Where Work Offers A Chance To Be Closer

How I Became The Accidental Bride

I seriously thought that Changkyun had left me to go to work by foot.

After I made sure that everything in the house was clean, I grabbed my coat and slipped my hands into the pockets before I felt a piece of paper in it. Taking it out, I found out it was a note from Changkyun, telling me that my car was already here, and that he was sorry that he couldn't drive me to work. I smiled, feeling contented at his actions. I slipped into my shoes and proceeded outside the house into my car before leaving for work, securing the house before I did.

The drive was not too long as my company was surprisingly close to the house. I opened the door to my office and was greeted with the sight of my assistant running around, hands filled with papers. Mijoo looked rather tired, her bangs falling over her swollen eyes and her spectacles dangling from her neck due to the string it was tied to. Worst of all she was running barefooted, a sign of which she had been here for at least three days working. 

"Mijoo?" I asked, placing my bag on the counter to which I smiled to Yoojin, the receptionist. She turned to me ,smiling sheepishly with the bags under her eyes, "Sekyung unnie! You're back!" she spoke as she fixed her hair and pushed her spectacles to the bridge of her nose. I turned to Yoojin who was giggling as she saw Mijoo's untidy look, "How long has she been here Yoo?" I asked, earning another giggle from the 20-year-old. Mijoo's hands squirmed to shut her friend's mouth, obviously hiding something from me.

"She..umph...she's been here for two days unnie!" she spoke between breaths, and Mijoo sighed in agony as she burst the bubble. My hands made its way to my waist as I gave the younger a playful glare, "Mijoo, how many times have I told you not to stay back working?" I asked, resulting the girl to lower her gaze, eyes now running away from mine. "Sorry unnie," she said, now locking eyes with mine. "It's just that so many paperwork had to be done for the springline this March. It's already February and we haven't even booked a runway yet," she explained, making hand gestures as she did.

I sighed as my hands dropped to my sides, and I approached the tired girl before taking the remaining paper in her hands. Her eyes widened at my action, to which I chuckled as I gave her a reassuring smile. "Well please fix your hair Miss Mijoo, and meet me in my office after you tidy yourself. If we're going to finish this paperwork," I stopped, looking at the smiling Yoojin behind me, "We're going to have to do it together okay?" I spoke, earning an enthusiastic nod from the girl behind the counter. I turned to Mijoo who seemed confused, but nodded nevertheless. 

"Alright, let's get to work then!" I chirped.

And in a few seconds Mijoo rushed out of the room to fix herself.

"So what's the plan for the springline?" I asked as I took my seat in the meeting room. Everyone was there, the design board, the sewing team, project management and so on. But none of them said a word until one of the designers Lisa raised her hand. "The design team had made a few designs, ones that were e-mailed to you when you went for your honeymoon," I blushed at the statement, earning a few chuckles from the people in the room. Lisa cleared before she continued, "But you didn't respond, so we came up with a few more while waiting for you to come back," And with that, she stood up before making her way to the screen at the front, projecting the designs using her tablet.

Everyone's eyes were on the screen as she spoke, "This is by Shau Bi," she said, presenting a white middle-length sleeved dress that went right above the knees, faint lines of gold on the waist and gold roses on the neckline. I fixed my gaze to Shau Bi who was fiddling with her fingers, impressed. She was new to the company, but the moment she handed me her resume, I knew she had the raw talent. "Nice. Good job Shau Bi," I said, giving the younger one a smile. She nodded curtly, mirroring my action with the curl of her lips.

The other designs were just as good as Shau Bi's, all floral yet unique. After Lisa finished presenting all of them Ji An raised his hand, catching everyone's attention. The director of the project management cleared his throat, "Fortunately we managed to book a runway for the show, and we've ordered the live flowers for the decorations. To make a long story short everything has been cleared, except," he stopped, looking at me with somewhat guilt in his eyes. "Except what?" I asked, feeling anxious at his pause.

"Except for the models," he sighed. "We don't have enough of them," he said, blurting out the answer. My shoulders dropped, not liking the idea. I inhaled, "Male or female?" I asked, looking at Ji An. "Both. We need a pair for the last outfit," he continued. "Isn't there anyone who want to be the model for the outfits?" I asked, earning complete silence from them. I sighed in frustration, not knowing what to do. Everyone else seemed to think of the same thing as I heard faints sighs everywhere. It was quiet until Shau Bi raised her hand, earning attention from the whole room.

