Part 1 Meeting their partners

Running man Couple Race

It was the anniversary of the 300th running man filming today and all the running man members were called into the boys changing rooms except from Ji Hyo.

Instead she was in the Girls changing rooms with some special female guests.

The PD's had prepared some clothes for each couple to match but they weren't told who they were going to be paired up with.

In the girls room, there were many dresses with different styles where each of them already had some name tags on it. And, in the boys room, there were many suits which also had different styles and patterns.

They all had no choice but to wear it so they just did so. After, all of the PD's told them to wait in the dressing room and told Jae Suk to go out first for the opening of running man filming.

There were some curtains and the PD's told him to take a red rose which was already prepared and then wait on the stage once he got out of the room.

He waved over the curtain and then he handsomely walked out onto the stage.

Then the PD's said,"Today will be a couple race. The next person who walks out will be your couple."

Yoo Jae Suk said,"I got it." Jae Suk looked at the curtains wondering who will come out and as she came ot Jae Suk was surprised.

The girl said,"Honey."

Jae Suk said,"Honey, you're here, you look beautiful."

The girl who was actually Jae Suk's wife said,"Do you mean that I'm usually not pretty?"

Jae Suk said,"Of course not, lets go to the side and wait for the moment for the others come out."

Jae Suk and his wife linked arms tightly then stood to the side and saw the next couple.

The next man who came out from the curtain was Ji Suk Jin also having a rose in his hand.

Ji Suk Jin was looking at Jae Suk and his wife he asked,"What is this?"

Jae Suk said,"It's a couple race. PD's can you please tell everyone before they even come out, you're going to make me repeat it after and after again."

The PD nodded his head while everyone started laughing.

Another person also came out from the curtain, it was Suk Jin's wife.

Ji Suk Jin said,"Wife you're here today."

The wife said,"Yeah, I was shocked that I was going to be a guest today."

Ji Suk Jin said,"This rose is for you. I love you."

Ji Suk Jin gave the rose to his wife and then they walked next to Jae Suk and his wife.

The other pairs also came out which were: Haha and Byul, Gary and Ji Hyo, Kwang Soo and Luna and Joong Kook and Eun Hye.

When Kwang Soo and Luna came out, everyone was so angry. Yoo Jae Suk shouted with anger,"Yahhhh!!! PD how can Lee Kwang Soo get Luna, that's crazy. They don't match"

Lee Kwang Soo shouted,"Hyung, shouldn't you be congratulating me, why don't I match with Luna give me a reason," Then everyone started laughing once again.

The PD's then started talking while everyone was standing quietly waiting. The PD said,"So, today's theme is a couple race. As you can see you are paired up with people who are special. You will all go through a series of missions and the winners at the end will get a diamond couple ring while the rest get normal couple rings. This is a special episode of running man and you will all be very tired near the end mission. We will hand you the mission cards so now you should all separate and go to your cars outside. You will get some good advantages if you're first but disadvantages for people who come last."

It was a very sunny and bright day and they all went to their cars. The mission was inside the cars and it read:

To running man

Please go to Seoul and find the running man flag, then the people will lead you to where you should go.

The running man members took off to Seoul and then started to find the blue flag.

Joong Kook and Eun Hye POV

Joong Kook started running around holding Yoon Eun Hye' hand tightly.

He was ,"Aishhhh!!!! Why is the blue flag so hard to find? It's annoying."

Yoon Eun Hye said,"We can definitely find it then get an advantage."

Joong Kook said,"Of course we can ka ja (lets go)."

Song Ji hyo and Kang Gary POV

Kang gary asked," Ji Hyo ahhh, have you eaten breakfast?"

Song Ji Hyo said pouting,"Ani (no), I didn't have enough time to, I'm hungry."

Kang Gary said,"I didn't either, lets go and get something to fill our stomachs then do the mission. Our stomachs are more important than the mission."

Song Ji Hyo smiled,"Alright, ka ja!"

They went to get somethig to eat and ended up getting some tangarines.

Third person POV

All the couples strted to look for the blue flag, they found it very hard and they finally found it after a long time.

The blue flag was in a corner and it was extremely small too so all the couples just went past.

The couples came in this order from forst to last: Haha and Byul, Jae Suk and his wife, Kim Joong Kook and Yoon Eun Hye, Ji Suk Jin and his wife, Lee Kwang Soo and Luna and finally Ji Hyo and Gary who arrived a lot longer than all the other groups.

When every couple was there except from Gary and Ji Hyo Yoo Jae Suk was complaining,"Wow, they are soo long. What is taking them so much time?"

Ji Suk Jin said,"Maybe they're on a date while filming." Everyone then started laughing."

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