Loving Christmas

I love you forever (one shots)


It was almost Christmas you decorated your house, you lived alone and had the need to have it feeling like Christmas you even bought everyone a present. Best friend, mother, father, sister, brother and to some more people you knew one person you didn’t know what to buy is your boyfriend. Clothes? He haves so many. Earrings? He doesn’t wear them that much, just to perform or interviews and photo shots. Hats? He likes them but he haves a gigantic collection. Shoes? It’s like the clothes and hats haves to many.

-Su-y I don’t know what to buy Taeyang for Christmas – You said frustrated. Su-y was your best friend, you went with her so she could buy some presents and maybe you’ll find a good one for Taeyang, but now you two were resting at the food area while eating ice cream.

- Clothes? – She said eating her ice cream.

- You’re kidding right? – She makes a weird face – He haves to many clothes because of what he does. – She starts saying the usual thing to buy, everything you already thought about.

- I don’t know, he’s not an easy guy to please – you made a devilish smirk and your Su-y understood what kind of things you were thinking – THAT’S IT! Lingerie! Make him a y surprise.

- You’re crazy! And don’t just scream those things! – You and your friend just wanted to laugh at the situation – I’m not going to do that for Christmas.

- Why not? He can unwrap you – she says in the most natural way eating her ice cream.

- You’re a . That’s what you are!

The afternoon as over, your friend made all her shopping and you didn’t have any luck with your boyfriend gif. This night you made plans to eat with him at your home, maybe you could ask him in a discreet way. The night was perfect as always dinner, talking, movie, cuddling on the couch; he was so warm on this cold night you wished that he wouldn’t leave you.

-Babe what about going to bed?

- But the bed is cold, here it’s already warm. – You look at him with puppy eyes.

- We can warm bed pretty fast. – He gets up taking you on his arms wedding style, laying you carefully on the bed after pulling the covers; he goes to the end of the bed while taking his shirt and then his pants since he sleeps on his boxers.

- Oppa it’s cold! – He lies next to you pulling you close to him making his arm your pillow, his body was so warm, you look in to his eyes.

- Is it better? – Asking after kissing your forehead, you just nod with a smile.

- Oppa… what’s the thing you want the most?

- Hum… There’s nothing I want I have everything, I’m a blessed man.

- Really? -  You asked disappointed.

- Well there’s a thing that would make everything perfect – you looked at him hoping it was something you could give him, he holds your hand taking it to his lips kissing it. – A baby – he looked so honest and full of hope. – But I know you don’t want it so I’m fine with what I have. But why that question?

- Just wanted to know.

Both of you fell asleep in each other arms. The next morning as you open your eyes as always he isn’t there, that make you a little sad not being able to wake you next to him as you wanted seeing his smile the first thing in the morning, kissing him. Not going to happen! You walked around the house in your pajamas seeing that Taeyang let everything in its place as always, sometimes you wonder if he really takes breakfast there as he says, it’s your time to take breakfast just cereals is good, eating slowly you thought about the thing he said to you last night. A baby? You talked about that but it was just casual talk, was it? Did he just asked you to build a family? How could he do that? He doesn’t even have the time to be with you in the morning, you were with him so rarely, and your thought line was broken with the sound of your cell-phone, it was your best friend, she wanted to know if you already had the present to Taeyang, of course you didn’t so you decided to go to the town to see if you could find the perfect gift.

After lunch there you went with two days left for Christmas, you went searching for that so wanted gif but nothing, the next day the same and nothing until Christmas eve. On Christmas eve Taeyang had like a little party with YG, just to wish the best to everyone and some were giving gifts to each others, there you were not knowing what to do. Yo didn’t have a gift to your boyfriend.

-Is everything ok? – He asked you holding your hand smiling so much.

- Yes, why do you ask?

- You look weird – he kisses on your forehead – so excited our first Christmas together.

- Me too oppa – you kissed on the lips and Seungri with his cell-phone took you two a photo.

- Hyung look! – Seunghyun calls him after the kiss was over showing him the picture, Taeyang took his phone and showed you what he have done.

- He’s just playing around, give him the phone – you smile at him.

You felt so sad that you didn’t have a gift for him. Your alone time at home came, after both of you changed to some more comfortable clothes you turned the stereo on with your personal music list on random “Tonight” starts to play and he looks at you sliming getting close to you holding you.

-Oppa…- you push him away I need to do something you said in a whisper without looking at him, he let you go but he knew something was wrong. After a time taking care of dinner he saw that you still didn’t come out of his room.

- Jagiya – he called to the dark room in a whisper, seeing setting on the bed holding your knees next to your face, he got next to you slowly. – I think it’s time to tell me what’s wrong…

- I don’t have Christmas present for you … - you said in the same position.

- So?

- So? – You look at him with your face wet. – We are dating for two years we are spending our first Christmas together and I wasn’t a good enough girlfriend to get you a present!

- You think you aren’t a good girlfriend because of a present?

- Everyone at YG gave you something what about me? NOTHING!

- I don’t need anything else, I have you, my career, my family and my friends the rest is nothing. – He looked at your eyes a little sad because he was afraid you wouldn’t you understand that that was his true feelings.

- Really?

- Yes- he cleans a tear that was falling – you want to give me something? – Yo looked at him doubtful but still you nod looking in his eyes he holds your hand getting close to you – Just promise that your heart will be always mine, even if I go out on tours you’ll still love me, even if I can’t call you, even if I go out with the members your trust me, that whatever happens we’ll get through it and you will love me forever. Because you know that I may not always call, I’ll spend days away from you, I may never be there in the morning but you’re always the one in my heart, my heart will always be yours. Will your heart be mine forever?

- Of course oppa, you should already know that you’re the only one that I love.

- I’m so happy to know that. Hum…Wait here jagiya – he leaves the bedroom and runs getting back really kick. – I should wait for midnight but due to the occasion here is my present for you and me. – He gives you a small package and as you open it you see a velvet box as you open it you see two silver rings on top it had written “Forever” and on the inside it had the date you two started dating.

- Oppa couple rings? – We nods making that priceless eye smile of his – they are perfect! – You jump to hold him pushing him to lie on the bed, kissing him.

- Glad you liked them – he said after the kiss with you still on top of him.

- Sorry for not having anything.

- I just need you next to me…

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lyndzmf #1
Chapter 5: I love your short stories
Chapter 3: G R E A T J O B !
writing this fanfic!
_queengnayoung_ #3
Thanks for the story/fanfics it's perfect! I had fun time reading this! [;
PERFECT! I love it thx for the storyy!
Chapter 16: Hahahahahaha Lol OMG It's like u wrote this about me xD .. I WANNA KISS YB <3<3:P hahaha I LAUGHED SO HARD ON DRUNK xD
In case you couldn't tell, I liked this.
gemmaflame #7
Chapter 16: Imao GD jealous?
Chapter 16: LMAO Ji's last line at the end hahahaha
Chapter 16: OMG...haha
The one shot on Monster is simply fabulous ...