"Yes Shau Bi? Would you like to be the model?" I asked, hopeful of an acceptance. She shook her head before clearing , speaking nervously, "Well, I was just thinking, but why don't you and your husband be the models for it?" she said, and murmurs were then heard from everyone. My eyes widened at the idea, and I felt my cheeks heat up at it. "Well, I've never actually thought of that," I replied, looking away from them. "Can you unnie?" Mijoo who was sitting beside me asked quietly, lowering her voice. "I guess..I'll have to ask Changkyun first," I answered, and my staff's shoulders dropped as they sighed in relief. "But I can't promise that... he'd do it, so just keep an eye out for models will you Ji An?" I said, earning a nod from him.

He opened his mouth to speak, "But we still need another pair," he said, and a few groans were heard tremendously, including my small one. My eyes caught sight of the slightly trembling Shau Bi who was fiddling her fingers as an idea popped into my head, "Since you've suggested of me being the model Shau Bi, why don't you become one too?" I said, and the whole room cheered, laughing at Shau Bi's frightened face. "Me?" she asked. I nod, smiling. "But...With whom should I pair with?" she asked, and the room soon became quiet.

I stared at my staff one by one, looking at their features. It was until my eyes landed at the graphics team that I found my prize. A sleeping member of the meeting. "Yoo Sufo!" I stood up, pointing at him with glee. His eyes opened and he stood up with a jolt, seemingly surprised by the raise of my voice. "Yes?" he asked, sounding a little drowsy. "Can you stand up for a while?" I asked, looking at him, earning a curt nod. He stood up, and everyone's eyes were on him, making him scratch the back of his neck uncomfortably.

My eyes analyzed him from head to toe. He was quite tall, with long legs and a long neck. His black hair were pushed back, highlighting his sharp jawline and slightly pointed nose. Sufo had a pale shade of white for a skin, but his cheeks were rosy, almost nearing a girl's. He had the physique of a model, but not the posture. My head dismissed the thought as the idea of sponges came into my head. His thin shoulders can be made broad-looking by placing some on the outfit. "Bingo. You're with him Shau Bi," I said, earning a gasp from the girl.

"Sufo?" she asked, seemingly bewildered by the idea. I smiled as I nodded before turning my gaze to the man, "You're pairing with Shau Bi for the springline pairing outfit. Is that okay with you?" I asked, earning a look of mild confusion from the man before a firm nod. "Alright," he said laconically, and once again cheers were heard in the room, everyone satisfied with the conclusion of the meeting. My eyes caught sight of Shau Bi who was murmuring something as she took glances at the confused but also cheering Sufo. I looked to Mijoo, and she mouthed the word 'crush' as she pointed to them, making me smile.

I guess I just became cupid.

That evening, I reached home to find Changkyun already in the kitchen making dinner. He didn't seem to notice that I've already made it into the kitchen, as he was facing the sink and washing the dishes. I cleared my throat, and he turned to me, giving me his cat-like smile. "You're back," he said as he dried his hand using the kitchen towel, "Do you want to wash up or eat first?" he asked as he took his seat. I pulled mine as I dropped my handbag and coat on the couch, "Dinner. I'm starving," I said, earning a chuckle from the man.

We ate dinner in silence, my mind praising him for the delicious ravioli. I wondered why he doesn't eat properly like Jaehyun said so, but his meals were beyond scrumptious. I inhaled the ravioli in minutes, too hungry to notice the satisfied smile playing on my husband's lips. After finishing the meal I looked up to see him smile playfully as he placed the spoonful of ravioli into his mouth. I blushed as I wiped my mouth with a napkin, "Thank you. That was very good," I said, earning a husky chuckle from him as he lifted his glass for a drink.

