Brink of Insanity

The Case Of The Missing Leader

After dinner, everyone retires early to the bedrooms that will now be shared with their soulmates. Junmyeon has offered to clean the dishes and he refused when Suho wanted to help, saying that he can do it easily with his power. 

So here Suho is now, lying on his bed, unable to sleep. He's still thinking about what has happened that day. Everything happened so fast that he's still not able to fully comprehend it. But his main question is, shoukd he ask Yixing if he can return to s? Yixing have Junmyeon now so he probably wouldn't need Suho anymore, would he? 

But that evening it was Suho whom Yixing  looked for when he woke up. Not Junmyeon, his soulmate. That fact makes Suho scared. What if Yixing really have feelings for him, like he suspected? How should he react? 

Finally giving up on trying to sleep, Suho gets up from his bed and sits by the window when he suddenly remembers something. If Taozi, Minseok, Canlie, D. O.and Han are sleeping in their soulmates ' rooms, what about Junmyeon? Suho doesn't think Yixing would let Junmyeon sleep with him since he's still upset about Junmyeon's lack of explanation. 

Deciding to look for Junmyeon, Suho leaves his room and searches around the house until he finally found Junmyeon in the library, curled up on the couch with something glowing tucked between his body, deep asleep. Suho peeks at the glowing thing in curiosity. It is a hexagon shaped crystal and he can somehow guess what it is. 

"Junmyeon ~"Suho gently shake Junmyeon awake. 

Junmyeon's eyes snap open and he unconsciously curls into himself even more, as if trying to protect the crystal. "Suho. What are you doing here? "He asks as he quickly sits up. 

"I came looking for you. Let's go sleep in my room. "Suho invites but Junmyeon is hesitant. 

"It's okay. I'll stay here. "He refuses but Suho is having none of that. He grabs Junmyeon's free hand and drags him to his room. 

"Is that what you called your resource? "Suho asks when the two of them has settled down on the bed, covered by the warm blanket, gesturing towards the crystal that Junmyeon is still holding. 

"You know about our resource? "Junmyeon is somewhat surprised. 

Suho nods. "Yifan and Jongin explained to me about it but I've never actually seen it. "

"I see. They must really trust you since Yifan's usually quite secretive. And yes, this is our resource. They don't really need I anymore though now that they're reunited with their soulmates. "

"Why do you still need it then? "

Junmyeon smiles bitterly. "Yixing's still recovering, he can't possibly gives his energy to me. Besides, he's still angry at me. "

"Maybe if you tell him why you left then he wouldn't be angry anymore. "

"He'll know soon enough. "Junmyeon says confidently . "Do you miss your members? "He suddenly changes the topic. 

"Of course. How do you know about them? "

"I did some research. Eventhough I'm not with them, I'm still their leader. I still care for them . So when I found out that Yixing kidnapped someone from this dimension, I have to make sure he doesn't get too far. "

"How did you know about it? I mean, how did you know what happened when you're not here? "Suho asks and Junmyeon chuckles. 

"Leader 's privilege. "

"That sounds awesome. Anyway, Yixing have good intention eventhough he did it in a wrong way. He said he wanted to make my members appreciate me but it's okay if they don't. All I ask for is some respect. "

"I see. So which one do you like better? Here or with your members? "Junmyeon prompts. 

"Honestly? I like it here better but this isn't where I belong. "

"If I ask you to, would you stay here with Yixing and the others? Forever? "

"What if I ask you if you're willing to leave Yixing and the others to stay with my members? Forever? "

"No. I have to take care of them. "

"Same goes for me. I have responsibilities towards my members. Whether I like it or not, I still have to return to them. I'm feeling guilty and being selfish for willing to stay here when my members are worrying and trying to look for me when I'm doing just fine and even enjoying myself. "

Junmyeon cracks a smile. "A leader is still a leader no matter what. "

"But I'm not a good leader. I'm wasn't there when they need me. "

"You still tried to help, that's what matter. "Junmyeon coax. 

