces just as much as I was. With a flushed face he wiggled away from me and stood from his bed. His eyes were wide from shock. “What were you trying to do Lee Rian?! Being so close to my face…” His words trailed off as he looked away from me sheepishly.

I scoffed with raised eyebrows. He made it seem as if he were the one ually harassed. “You should be the one talking. Do you even remember what you did last night? Do you even remember what position you were in when you woke up?”

A frown overcame his face, but after a few moments in deep thought his face paled.

Suddenly he rushed over to me and grabbed my wrist. He raised my bleeding hand. Once his eyes saw my hand his expression only worsened. “.”

Still confused I tried pulling my wrist from him, but he maintained a firm grip. “What’s wrong?”

He shook his head. “It can’t be.”

“Kim Taehyung stop acting like this you’re being really weird. What is going on? How did you know my cut opened again?”

Without responding to my question he began to pull me out of his room. “Wait, what if you’re parents see me?”

“My parents leave for work early in the morning. We should be fine.”

I snorted. “Oh so now you can talk, but not when I ask you a simple question?” I meant to kind of break the ice with that comment, but he didn’t respond back to me in the way I was hoping for.

Once we were back in the bathroom he silently replaced my bandages cleaning the cut again. I winced a couple times, but the second time getting treated wasn’t as bad as the first.

“I’m sorry.” His head was still bent over my hand, but a small apology came from him.

“What are you apologizing for? You didn’t do anything.” Was he talking about pulling me to him the night before?

He shook his head. “It’s nothing. I’m just saying sorry.” I wasn’t sure what was wrong with him, or why he was even bothering to apologize. The only thing I knew for sure was that he felt sincerely apologetic about whatever he did to me.

I let out a sigh to give myself a chance to collect my thoughts. “Look, I have absolutely no idea what you are apologizing to me for. If you think you did something to my hand at all then stop thinking that. I’m naturally pretty clumsy so most likely I did this to myself.”

I was the one who walked right in to the vase on purpose to begin with.

Despite how I was reassuring him he just shook his head. “No, it’s nothing you would understand. But, don’t worry about it just worry about yourself.”

This prompted me to argue with him further because no matter whether the guy pissed me off or not I still didn’t like how he was acting so apologetic over nothing.

Before I could say anything though the bathroom door opened. There stood Namjoon. His towel was in his hand. “I’m sorry did I interrupt?” I opened my mouth, but Taehyung beat me to it. “No, it’s fine we were just about finished talking anyways.”

He then stood from his knelt position in front of me. He towered over me like a god. “I finished fixing the bandage so you should be able to eat breakfast without any hitches.” With that he abruptly stood up and brushed past his brother’s shoulder.

I pursed my lips as I watched him leave. Sheesh, if anyone was good at avoiding certain subjects it was him.

Namjoon on the other hand wasn’t surprised at all. “See what I told you. You shouldn’t become interested in any of us. Especially my little brother.”

I groaned while letting my arms fold across my body and sent a glare in Namjoon’s direction. “What do you even mean by that?”

He shook his head. “If you really want to know why don’t you try finding out yourself? It’s not like I can say anything anyways. I’m just warning you since you seem like a decent enough person.”

Despite how he made it sound more like a considerate warning the expression on his face seemed totally different.

“Breakfast is going to get cold if you don’t get down here already!” Jin’s voice came clearly from down stairs.

I took that as my chance to leave. Namjoon didn’t necessarily seem like a bad guy, maybe an overprotective brother. The only thing that really bothered me was that I couldn’t tell who he was protecting Taehyung or me.

My feet rushed down the stair case and as I reached the bottom of the steps a sweet scent wafted into my senses. Was that pancakes?

I followed the scent until it led me to the kitchen area. In there I found Taehyung seated while Jin was setting the table. He turned at the sound of my entrance. “Oh Rian take a seat! I hope you like pancakes!”

Hesitantly I took the seat in front of Taehyung. “Thank you.” To be honest I didn’t really eat pancakes too often because my mom always insisted on trying to make breakfast for my dad and me, but her cooking tasted like cardboard.

“You really shouldn’t try his food. He’s basically treating us as his guinea pigs.” Despite how Taehyung said that he still proceeded to eat the pancakes.

Jin walked over to him and proceeded to hit him over the head. “What are you talking about?! It’s called experimenting with my food! Besides it never tastes bad anyways!”

The two brothers went on to bicker with each other. So unsure of what to do I decided to just pick up my fork and eat. When I took the first bite a flurry of flavors entered my mouth, but most surprisingly the texture had something else in the batter.

“Is that apple?” Jin looked over to me with a smile on his face. “Oh you can taste it! It’s good right?! I chopped some up and threw them in the batter!”

