Part 10 Plan

Running man Couple Race


Ji Hyo and Gary were still hiding as Kim Joong Kook and Eun Hye were still walking around.

Ji Hyo said,"Oppa, but we still can't trust any of the couples, Joong Kook oppa's couple could also be a spy. We're still not sure."

Gary said,"That's true. I think we should try and meet up with the other couples and maybe form an alliance. Although they could be a spy, we can never defeat Choi Min Soo alone. We have to find the couple who isn't the spy."

Ji Hyo said,"How about we try and form a fake alliance and betray the couple after."

Gary nodded as he said,"That will be a great idea, how about an alliance with Eun Hye. Since Jae Suk is gone, she won't be able to be that strong. We can try and betray her. If we are right of Jae Suk's couple of being a spy, we can then alliance with Joong Kook's couple, oust Choi Min Soo with the water gun and we will all win."

Ji Hyo and Gary finally found Eun Hye who was still walking around pale.

Ji Hyo asked,"Kyung Eun Unnie, are you ok?"

Kyung Eun nodded as she smiled and asked,"Aren't you suspicious of me?"

Gary said,"Well, we should help you. You're alone while Jae Suk hyung is gone. We should try and help you find him."

Kyung Eun said,"You won't rip me right?"

Ji Hyo said acting,"No, unnie, lets try and find Jae Suk oppa."

Kyung Eun nodded and they set off to find Jae Suk.

Kyung Eun walked in front as Ji Hyo and Gary followed.

Ji Hyo asked quietly,"Oppa, she seems so confident to walk in front. It's really scary."

Gary said,"We should take action quickly, we shouldn't take too long."

Ji Hyo said,"You're right, how about I go and rip off the name tag while you can hold onto the water gun just in case Choi Min Soo comes."

Gary nodded as Ji Hyo quietly walked a bit faster.

Ji Hyo was now right behind Kyung Eun and ripped off her name tag.

Kyung Eun turned around immediately shocked and said,"Ji Hyo why? You said, you wouldn't"

Ji Hyo looked at the name tag an saw a piece of fabric stuck to the nametag.

She peeled off the fabric seeing the words, "SPY" on it.

Ji Hyo looked back up at Kyung Eun and said,"Unnie, I'm sorry but, you're a spy."

An announcement was made,"Yoo Jae Suk, Na Kyung Eun OUT! Yoo Jae Suk, Na Kyung Eun OUT!"

The security guards took her away as Ji Hyo looked back smiling towards Gary as he smiled back.

Gary walked towards Ji Hyo and said,"You did well, now the spy is gone, we should oust Choi Min Soo, we need to alliance with Joong Kook hyung and Eun Hye."

Ji Hyo replied,"Yea. There is a note on the floor with the R sticker."

Ji Hyo picked it up and read it.

It wrote : Congratulations, you ousted the spy. Since you have ousted Choi Min Soo's Spy, you will get an extra advantage. You will receive a ____________.

Meanwhile, Joong Kook and Eun Hye were walking around.

After hearing the announcement, Joong Kook thought, Since Jae Suk is ousted, the only spy is.........Ji Hyo and Gary's couple....

Eun Hye said,"O.O, Omo, what should we do? There's only one other couple. We need to defeat Choi Min Soo......"

Joong Kook said,"I think I know who the spy is now. It's the Monday Couple. They are the only couple surviving. Unless, the spy had already been ousted. We need to meet them."

Eun Hye said,"But, our main point is to oust Choi Min Soo. When we do that, it will be over."

Joong Kook said,"But, we have to get hold of the weapon to kill Choi Min Soo. The water gun and special liquid that the Monday Couple has."

Eun Hye said,"Oh yea, then maybe we should form an alliance with them. We can all stick together and defeat Choi Min Soo."

Joong Kook said,"We'll have to see, we are not for sure whether we can trust them yet."

Joong Kook and Eun Hye walked around, the same with Ji Hyo and Gary.

They finally met as they stood across from each other.

Joong Kook asked,"Are you a spy?"

Ji Hyo said,"Joong Kook oppa, the spy was Jae Suk's couple. We have to trust each other and oust Choi Min Soo, that way we will all win."

Eun Hye whispered to Joong Kook,"What Ji Hyo's saying is right. We should get Choi Min Soo out then the whole game will finish."

Gary said,"Hyung, we're telling the truth."

Joong Kook asked,"How can I trust what you are saying?"

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