05 Important

In Your Dreams
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I was asleep. I knew I was. There was a sense of lightness surrounding me. It almost felt like I was floating through mid-air.

In the dream-like way when everything moves in slow motion I took in my surroundings. There was nothing. Not even a single color, it was empty.

As this was happening I could hear the words echoing off the walls of my own consciousness. “It wasn’t a dream.”

The words were bouncing around in different frequencies, but on repeat. I couldn’t grasp onto who the owner of the voice was. I was looking up and as if I were in a pool floating on my back I stared at the world above me.

Instinctively I reached my hand above my head. It was almost as if I were reaching out to the voice. Whose voice was it?

Suddenly the world around me began to collapse and I found myself falling through the cutting air. I didn’t scream, but it felt like the scream was stuck in my throat. Suffocated by the pressure of the air.

A force stopped me just as I had closed my eyes, and I felt my body suspended through the air. Once I opened my eyes I was face to face with Kim Taehyung.

He stared at me with the same expressionless eyes. His hand holding onto mine. “It wasn’t a dream.”

With a shock I jolted awake. My body had sat up so fast that I felt light headed for a second, and I had yanked out the earbuds in my ears. I held my head. “Ah, what kind of dream was that?”

After allowing my body to fully wake up I looked around. I was still in the library, and Taehyung who had been in front of me before was gone. Still in the midst of waking up I looked down at the IPod in front of me. Why was there an IPod?

Left in Taehyung’s place was a sticky note. I peeled it off the table and read it.

You’re taking a day off from tutoring. Go home and rest.

Go home? What time was it?

I looked at my watch. School was already almost out. Most likely there was only about ten minutes left in the school day.

Quickly I gathered my stuff, the IPod, and the note. I could just turn in the IPod to lost and found or something, but for some reason I wanted to keep the note.

I went up to the librarian’s desk where she was occupied by a book she was reading. “Um excuse me by any chance was there a boy that was kind of tall and had darkish brown hair?”

That was the stupidest question I could have asked, but sometimes I felt like I had to ask or else I wouldn’t know whether Taehyung existed or not. The words from my dream were still repeating in my head.

The librarian smiled at me. “Oh you mean the boy who was sitting in front of you earlier?”

I eagerly nodded my head.

“Well, he left a while ago. When lunch ended he asked me so politely if I would let you rest there, and that he didn’t want to wake you since you have been very tired lately with tutoring. He’s a very nice boy.”

Curiously I questioned her. “Do you remember when he woke up?”

She pursed her lips then crossed her arms in thought. “I don’t think he ever was asleep. When you came in he had just arrived and rested his head. So most likely he was awake.”

My face heated up. I tried desperately to remember what I did when I sat down. I had thought he looked so peaceful asleep and he was listening to his IPod.


I looked down at the IPod in my hand. I took out one of his earphones and listened to the ocean audio he had been playing. Lee Rian you idiot. He probably left it behind so he wouldn’t wake me up.

What else did I do? I said something I know I did.

“Your face is turning so red! Did you confess to him or something because you thought he was asleep? I will admit he was very good looking even though I’m an adult I’ll-”

With complete shock I interrupted her before she could continue. “I didn’t confess!”

She raised her arms in defense. “It’s ok don’t worry.” Just then the last bell for the day rang. Classes were over for the day.

I shook my head. Never mind, I would just return the IPod to him the next day. “Thank you for letting me sleep.”

The librarian smiled at me. “You shouldn’t be thanking me.” I could tell she was trying to tease me, which only made me roll my eyes.

As I was walking back to class the thought occurred to me that I could try and catch Taehyung to return his IPod. Although once I got to the class he was already gone.

I stopped one of the students. “Did Kim Taehyung leave already?”

The guy nodded his head. “Yeah, two guys came and picked him up in a car. You should have seen it! It was probably one of the nicest cars I’ve seen in this area!”

He scoffed flinging his backpack over his shoulder. “Who would have known that Kim Taehyung was loaded?” With nothing else to say he walked away joining up with the rest of his friends.

I frowned. Two guys picked him up? That was weird. He always walked home though. I guess I would have to return it to him later.

I gathered my own things and saw that I had messages from Min. All of them were asking me where I was and why I didn’t come back after lunch. 

What excuse would it be this time? It felt like lately all I had been doing was lying to my friends. First about Kim Taehyung, then my deal with Jungkook, tutoring them, and even now where I was during lunch. 

In the end I decided to tell her that I wasn’t feeling too well so I stayed in the nurse’s office.

There were various reasons why I couldn’t tell the truth to her, but it felt like as I was getting deeper into my lies lying became more of a habit.

Most of the students had already gone their separate ways. I was so used by this point to having Taehyung walk me home that I felt kind of weird to not have him a few feet behind me tailing along.

Not like I needed him to be there. It just felt a bit off.

For some reason I found myself unraveling Taehyung’s IPod and putting his earbuds in my ears. He didn’t have a lock on his IPod so I was able to easily get in.

It wasn’t like I was trying to look around his stuff, but I was just curious of what music he had and my fingers “accidentally” opened his photo gallery.

To my surprise though there was nothing. On top of that he didn’t have any extra apps. He only had the ones that his device probably came with.

At first I was a bit surprised yet at the same time he didn’t seem like the type to take pictures, or play with apps either. If he had certain apps that I had as well I was hoping I could break his high score.

Instead I settled for looking through his music.

