Where Home Becomes A Place Of Comfort...Or Not

How I Became The Accidental Bride

We were back in Korea the next day, leaving Macau half-heartedly as both of us have busy lives to continue.

The trip back home wasn't boring though, as we shared our careers and life along the way. Changkyun was the only child of his family, and to my pity he never knew who his mother was. I had also found out that he was a lawyer paid to represent the hospital Hyungwon worked for. I nearly passed out at the news of his monthly income, finally understanding his financial capabilities. Another thing about him was that he had a passion for languages, and he took me by surprise when he told me that he could speak 5 languages fluently; Korean, English, Mandarin, Arabic and Portuguese. He told me that he had another hobby though, but remained secretive about it. I was curious to what it was, but decided to leave it hanging as he seemed to not want to further the topic.

"What about you?" he asked, "Tell me more about yourself," he spoke. I gulped, "Well, I'm a fashion designer, and obviously I earn less than you do, but I still enjoy my work," I huffed. "I like arts, cats, colours, flowers, books and mostly, photography," I smiled. "My parents, they died when I was young, leaving me, Seul-ki-" I paused, studying his reaction. He did not react, eyes still on mine, to which I continue, "-Sehun raised by Hyungwon and his single mother, Mrs.Chae. I call her mom though, as she insisted on it. She's a great person though, and she kept us as her own. That's why I'm really close to Hyungwon," I spoke, "They're my family."

By the time we arrived it was already noon, so we decided to have lunch before heading towards his house. My new home. Our home. I gulped at the thought, nervous to be living in a new surrounding. I'm used to living alone for quite a while now, and it would be a lot uncomfortable for me to live with someone else. His house was at Cheongdam-dong, somewhere near the busy streets of Gangnam. We arrived shortly after the meal, his house located on a hill quite far from the lively road. I am now standing in front of the gates what I see a small but luxurious-looking English cottage owned by Changkyun.

The lawn was big, and there was a small fish pond and a cherry blossom tree over it, and under the tree was a white steel tea table for two. There was a small pathway of black and white stones from the gate to the pond, and a black pavement covered the path from the gate to the door. I noticed that he had a minimalistic touch his style, considering the sight of black and white everywhere. "I'm not a fan of big houses and noise, so I made the house built up here," he spoke as he led me to the door. The man was walking ahead of me, and he turned to me before smiling, "Peaceful right?" he asked, to which I could only nod as his words were so true. I was stunned by the beauty of it.

The interior of the house almost made my jaw drop. It was just as luxurious as I imagined it would be. Furniture of white, black and gray were everywhere, giving out a strong masculine vibe of the room. I was so into the house that I didn't realize that I had trailed Changkyun all the way to the bedroom. He placed our bags beside the dressing table, huffing. "Whew. That's a wrap. So, this is the bedroom. The closet's over there," he pointed to a small door at the end of the room. "And the washroom's there," he gestured to the door behind me. I took a curious peek as he did, and marveled at the space. As he cleared his throat I quickly faced him, an awkward smile placed, "Your house is amazing," I blurted out, making me flush in embarassment. He chuckled at my statement before ruffling my hair, an action that I had got used to by now.

"Thank you. And for the record, its our house now," he spoke, making my cheeks burn. I smiled before nodding, and he returned with the same action. Suddenly a ring was heard from his pocket, and he took out his phone and stared at what I assumed the caller before he excused himself outside the room. I sat at the edge of the bed, gasping at the softness of the thick duvet. My head automatically fell straight to the bed, giggling as I did. I turned to face the window when I caught sight of the door to the closet. A walk in closet? I thought. I stood up and approached the door slowly before turning the knob.

The sight gawked me. It was a walk in closet. The right side was completed with work attire, neatly hung and ironed. I pulled open the dressers to find a series of watches, ties, and the list goes on. The right side was empty though, and in the middle of the room was a long bench. As I took a seat on it I saw a small sticky note attached to the empty half of the room. My hand crept on the paper before slowly peeling it off, reading the content. The closet's been cleaned. Seul-ki can place her clothes here. - Jaehyun -  My head ached at the name, knowing that she was the one he was prepared for, not me.

Choi Seul-ki. Not Choi Sekyung.

"Sekyung?" a voice came and I turned to see Changkyun by the door. My hand crumpled the note in reflex, hiding it in my fist. I smiled as I walked towards him, closing the door behind me, "The closet's...nice," I mumbled, smile slowly fading from my face and I continued to stare at his face, waiting for a response. "I need to leave for work. Everything's in the fridge, and I've called Jaehyun over to help with dinner. I mght not be back for dinner, but I'll be home by nine. Okay?" he spoke, tucking his phone into his pocket as he did. I managed a small hum in response, my head too dizzy to care. He sighed as he looked up to me before awkwardly ruffling my hair, "I'll be off then. Bye,"

"Bye," I replied as he left the room. 

There was a knock on the door, to which I almost tripped over as I ran to get it.