"Are you really that hungry?" he asked, making my cheeks burn. "I'm sorry, I haven't eaten all day. Too caught up with work," I said, suddenly remembering the meeting, "Which reminds me. I need your help," I said as I took his plate and headed towards the sink. I heard the faint clinking of the glass as Changkyun placed his glass on the table, "With what?" he questioned. I placed the plates into the dishwasher before turning him, exhaling before I speak, "I need you to be...a model," I blurted out, my eyes looking down on the floor as I rested my hand on the counter.

It was silent for a good seven seconds before Changkyun burst out laughing, and I looked up to see his mouth wide as he laughed, showing his set of pearly whites. As he calmed down he looked at me, and upon registering my silence his eyes widened, "Seriously?" he asked, gawked. I nodded weakly, closing my eyes as I let out a sigh before reopening them, "It's for a pair, and they can't find models so they asked if I could do it with you," I spoke, earning a hum from Changkyun. "So, basically, we'll be walking down the runway together, and then I'll be up there with you when you wrap up with the other models," he said, and I nod in reply as I took my seat once again.

"But if you don't want to it's okay, we'll just-""-who said I didn't want to?" he cut me off, making my eyes widen in surprise. "You'll do it?" I asked, eyes searching his for a reply. His lips curled up into a playful smile as he took out his phone, checking something on it. I waited patiently, eager for an answer. Moments later he looked up, locking his golden brown orbs with mine, "Well, when is the show?" he asked. "10th of March," I answered, and he looked to his phone again before smiling, "Well, I'm free during that time. Okay. I'll do it," My eyes widened as I felt a smile curling up my lips, "Really?" I asked, earning a nod from him. I nearly jumped as I squealed, rushing to the couch to get my phone.

"Go get a shower will you?" I heard Changkyun say as I walked to the bedroom.

There were three rocking chairs at the corner of Dad's study.

We'd sit on it when Mom told us to, and it was when we did something wrong.

But today, we didn't do anything bad, yet we still had to sit there.

I heard someone come into the house, and a few minutes later shouts were heard, and I could hear Mom crying.

Seul-ki and Sehun were too scared to even move, but I wasn't.

My curious feet dragged themselves to the door, and I opened it a bit to take a peek of what was happening outside.

As I took a glance, I saw Mom and Dad talking to a man, and neither they nor him look happy.

Mom saw me and she rushed to push me back inside, closing the door as she did.

I peeked through the keyhole and managed to take a glance at the man before Mom blocked the view.


I woke up to a jolt, sweat pooling in my collarbones as I pushed the duvet off me, feeling hot. I looked to my side to see Changkyun sleeping soundly, unaware of me being awake. I made my way to the bathroom to wash my face, and I stared at the mirror after a few slaps of water. I exited the bathroom before closing the door, and I gasped in surprise as I saw Changkyun already leaning against the headboard, his eyes sleepy but with worry. "Are you alright?" he asked. "Nothing, just a small nightmare, " I said before climbing onto bed , laying down with my back facing him. I felt his hands snake around my waist before he pulled me closer, placing his chin on my head. "Sleep," he spoke, making soothing circles on my forearm. My head rang with questions as my eyes drooped before I fell into a deep slumber in Changkyun's warm arms.



Or memory?


"There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart,"

- Jane Austen -


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star046 #1
Chapter 11: Hi. Your story is really good. I had already read it for like 10 times and can continue reading it for many more times. I know you must busy that's why you aren't able to update.... But i hope someday you will update it. Hwaiting authornim??
chichiba #2
Hi author nim, please update soon...:(
Chapter 11: This story is beautiful. I love it authornim! <3
chichiba #4
Authornim please...?ㅠ.ㅠ
kimmimi #5
Just can't wait for the outcome. So update soon since it has been so long.
shoholic #6
Chapter 11: When will i got an update from this story... i cant wait for the next chapter..keep reading this story from the 1st chapter... update soon.. ^^
pinkyswear32 #7
Chapter 11: your update always give me the feels and now that i know changkyun actually likes her i'm more sad bcs this is just sad,
Chapter 11: Please update soon.
shoholic #9
Chapter 11: Heellooo...new reader here..ive read all the chapter n im so in love with your story line..i like how u make it different by even the were force to get married by unfortunate situation they never sleep in different room..n changkyun n sekyung give a chance to the marriage instead of blaming n hating each other..
im gonna wait for the next update...thank you update soon...
ndiraaa #10