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Min Yoori Is a 22 years old girl which now in college. Living with his brother Min Yoongi from Bangtan Boys after the death of her parents 3 months ago. She is an ordinary girl with a bright personality. Always with her smile kind of different from her cold brother. But everyone in Bangtan treat her as their own sister. 


Min Yoongi (Suga) A member and rapper from Bangtan Boys who are famous idol known worldwide. A cold guy but a loving brother. He doesn’t show his love often to her sister but he always take care of her without her knowing.


Bangtan Boys An idol group who are well- known. Always there for each other and has a strong tie like a family.  Always take a good care of Min Yoori.


Ben Min Yoori's ex-boyfriend of 3 years that suddenly come to their house and make Min Yoori feel threatened.





*How was the character? Is it okay ? Look kinda boring isn' it? huhu

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