"Junmyeon, you're a great leader aren't you? They really treasures you a lot. "

"There's something you must know about being a leader, Suho. It isn't about being the center of attention, being appreciated or being respected. It isn't about how good you control them either. It's about being the person they know they can put their trust on, being the person they turn to when they need help, someone they can depend on. Sure, it makes you feel like you're being used sometimes but you have to admit that you do feel some sort of satisfaction, right? "

Suho is left thinking about Junmyeon's words as soon as Junmyeon fall asleep. 



"I found it! "Lay exclaims after spending almost 4 days straight in front of the laptop, barely eating or sleeping as he tries to look for the place where Suho is. 

Xiumin turns to look at the screen. "That's great. I'll take it from here, okay? Why don't you get something to eat and then sleep a bit? "He suggests, trying to take the device away from Lay. 

Lay shakes his head. "I'm going there now. Suho's waiting. "He insists but he stumbles upon trying to stand up. 

Xiumin gives Sehun and Kai a helpless look and the two of them quickly come rushing to Lay's side. 

"Soo-hyung made some kinchi spaghetti. Let's go eat, shall we? "Sehun coax as he and Kai steers Lay away fron the living room and into the kitchen. 

Xiumin let out a sigh as Chanyeol and Kris come and sit next to him. They're truly worried for Lay's health, not just physically but also mentally. Lay is pretty much losing himself every second and they don't know how much longer Lay can hold himself before going insane completely.

"New info? "Kris asks, looking very tired. He's been trying his hardest to keep things under control but he's slowly losing it as well. It has become harder now that Tao and Baekhyun has fallen sick, Chen has become extremely quiet, unlike his usual self, Kyungsoo starts over working himself, always cooking and cleaning, trying to keep himself busy and  Lay slowly going insane. 

The only ones who managed to stay strong and pretend to be unaffected are Xiumin, Chanyeol and Sehun. The three of them are always doing whatever they could to help ease the members but it doesn't seem to be enough. They know Exo will crumble soon is Suho doesn't return. 

"It looks the same. "Chanyeol exclaims after studying the new info Lay found on the internet and comparing it with the picture they received. 

"But it says here that the island is unhabitable. Scientists said that the island gives out weird vibes of energy that disturb any radar near it, which means it's almost impossible to fly an aircraft to or even near the island. Not to mention make phone calls. So the kidnappers couldn't actually be there, right? "Xiumin says after reading further. 

"You're saying that they mislead us? "Kris asks and Xiumin hesitantly nods. 

Kris groaned in frustration as Chanyeol gets up to help Luhan who just came back from getting some groceries for Kyungsoo and medicines for Tao and Baekhyun. 

"I dreamt of Suho last night and he was there. "Luhan says, pointing towards one of the pictures on the screen. The one which shows the side view of the island, not the upper view like what the kidnappers sent them. 




Thanks for reading ~Sorry for the typos and grammatical errors. Please leave a comment and tell me what you think. Hope you enjoy ~😄😄😄

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Chapter 33: Lighten Up my mood!!!!!!
Sulay feels~
Hiba999 #2
Chapter 33: Noooo why it's ending? I really need a second season I want to see suho and yixing together again please 😭
Chapter 29: Is it bad that I'm reading this while listening to Miracles in December?
Chapter 32: It's been a year and am barely reading this
It's so amazing and hopefully you make a movie out of it
I know this might not happen but can you make a part two we're suho and yixing meet again after years
Tenshina #5
Chapter 33: Hi,
I loved this story !!!
And i also read Your fanfiction Wish on Vixx!
Thanks you for this!!
Chapter 33: Wow!!! you really hit me with your story. It was great, refreshing and unique.
I couldn't stop reading it. You should write more sulay :)
Hwaiting writer!!!
Julie1 #7
This was my favorite SuLay story it feels good to come back and read it again I wish you would have made more SuLay stories I love how lay was possessive and very protective of Suho in this story ^^ and I would of loved to see you write more stories with lay acting like that you are such an amazing author :D
Chapter 22: Why are you doing this??author-nim why? If one of the three dies, they'll all die. In a cruel way..junmyeon,suho, yixing..
Chapter 20: No...this can't be happening!author- nim this can't be happening!!!
Chapter 1: Poor Suho :( at least he has Lay ....