Where Bungee Jumping Becomes The Start Of A Get-To-Know Session

How I Became The Accidental Bride

It's ironic how I would always wake up shocked by Changkyun's fluffy brown hair.

This time he was nestling his head on my neck, his arms around my waist and his body curled like a fluffball. It was a rare yet cute side I saw of him that I somehow knew that he was hiding all along. Eventhough we've only been together for two days, I felt somewhat comfortable around him. He had this aura which I found pleasant; his gentle gestures and words. Unconsciously, my hand slowly crept up to his hair before it, feeling his soft locks. The man suddenly mewled, making a smile creep onto my face. How can he be this adorable? I mentally squealed. 

I continue to stare at him for a few minutes before I decided to get up. Moving as slowly as possible, I gently lifted his arm that was locking me in his embrace before slowly placing his head on the pillow. I pushed myself up slowly before taking a glance at the clock. 10.00 am, I read. I turned to Changkyun and was a little surprised that he wasn't awake as I recalled Seul-ki telling me that he was a morning person. Changkyun continued snoring as he pulled a pillow into his arms. So he likes to cuddle, I took a mental note.

Slipping into the fluffy white slippers beside the bed, I pushed myself up before making my way to the toilet to freshen up. After a few minutes, I returned to the room to see Changkyun hugging a pillow as he pulled the curtains. "You're up," I spoke, making him turn to me. He managed a small smile before tying the curtains and opening the sliding door. Both sunlight and morning breeze greeted our faces as he did, turning my pupils smaller. Changkyun dropped the pillow onto the bed before walking up to the toilet and a few minutes later I heard the shower running.

I proceeded to the living area to bind the curtains there, also opening the windows. I stared outside, enjoying the morning breeze and the beautiful sight of the city. I continued to observe Macau before hearing the shuffling of footsteps. I turned to see Changkyun already dressed in a black v-neck paired with a pair of ripped jeans. His hair was still wet from the shower, and he dried it off with a towel as he proceeded to the kitchen. I questioned to how quickly he finished bathing but shook the thought off as he suddenly stopped, turning towards me.

"Why aren't you dressed yet?" he asked. "Where are we headed?" I asked in reply, He returned with a familiar smirk, "Somewhere. Wear something casual, but no skirts," he spoke before packing his backpack, filling it with things that I couldn't recognize. "Are we not staying at the hotel?" I questioned as I approached him, attempting to take a peek into his bag. He quickly zipped it, making me grumble in response. He chuckled before ruffling my hair as he went to the balcony to hang his towel dry. I turned and walked towards the room, only to stop at the man's words.

"We're on a honeymoon Mrs. Im. Don't forget that," Changkyun spoke, and I could've sworn I could see that cat-like smile of his as he did.

We headed out after I finished dressing up. Changkyun had somehow rented a car, which I was really grateful for as I couldn't stand the smell of ammonia in the taxis there. This time we were on a luxurious black Maserati, making me wonder how rich this guy was. I fiddled with my phone as he drove, feeling awkward at the silence before Changkyun cleared his throat, a signal that he wished to start a conversation.

"Where...were you...last night?" he asked. I flinched at the question, suddenly remembering last night's incident. Dizziness started swirling in my head as memories started to rush into my head like a tsunami. I closed my eyes to see flashes of lights and classical music playing. I heard myself crying and saw a figure kneeling down beside me on the floor, my back. I tried hard to see who it was but it was too blurry as my eyesight were blurred. "Sekyung?" I broke off my trance and opened my eyes to see Changkyun looking at me with worry.

"I...was...downstairs...at the...restaurant," I stuttered. He hummed in response. "You were drunk? Weren't you?" he continued. I turned to him and opened my mouth to speak when he cut me off, "You were knocking the door furiously and when I let you in, you went straight to the kitchen and vomitted in the sink," he explained. I put my head down in embarassment. "Was it that bad?" I asked without looking at him. I heard his husky laugh before feeling his hand pat my head. "Not really. After you puked, you rinsed your mouth, changed into your pajamas and went straight to bed. You looked pretty sober to me," he continued.

I sat up straight before muttering a low apology. "That's alright. I'm the one at fault. I shouldn't have left you on your own. I'm sorry that you had to make your way to the room all by yourself though. It must've been hard for a drunk person," he continued. His words sounded pretty weird to me. As he searched for a parking, I slowly registered his words when a bell rang in my brain. "Wait, what do you mean I went up alone?" I asked.

He parked the car before turning his head towards me, "Sorry?" he asked. "Did I go back alone last night?" I asked once again. He nodded. "Yes. Unless, were you supposed to be with someone?" he asked, a hint of disappointment in his voice. I somehow knew that if I were to tell him what happened last night, he would do something out of hand. A not-so-good thing. "No, of course not," I lied. "Guess it was just the alcohol," I faked a laugh. He seemed to buy the lie though as he chuckled along, not asking anything else. I sighed mentally, relieved that he didn't.

Changkyun hopped off the car, me following suit. We were at Macau Tower, one I recognized from the pictures on the hotel walls. I didn't realize I was walking a little too slow as I was marvelling at the height of the tower. Changkyun, who seemed to notice took my hand, breaking me from my daydream. "Come on. The view from up there is prettier," he smiled, interwining our fingers. I felt heat rush to my cheeks as he did, not really familiar to his intimacy as he was awake, not asleep. But his hands were soft, so I decided to just follow his lead, walking faster to catch up with the taller one.