Taehyung looked over to me. He still couldn’t quite meet my eyes because of what happened earlier that morning. “You don’t have to lie to him. It’s better to just tell him the truth.”

“Shut up and let her speak!” Jin hit his head again. By this point Taehyung was probably going to lose all of his brain cells from the amount of times Jin hit him.

I cleared my throat then smiled to him as he waited anxiously. “It is a lot of different flavors, but somehow they all work together.”

Jin turned to Taehyung with a proud smile on his face. “See, she likes my cooking!”

This just made Taehyung roll his eyes. “Did you not hear her? She clearly said that ‘somehow it all works’ that doesn’t mean it tastes good.”

The two were about to get into another argument again when Namjoon entered the kitchen. He had changed out of his pajamas and was now in his casual clothes. “What’s that smell?”

He clearly was acting as if he had not basically told me this morning to distance myself from Taehyung.

“Pancakes! Sit down!” Jin motioned for him to take the seat next to me, but Namjoon shook his head. “Sorry I have to skip out this time. I got called in early for work.”

Taehyung frowned up from his plate. “You have a job? I didn’t know you got a job?”

Namjoon grabbed a piece of toast from a plate. “Well, maybe if you were around more often instead of hanging around Rian so much then you would know.”

There was a sudden tension in the air as Taehyung’s gaze became fixed on Namjoon. “I don’t know why you are so concerned about this?”

“You know exactly why I am.” They continued to stare at each other almost as if willing the other to look away first. While I on the other hand just sat there with the feeling that I was the only one who was out of the loop with what they were talking about.

It wasn’t until Jin broke the tension that things eased up. “Of course he hangs around her! He walks her home! Rian is Taehyung’s one and only friend!”

Luckily Jin’s words worked because Taehyung looked to his brother with a flushed face. “What are you talking about?! She’s not my one and only friend!”

“Oh really? What other friends do you have?” Jin folded his arms across his chest challenging Taehyung to come up with another name.

Namjoon on the other hand stood at the doorway waiting for Taehyung’s answer.

I already knew that Taehyung couldn’t say he had any other friends, and he knew it too. I hated it how I found myself constantly getting involved in this guy’s issues, but I couldn’t help it.

Sometimes I wondered what it would have been like if I had never stood up to Jeon Jungkook.

Before he could struggle any further with coming up with a name I once again opened my big mouth. “He doesn’t need any other friends he already has me as a friend.”

My face heated up before the words even sat in the air for more than a second. Everyone else on the other hand caught on instantly, and Taehyung’s

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CutiepieXD #1
Chapter 11: Man I can't stop reading! It's a problem lol
I woke up at 4am and I couldn't sleep so started to read stories and I ended up reading this one until 11~
Please please please update soon!☺️☺️❤️
decaseys #2
Chapter 11: Aw I love this fic! And taehyung is too cute tbh lol please update soon!
Chapter 11: Omg the maid at the end maid the entire chapter the best thing ever LOL. The tension between Taehyung and Jungkook just gets more and more thick as we progress I guess. I hope Min doesn't start to hate Rian because of Rian being around Jungkook so much. It seems she's getting pretty upset over it. Poor Yoongi has to just deal with her jealousy.

Also, now I'm very curious about Jungkook now. His parents came out of nowhere to greet her, and they claim that Jungkook talks about her all the time. However, they aren't home a lot according to Jungkook. So when would he talk about her with them? Oh I guess on the phone haha. This chapter also makes me curious about Jungkook and his dreams as well. Does he perhaps have dreams he can control or such that he mentioned in the chapter? He seems to have some knowledge of them. Whelp guess we'll find out eventually. Oh and I'm really starting to think Tae and his family are like dream demons or something like that lol. Well maybe not to that extent, but something of that sort.
kookssi #4
Chapter 10: hahahahahah two boys fighting over one girlll~ thanks for the updatee
Chapter 10: Ohhhhh maaaan. There is just so many things going on lol. Now Jungkook and Rian have a project together. Poor Tae and Min are probably jealous as hell.
Chapter 10: Feels.. FEEELLSSS
adorbstae #7
Chapter 9: awhhh, omg i love this story! now i'm just going to wait for updates ㅠㅠ
Chapter 9: uuuuuuuuummmmmmmgg shhhooooooo cuuuuuuuuutteeeeeee
Chapter 9: Oh my god Jin and Namjoon's conversation really has me thinking now. Are they some inhuman creatures or something? Lol I dunno. The Yoongi x Min ship is sooooo cute, and I love seeing him take care of her while she's passed out. Jungkook is such a weird character. He says that doesn't like Rian romantically and all, but acts as if he does. Also the Taehyung x Rian moments were A+. The hug warmed my heart, and I don't know how much more fluff I can take hahaha. P.S. Rian's mom is the bomb.