Where The Actions Become Much More Quiet Than Words

How I Became The Accidental Bride

I woke up to a head on my shoulder.

"What the- Oh," I calmed down as I felt the familiar fluffy brown hair tickle my neck. I gently sat up, careful not to wake the lightly snoring Changkyun. He suddenly placed his hands around my waist, burying his face in the crook of my neck,  My nose caught a heavy scent lavender vanilla, reminding me of his cologne. His actions triggered my memory of last night and I squirmed to free myself when I heard him whisper.

"Seul," he mewled with his eyes closed.

I stared at the curly locks, unable to move at the name. Somehow it ached my heart hearing it.

I slowly layed back on my seat, closed my eyes before letting out a small sigh of frustration. The image of Seul-ki floated in my head, making me wonder where the hell she was. Changkyun must've loved her so much for being able to even dream of her even after she left him. My head spun at the thought, questioning how love can make someone so miserable. I was so deep in thought that I didn't realize that the pressure on my body had left. And I regretted the fact that I opened my eyes at the moment.

A pair of golden brown eyes met mine, and I could never understand what hid behind them.

"Why are you frowning? Are you uncomfortable?" he asked to which I shook my head in denial, "Sorry for falling asleep on your shoulder," he spoke before giving a small smile. "No, I don't actually mind," I muttered a reply. He nodded without looking at me, humming in response. I was waiting for him to bring up last night's incident but he didn't seem like he was going to talk about it any time soon. I watched him look out the window and he told me that we were nearing the airport when the announcement came, reminding us that the plane were to land in the next 10 minutes.

I too decided to leave the topic unspoken.

We arrived at the hotel twenty minutes after Changkyun and I took a cab from the airport. He took both bags and walked quickly, leaving me to catch up with him. When he realized that he was walking too fast he muttered a low apology and slowed down, matching his pace with mine. As we entered the lobby I marvelled at the luxurious interior and how big it was. I somehow regretted the fact that I didn't interview Changkyun on his income. Or anything about him.

He carefully placed the luggage beside the sofa before turning towards me with his cat-like smile. "I'm going to get the keys. Can you wait here?" he spoke. "Okay," I replied and he quickly made his way to the counter, leaving me alone in the lounge. I huffed as I sat, taking out my phone as I couldn't really read anything there except a few that was written in English. I read the message Sehun gave me, along with pictures attached to it. They were pictures of the wedding, and I was surprised that it looked so real.

I scrolled down the pictures, unconsciously admiring how the wedding turned out okay. I chuckled at Sehun's picture with Hyungwon where they smoshed cupcake on each other's eyebrows. There was another one with Sehun taking a selfie when Hyungwon photobombed with his derp face. But as I continued scrolling, I landed on a photo that tugged the bottom of my heart. 

Sehun managed to catch an image of us kissing on the alter.

A hand held my shoulder, and I turned to see Changkyun with a keycard in his hand. I quickly hid my phone before standing up, clearing my throat in attempt to hide my embarassment. "I booked a room for two before...you know...Whatever. Do you need me to take another?" he asked. I wanted to say yes since I'm not really comfortable with him enough to share the same room, but seeing how large the hotel was I realized that another room would've caused a fortune. His words had pushed my senses to quickly shake my head in response, "No! Don't burden yourself. I'm okay with it," I spoke too quickly, revealing me in my panic state. He let out a rather husky chuckle and we both made our way to the room.

"125," I read the number as Changkyun placed the keycard inside the slot. The door opened with a beep, and once again I was surprised with the sight of the huge room. One of the things that I liked to do when stepping into a hotel room was to explore, a childish act that seemed to never fade since I was young. Slipping into the fluffy white slippers provided, I quickly dumped my handbag on the table and walked into the room with curiosity. 

The room was like a small but cozy apartment. There was a mini bar in the kitchen, and the fridge was completed with snacks and drinks. The living room was designed beautifully with a minimalistic theme, the couch black and a small white table. The room smelled like fresh citrus and lemons, giving it a somewhat relaxing yet refreshing vibe to it. I quickly sat on the leather couch, enjoying how my feet felt on the fluffy carpet as I closed my eyes.

"Sekyung," I opened my eyes to the voice. I turned to see Changkyun near the bedroom door, his hand gesturing me to come over as his eyes were trained in the room. He sounded somewhat uncomfortable, resulting me to hop off the couch and walk towards him in curiosity. When I reached the door, I finally understood the look in his eyes and the uncomfortable voice he used just before. I turned to face him and ended up laughing at the frown embedded on his face.

The bedroom was candle-lit, giving it a peculiar romantic/greasy aura to it. There were white-coloured rose petals placed on the bed, forming a heart shape. Somewhat like cliche' old movies. The room had a different smell than the living area, this one floral scented. What was more extravagant was that there was a stereo at the corner of the room, playing a soft harmony of violins and piano keys.

"Seriously Changkyun? You're worried because of this?" I arched an eyebrow in question. He nodded, "I don't really like this kind of stuff. Do you?" he asked. "I'm not really a big fan of grease either," I answered without looking at him. I made my way into the room, approached the bed before placing the petals on my palm. He came shortly after, taking a seat on the bed and stared at my actions, "Are you going to throw them out?" he asked. "Of course not," I answered, "I'm going to place them in a bowl. So when it dries, it'll still fragrance the room," I said. He hummed in response before slowly laying down on the soft pillows before closing his eyes. "I'm sleepy," he mewled.