We took the elevator to top floor, and I was greeted with the sight of people lining up. A lot of people. Some were alone, some with their partners, all with different facial expressions. I was curious to what we were doing today, but deep in my heart I was hoping that Changkyun wanted to go Skywalking. I've always wanted to try it, and also to avoid bungee jumping. As I was thinking I had bumped into a few people there, and I muttered a few 'sorry's as I bowed, feeling embarassed. Changkyun pulled me closer to him, making it easier for me to move. "Thank you," I spoke. He hummed before pulling us...

Straight to the bungee jumping line.

I felt like crying, screaming, dying, all at the same time. But my body didn't seem to react to the situation, just frozen beside him. Changkyun must've noticed, as he held my palm, rubbing soothing circles on it. "Are you afraid of heights?" he asked. I cleared my throat, trying not to shake too hard. "No...It's...the...fall..." I stuttered. He sighed before taking us out of the line to a few seats provided, and he made me sit and calm down before questioning more.

"Trauma?" he asked. I nodded. "I fell off a swing when I was young. Hyungwon and Sehun pushed it too fast," I answered. I felt bad that I was the reason to why he couldn't enjoy himself. He sighed, "I'm sorry, I should've asked you first. Seul-" he stopped. I turned towards him, locking my eyes with his. I felt a little hurt by his words, remembering how different Seul-ki and I was. Seul-ki was the lively one, while I remained reserved. She had more friends than I did, and I've never even had a bestfriend. She went to her friend's to study while I would just stay cooped up in my room to do so. She's had her experience with boys, yet Changkyun was the first guy I've ever held hands with, 

Well, except for Sehun and Hyungwon.

Besides that, I was the dull one, I felt a sudden need to prove myself when I thought so, recalling how I managed to save the almost-destroyed wedding of my sister's. So I decided to do the unexpected. I pulled myself up, grabbing Changkyun's hand before dragging both of us back to the line. I was shaking of course, but the thought of him reminding me of Seul-ki made my legs stand still, determined to finish what the man had started. "Are you sure you can do this? You don't have to force yourself you know-" "I'll be fine. I need to get over the phobia sooner or later right?" I cut him off, faking a laugh without looking at him. From the corner of my eye I saw his shoulders drop before hearing him sigh,

Time flew quickly. After about ten minutes of waiting it was already our turn. The instructor was talking but I couldn't hear him over my heartbeat. My ears were ringing so loud because I was so scared. A hand took mine and I looked up to see Changkyun smiling, "Don't worry, you can do it. I'll catch you if you fall," he chuckled. Surprisingly, I managed to calm down as he said that. His words sounded so assuring that I managed to smile back. He chuckled before patting my head, "That's my girl," he spoke. "I'll wait for you down there, okay?" he said as he prepared to jump off the tower.

Three seconds.

It took him only three seconds to jump.

I heard his scream, one that I recognized as a shout of happiness and not fear. I waited for another three minutes before I got called and hooked up to the gear. I tried to calm down, but it wasn't working. That's when one of the female staff took my hand and spoke, "Your husband told me to tell you this if you were too scared," she smiled. I concentrated on her words rather than the 233m drop. "To lift you up when you are down, remember?" she spoke, smiling before walking away, leaving me speechless. 

He remembered my vows.

I was too busy in my thought that when the staff counted to three, I simply jumped without thinking. I was scared, yes. But there was a bigger part of me that felt relieved that I jumped. I felt the wind hitting my face, and I smiled seeing how pretty the city was. After what seemed like forever, I landed on the matress and had my equipment off. After muttering a low thank you to the staff I rushed down to the ground, sighing as my feet touched it. I fell to my knees, too relieved that I was back on land. I saw a familiar pair of hi-tops stop in front of me, and I looked up to see Changkyun stretching out his hand. I took it without hesitating as I pulled myself up, legs still shaking.

"How was it?" he asked, grinning. My shaky legs resulted me to land myself against him, surprising him. I placed my arms around his waist slowly, curled up on the crook of his neck before I started sobbing. His tense shoulders relaxed as I did, and he pulled me closer to him, my hair as he comforted me. "It...was...horrible," I spoke between tears, a little muffled as I was against his chest. He chuckled as he continued to hug me tighter, something I found strangely comfortable eventhough it was quite suffocating. "I'm proud of you," he spoke before pulling away, cupping my face before placing a light kiss on my forehead. I blushed instantly,my tears suddenly stopping. He then smiled before taking my hand, and we both left the tower feeling contented.

I guess this honeymoon won't be such a bad idea after all.


"Go to a place where you're not going to be stressed, because a honeymoon itself can be a stressful thing,"

- Diane von Furstenberg -

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star046 #1
Chapter 11: Hi. Your story is really good. I had already read it for like 10 times and can continue reading it for many more times. I know you must busy that's why you aren't able to update.... But i hope someday you will update it. Hwaiting authornim??
chichiba #2
Hi author nim, please update soon...:(
Chapter 11: This story is beautiful. I love it authornim! <3
chichiba #4
Authornim please...?ㅠ.ㅠ
kimmimi #5
Just can't wait for the outcome. So update soon since it has been so long.
shoholic #6
Chapter 11: When will i got an update from this story... i cant wait for the next chapter..keep reading this story from the 1st chapter... update soon.. ^^
pinkyswear32 #7
Chapter 11: your update always give me the feels and now that i know changkyun actually likes her i'm more sad bcs this is just sad,
Chapter 11: Please update soon.
shoholic #9
Chapter 11: Heellooo...new reader here..ive read all the chapter n im so in love with your story line..i like how u make it different by even the were force to get married by unfortunate situation they never sleep in different room..n changkyun n sekyung give a chance to the marriage instead of blaming n hating each other..
im gonna wait for the next update...thank you update soon...
ndiraaa #10