I opened it to find a man with dark brown hair smiling at me. "You must be Sekyung. I'm Jaehyun," he spoke, reaching his hand out for a shake which I took with a smile. "Indeed I am. I've been informed that you're going to help with dinner?" I asked as I welcomed him in, pushing the door open a bit wider. He stepped in and proceeded to the kitchen with me following behind, "Yes. Is the fridge stocked?" he asked without looking at me. "Changkyun said so. But I haven't checked yet," I replied

Jaehyun sighed, "That boy is always busy with his work. He doesn't really eat properly," he said as he opened the fridge. It was full indeed, with plenty of food to be cooked and eaten. I saw the corner of Jaehyun's lips curl as he pulled out some lettuce, meat, mushrooms, tofu, and a few types of food dressings, "Ssambap?" I asked, and he looked up to me with a rather surprised look on his face, "Yeah. You cook a lot?" he asked. I smiled as I took a seat, placing my hands on the table, "I'm the eldest. It's kind of like responsibility I guess," I replied. He hummed in reply, his hands busy cutting the vegetables. I decided to help, dragging myself to the shelves before finding the rice, preparing it to be cooked. After rinsing it a couple of times I placed the pot inside the rice cooker before turning it on. I huffed, satisfied with my work.

My nose caught a delicious scent, making me turn to see Jaehyun by the stove, cooking the meat and mushrooms. His eyebrows were knitted, showing the intensity of his attention. He finished a few minutes later, and we both sat for a delicious dinner that evening. Jaehyun refused to stay at first, but changed his mind after a call from Changkyun. "He said he'll be back a bit late, so he asked me to watch over you for a bit," he said after ending the call. I hummed in reply, not bothering to care. After finishing our meals, Jaehyun and chatted for a bit until I pushed him to leave, not wanting to burden him.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay until Changkyun gets back?" he asked as he stepped into his car, leaving the door open for him to speak. I shook my head furiously, "I am. Go back home and get some rest, will you?" I said, earning a chuckle from him. As he started his car he closed the door, rolling the windows down before turning to me, smiling. "Go!" I half-shouted playfully, resulting him to laugh along with me. Jaehyun's car made it's way outside the porch, and he stopped just at the entrance, "You know what Sekyung. You're more suitable with Changkyun rather than Seul-ki," he spoke before driving away.

Leaving me standing alone, speechless.

After Jaehyun left, I sat at the bench outside and stared at the fish in the pond. I could clearly see the reflection of stars on the water, and a sigh came out of my lips as I leaned back on the bench. Jaehyun's statement had knocked me off balance, not understanding what he meant. After a long moment of thinking I gave up, dismissing the thought. I looked at my watch and saw that it was already ten, making me wonder how long does this man work. "Where is he?" I monologued, and seconds later his car came into the porch, surprising me.

I felt a rather weird feeling in my chest as he stepped out of the car.

Changkyun's hair was messed up, his tie loose and the top buttons of his shirts ned, revealing a hint of his collarbones. His coat was still on though, but the way he was walking scared me. He was swaying as he walked, smiling rather creepily as he approached me. As he got closer I sensed a familiar smell that made me step back as he reached closer to me.


Like the one on the plane.

He somehow sensed my anxiousness, so he made his way closer, trapping me between him and the wall behind me. I gulped as I felt his breath lingering over my neck, his face so close to mine. I felt dizzy at the scent, weirdly feeling sleepy at the smell of the alcohol. My eyelids were slowly getting heavier as he inched closer, and he had propped up my chin before brushing his nose with mine. My head was screaming in denial, but my body was suddenly too weak to reject anything.

With one final effort, my eyes opened slightly with my sane mind and my hands pushed him away, "Stop," I said.

And I caught his surprised look before I entered the house, leaving him.


"Let the wife make the husband glad to come home, and let him make her sorry to see him leave,"

- Marthin Luther -


Note from the author:

I had exams for the past month. I'm really sorry. It was a hectic month for me, and once again I apologize for going hiatus without informing all of you beforehand. Thank you for still waiting, for those of you who waited. 

Still feeling guilty,







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star046 #1
Chapter 11: Hi. Your story is really good. I had already read it for like 10 times and can continue reading it for many more times. I know you must busy that's why you aren't able to update.... But i hope someday you will update it. Hwaiting authornim??
chichiba #2
Hi author nim, please update soon...:(
Chapter 11: This story is beautiful. I love it authornim! <3
chichiba #4
Authornim please...?ㅠ.ㅠ
kimmimi #5
Just can't wait for the outcome. So update soon since it has been so long.
shoholic #6
Chapter 11: When will i got an update from this story... i cant wait for the next chapter..keep reading this story from the 1st chapter... update soon.. ^^
pinkyswear32 #7
Chapter 11: your update always give me the feels and now that i know changkyun actually likes her i'm more sad bcs this is just sad,
Chapter 11: Please update soon.
shoholic #9
Chapter 11: Heellooo...new reader here..ive read all the chapter n im so in love with your story line..i like how u make it different by even the were force to get married by unfortunate situation they never sleep in different room..n changkyun n sekyung give a chance to the marriage instead of blaming n hating each other..
im gonna wait for the next update...thank you update soon...
ndiraaa #10