Part 9 Spy

Running man Couple Race

As everyone arrived at the room, there was huge letters written on the wall.

It wrote, someone here is among you.

Everyone was shocked as Ji Hyo said,"This is so scary...........what does this mean?"

Joong Kook said,"Spy?"

Eun Hye said,"I think it is."

Haha said,"Who?"

All the couples separated into different corners not trusting anyone.

Ji Hyo said,"Who's the spy here?"

Kyung Eun said,"I'm not sure, but at the moment we can't lose each others trust, this could be something to trick us."

Gary said,"I'm sure that they wouldn't put this us here for no reason, this is definitely a hint."

Byul said,"I agree, there is definitely a spy here."

Ji Hyo said holding the water gun and bottle,"Who ever the spy is, lets all separate first. We can't continue to hang around with each other if a spy is here."

Everyone then separated being careful of each other.

Gary and Ji Hyo stood inside a room trying to think who the spy was.

Gary said,"Who do you think the spy is?"

Ji Hyo said,"Oppa, I don't know.........I haven't got a clue but whoever it is, I think that we need to save Jae Suk Oppa."

Gary said,"But, he might be a spy too."

Ji Hyo said,"Oppa, you won't oust me right?"

Gary said,"I won't. I'm not a spy."

Ji Hyo asked,"You won't lie right?"

Gary held out his pinky and said,"I swear."

Ji Hyo also held out her pinky as they trusted each other.

Suddenly, there was another announcement,"Haha, Byul Out. Haha, Byul Out!"

Ji Hyo said,"O.O, Omo, they're out too. That means there are only two more couples and us."

Gary said,"Who could be the spy? I doubt it would be Joong Kook hyung, he helped us a lot to work out the clues."

Ji Hyo said,"That's right, I did find it a little weird. But, if he's not the spy then Jae Suk hyung is the spy."

Gary said after thinking for a while,"That should be right. Remember, in the past episodes of Choi Min Soo hunting Jae Suk, he would always try and make him scared. He would never catch him and kidnap him, that doesn't make sense."

Ji Hyo said,"That's true, now that we know who the spy is, we should try and oust them first. But, I'm pretty sure they will be watching us."

Gary nodded.

Meanwhile, Choi Min Soo untied Jae Suk as he said,"How was my acting? Was it good?"

Choi Min Soo laughed and said,"Yea, better than before."

Jae Suk said,"You seriously scared me this morning during the final misson when you floored me. You were like Kim Joong Kook."

Choi Min Soo said,"First priority, Oust Kim Joong Kook's couple. We can deal with Gary and Ji Hyo later."

Jae Suk said,"I'm glad that I don't have to be scared any more when you come. Kyung Eun will do a great job right?"

Choi Min Soo said,"She will, she knows everything. Her acting is extremely good though."

So what actually happened?


1 hour before filming Jae Suk and Kyung Eun were called in extra early.

Jae Suk and Kyung Eun met the PD early in the morning in a small room.

Jae Suk and Kyung Eun sat down in the chair as the PD was going to explain everything.

Jae Suk laughed and said,"Do we have a special mission?"

The PD said,"Today, there will be a couple race, and in the final mission, you will become a spy. You shouldn't let anyone know. You will help Choi Min Soo."

Jae Suk was shocked and said,"What? Choi Min Soo?"

The PD laughed nodding and said,"Well, Jae Suk, you will get kidnapped and act as if you have really been kidnapped. You then have to help Choi Min Soo oust all the other members. If you die Choi Min Soo can't die or you will fail. Unless, Choi Min Soo ousts all the other members. The rewards will be the gold rings and diamond ring which you will share with Choi Min Soo. If you fail, you won't get anything. Good Luck."

Jae Suk and Kyung Eun nodded knowing what to do.

Flashback Ended

Jae Suk said,"Aren't you meant to have revenge on me? Why am I helping you instead?"

Min Soo said,"I didn't want to become a team with you."

Jae Suk said as they both laughed,"I didn't either."

Min Soo said,"Then, I should just oust you right now."

Jae Suk said laughing,"I was joking. Don't."

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