Part 2 The next mission

Running man Couple Race

Gary and Ji Hyo then came back holding the tangarines they bought and was shocked that everyone was here.

Ji Hyo said,"Omo, you're all here already. Sorry to keep you waiting."

Jae Suk said,"Yah!!! Song Ji Hyo and Kang Gary, what took you so long?"

Gary said peacefully,"We bought some tangarines for a snack and we couldn't find here any where. We didn't see anyone so we thought we got lost."

Everyone started laughing from their explanation and tried to steal their tangarines but they never let them eat it.

It ws the next game after they had a few more minutes resting and then they started filmig again.

This time they were directed to a floor number and once they all arrived, they went into the room where the PD's were.

The PD's started talking once everyone had arrived,"So, well done for arriving here and here, we will be playing from a series of couple games that were suggested by the public. We have all of the couples and we will pick two in random and see which couple vs who. As everyone knows, Haha and Byul has an advantage in the final mission while Song Ji hyo and Kang Gary has a disadvantage. So lets get the mission started. In this mission 3 couples will get a disadvantage but only 1 couple will get an advantage."

The PD's picked two pieces of paper from the bucket and announced the names after saying the games.

The PD's started to say,"So the first game is the pocky stick game. As you know that 1 stay's still and the other person goes and bites towards the other person. So, the first two couples playing it will be.......... Song Ji Hyo and Kang Gary and...............Yoo Jae Suk and your wife."

Jae Suk bursted his anger out and said,"Yahhh!!! PD, don't you think this is a little bit unfair? They've done this more times than us, how do you expect us to win?"

Kim Joong Kook shouted,"Just hurry up and play the game."

Everyone started laughing and started to play the game. Ji Hyo and Jae Suk then playes rock paper scissors and Ji Hyo won, she said,"We, will be second."

Jae Suk and his wife then started to play the pocky stick game. They reached 13 cm left and they said that they couldn't do anymore so they broke the pocky stick. It was time for Gary and Ji Hyo to do it.

Ji Hyo whispered to Gary," lets be first for this game."

Gary smiled and said,"Alright, no pressure, we've done it a lot of times."

Ji Hyo and Gary then started to play the pocky stick game, suddenly, Jae Suk walked behind Gary and pushed Gary's head towards Ji Hyo when they kissed and quickly broke the pocky stick.

You could see them both blush and looked away at each other. Gary started to get angry at Jae Suk while blushing shouting,"Yahhh!!! Why did you do that?"

Jae Suk said,"Happy Anniversary for your first kiss on the lips monday couple."

Ji Hyo then held the pocky and gave it to the PD's and then measured he both of them.

Ji Hyo and Gary had produced the smallest piece of pocky stick ever, it was as tiny as a bead.

Kim Joong Kook shouted,"Yahhh!!! Why don't you both get married."

They both blushed and attacked back. Gary said,"Hyung, you should too, you are even older than us."

Kim Joong Kook blushed and had nothing more to say.

The PD said,"So the first game, the monday couple wins and they move into the semi final."

It was time for the second game and the PD's announced,"The second game is a couple hand wrestling game. The couples playing will be, Haha and Byul and.................Kim Joong Kook and Yoon Eun Hye."

Haha and Bul started to shout as they knew Kim Joong Kook and Byul were going to win,"Yahhh!!! PD, that isn't fair, it's obvious who is going to win."

The PD laughed and said,"No excuses."

They started to play the games and Kim Joong Kook and Eun Hye won.

It was the next couple and they were Ji Suk Jin and his wife and Kwang Soo and Luna. They played the name tag ripping but the girls were on the boys back and the girls were the ones who had to rip each others name tag. Kwang Soo and Luna won that game.

It was time for the semi finals and the PD's started saying,"So there are 3 couples in the semi finals but one will directly go to the finals. We will pick one couple out of the 3 to see who are going to the finals."

The PD's picked a sheet and said,"The couple going to the final is.............Song Ji Hyo and Kang Gary, congratulations."

They both yelled,"Yesssssssssssss, whooooooooooooo."

The next two game finished and the final winner was the monday couple.

They were both very happy and it was onto the next mission.

They arrived to the next mission and they saw a swimming pool and an inflatable duvet on top.

They were all curious about what game they were going to play now so they were repeatingly saying,"What is this? What type of game is this?"

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