I made my way to the stereo, switching it off before approaching the bed once again. I gently nudged on the man's leg, wanting him to move over so I can collect the remaining petals. But Changkyun didn't seem to be pretty much alive at that state, making me assume that he was a victim of jetlag. Giving up, I decided to simply push him over myself. Yet as I reached over to pull his waist, his hand caught my arm and he pulled me onto the bed, resulting me to make a silent scream. The next thing I knew, our faces were already a few inches from each other. I gulped, nervous at the closeness.

Unconciously, my heart started to beat a lot faster.

"Cha..Changkyun," I spoke, struggling to break free of his grip. He tightened his grasp, this time putting his hand over my waist, tucking me neatly in his embrace. "Changkyun, let go," I spoke a little louder, silently hoping that he would free me. His eyes that remained closed the entire time opened, freezing me. Once again I saw his golden brown eyes, this time a little different. Time seemed to stop as we stared at each other, and I felt his breath lingering dangerously close to my face. Slowly, he inched closer until our noses were touching. He held my chin and raised it a little higher and we gazed into each other eyes when suddenly, a single tear rolled down his cheek. He quickly rose and proceeded to the door without looking back.

With that he left me on the bed, trapped in curiosity.

Changkyun was out the whole day, and I remained in the room, 49% disappointed and 61% bored. I didn't know anyone at Macau, so there were no one whom I could visit to. The only language I speak fluently was Korean, and I'm in a country where most people speak Chinese, Cantonese and Portuguese. It was turning dark, and I felt hunger rippling through my stomach as the clock pointed seven. There were no signs that Changkyun was coming back any time sooner so I decided to cheer myself up with some food downstairs at the restaurant. I dressed myself in a simple floral blouse paired with a pair of black palazzo and put on light makeup as I didn't want to look underdressed since the hotel seemed grand.

I felt relieved and thankful to my choice of clothing as it was quite a classy restaurant. Fortunately I managed to get some cash back in Korea and I settled for Portugeuse seafood rice. After enjoying my dinner, I decided to have a little drink to celebrate my independence. I approached the bar and got a bottle of champagne for myself. I started drinking non-stop and by the time I was ordering the second bottle I was already drunk.

Dizziness started to engulf me and the world kept swirling as I struggled to keep myself straight. I couldn't even stand, and I somehow hoped that someone would help me back to my room. As I placed all the cash I had on the table, I saw a sillhoutte sitting beside me, counting the cash before placing the extras back in my palm. I looked up to see who it was, but all I could see were a mix of blurry colours. The person took my hand and carefully pulled me up, supporting my body weight.

"Let's go back to your room," the person spoke. I was too drunk to recognize the voice, whether it was a male or female's. But I guess I was having a little too much fun that I pushed the person away, "No! I don't wish to go back," I spoke in a somewhat shaky but firm tone. The person gripped my arm again, this time a little stronger, but not too strong. "You have to," the person spoke again, trying to pull me. I pried myself away, making me fall to the floor. Tears started flowing from my eyes, and I felt the person's prescence in front of me. When the person held my hand, I quickly pulled away, sobbing. "Please don't. Don't force me. I've been forced to do a lot of things these days. It's too hard for me," I pleaded.

"I know," the other replied. I continued crying when the person's arms reached for my back, softly. I cried harder at the person's actions as it reminded me a lot of my past mother. How she would always my back and console me when I cry. I didn't know how long I cried, but by the time I finished crying, I passed out.


"A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person,"

- Minon McLaughlin -


Apologies from kyun_2601:

I AM SORRY. I TRULY AM. I know that I have left this fic for almost three weeks and I am really sorry for that. It's just that I've been busy with my exams and extra classes that I didn't have time to update. I apologize to those who waited for so long, and I promise that the next update would be tomorrow,  Thank you for reading this not-so-good story, and I am really sorry once again.

Sent with guilt,


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star046 #1
Chapter 11: Hi. Your story is really good. I had already read it for like 10 times and can continue reading it for many more times. I know you must busy that's why you aren't able to update.... But i hope someday you will update it. Hwaiting authornim??
chichiba #2
Hi author nim, please update soon...:(
Chapter 11: This story is beautiful. I love it authornim! <3
chichiba #4
Authornim please...?ㅠ.ㅠ
kimmimi #5
Just can't wait for the outcome. So update soon since it has been so long.
shoholic #6
Chapter 11: When will i got an update from this story... i cant wait for the next chapter..keep reading this story from the 1st chapter... update soon.. ^^
pinkyswear32 #7
Chapter 11: your update always give me the feels and now that i know changkyun actually likes her i'm more sad bcs this is just sad,
Chapter 11: Please update soon.
shoholic #9
Chapter 11: Heellooo...new reader here..ive read all the chapter n im so in love with your story line..i like how u make it different by even the were force to get married by unfortunate situation they never sleep in different room..n changkyun n sekyung give a chance to the marriage instead of blaming n hating each other..
im gonna wait for the next update...thank you update soon...
ndiraaa #10