There was nothing I knew though. He had a lot of audios of different sounds of nature, and I was scrolling through his nature audios for a while until I found a separate playlist.

It was titled demos. I played the first track on the list. Immediately what began playing was the pleasant sound of a piano. My body instantly relaxed.

The sound of the piano keys were like honey to my ears. It was such a sweet sound I wanted the sound to never end. Was this Taehyung playing?

My listening was cut off by one of the earbuds being pulled out. “Hey where are you going?”

I turned to the familiar voice. “I’m going home since tutoring was called off today.” I came eye to eye with Jeon Jungkook.

He scoffed. “Just because tutoring was called off by that guy doesn’t mean that you should just go home and rest. Let’s go hang out.”

Without asking me he grabbed onto my wrist. I wrapped up the IPod then pulled my arm away from him. “I don’t have to go hang out with you. I most definitely don’t want to now. You didn’t even bother to ask me.”

This made him pause. He turned to face me fully. “Will you go hang out with me?”

“No.” I then turned around to walk in the direction of home. I could hear his feet padding towards me. “See! That’s why I didn’t bother to ask because I knew you would say that!”

I groaned in disbelief. “Maybe that means you shouldn’t even bother then.”

Before I could get too far his long legs caught up to me and his hand caught mine. “Come on Rian. Please, I’m asking and I barely ever ask anyone for anything.”

This made me roll my eyes. “So I should go just because you are treating me differently?”

I took the chance to turn and see his grimace. He was disappointed with the way things were going. “Well, isn’t that how it works in the dramas?”

His disbelief made me laugh. I was beginning to believe that he had no real experience with people. “This isn’t a drama Jeon Jungkook. So, no that is not the way it works.”

He frowned. He was not going to give it up. “Come on, please. Just go somewhere with me. Even if it’s one place. Then I’ll take you straight home afterwards. I promise.”

This only made me sigh. If I didn’t agree I could tell things were only going to become more troublesome. I would probably get home even later than if I had decided to go somewhere with him.

“Fine, but it’s my choice where we go.”

In excitement he clasped his hands together. “Alright let’s go! We can take my motorcycle this time!”

I shook my head. What did I agree to?

I allowed him to lead me to where he had left a red motorcycle parked. He opened a compartment of the bike and put his bag in there, and then took my bag from me to put it in there as well.

He then pulled out two helmets. He gave one to me. “Here strap this on tightly ok?”

With a single nod I took the helmet, but it was a bit different from your usual bike helmet. After a few moments of struggling Jungkook walked over to me with his helmet already on.

“Let me help you.” I recoiled instantly. “I got it.” I didn’t want to seem incapable.

He let me struggle a little bit longer until he couldn’t just watch anymore. “Just let me do it alright?”

Without giving me a chance to stop him he pulled on my shirt so then I was closer to him. As he leaned in to fasten my helmet I realized that he was pretty tall. Maybe because I always saw him from afar surrounded by people he seemed shorter.

“There, no need to be so stubborn.” He then hopped onto the bike and motioned me to follow his example.

A bit hesitantly I copied what he did and instantly found myself extremely close to him so I tried to keep a distance between our bodies.

In response to my actions he reached behind to pull me closer and wrap my arms around his waist. “Trust me you’re not going to want

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CutiepieXD #1
Chapter 11: Man I can't stop reading! It's a problem lol
I woke up at 4am and I couldn't sleep so started to read stories and I ended up reading this one until 11~
Please please please update soon!☺️☺️❤️
decaseys #2
Chapter 11: Aw I love this fic! And taehyung is too cute tbh lol please update soon!
Chapter 11: Omg the maid at the end maid the entire chapter the best thing ever LOL. The tension between Taehyung and Jungkook just gets more and more thick as we progress I guess. I hope Min doesn't start to hate Rian because of Rian being around Jungkook so much. It seems she's getting pretty upset over it. Poor Yoongi has to just deal with her jealousy.

Also, now I'm very curious about Jungkook now. His parents came out of nowhere to greet her, and they claim that Jungkook talks about her all the time. However, they aren't home a lot according to Jungkook. So when would he talk about her with them? Oh I guess on the phone haha. This chapter also makes me curious about Jungkook and his dreams as well. Does he perhaps have dreams he can control or such that he mentioned in the chapter? He seems to have some knowledge of them. Whelp guess we'll find out eventually. Oh and I'm really starting to think Tae and his family are like dream demons or something like that lol. Well maybe not to that extent, but something of that sort.
kookssi #4
Chapter 10: hahahahahah two boys fighting over one girlll~ thanks for the updatee
Chapter 10: Ohhhhh maaaan. There is just so many things going on lol. Now Jungkook and Rian have a project together. Poor Tae and Min are probably jealous as hell.
Chapter 10: Feels.. FEEELLSSS
adorbstae #7
Chapter 9: awhhh, omg i love this story! now i'm just going to wait for updates ㅠㅠ
Chapter 9: uuuuuuuuummmmmmmgg shhhooooooo cuuuuuuuuutteeeeeee
Chapter 9: Oh my god Jin and Namjoon's conversation really has me thinking now. Are they some inhuman creatures or something? Lol I dunno. The Yoongi x Min ship is sooooo cute, and I love seeing him take care of her while she's passed out. Jungkook is such a weird character. He says that doesn't like Rian romantically and all, but acts as if he does. Also the Taehyung x Rian moments were A+. The hug warmed my heart, and I don't know how much more fluff I can take hahaha. P.S. Rian's mom is the bomb.