Once Again
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"Chanyeol-ah, you alright?" Yixing examined his wounds with a frown. "Jiyeon-ah, you didn't have to be so rough." Yixing chided, shaking his head. Jiyeon looked away, guilt evident in her eyes, she had hurt Chanyeol many times before, but those were during the times when they were training, and those wounds were nothing to compared to the damage done to him now. Chanyeol shushed Yixing by waving his hand in front of him, "She knows, and she's sorry, so stop blaming her. I'm fine, I'm a strong young man, I'll heal." 




"Your parents will kill you if you appear like this for the meeting tomorrow, you know that right?" Junmyeon rested his head on the bar at the end of the sick bed. Chanyeol nodded, "That's why I'm not appearing." He said as a matter-of-factly. 




"Yah, your parents are going to flip if they knew I hurt you, now you're trying to get me killed? By not turning up?" Jiyeon crossed her arms across her chest and turned to face Chanyeol, who chuckled in response, "Oh sure, like they would blame you. Sometimes I think they love you more than they love me." Jiyeon narrowed her eyes at him, how could he still be joking at this point in time? "You're going. Even if not for your parents, you have to go. Without you there, I might just die of boredom." 




Minseok sighed and combed his fingers through his hair, "And there she goes again, totally disregarding our presence. I guess the four of us are just boring people too then." He hit his chest, pretending to be hurt by Jiyeon's comment. "Yah, I'm being serious here!" Jiyeon ruffled his hair. "Yah? You know, you're supposed to be calling me Oppa. I've let it slip so many times just because technically you're older than us all, but since you're not ageing, I'm still older! Treat me with some respect will you?" Minseok frowned and pouted, making him look younger than ever. 


"How can you even say that with that face? Minseok-ah, maybe you should start calling me Noona like how Kyungsoo does." Jiyeon teased and ruffled his hair once more. "Yah!" Minseok got up and stomped his feet angrily, causing everyone in the room to burst out laughing. Chanyeol laughed the hardest, and seeing him laugh brough smiles to all their faces, especially Jiyeon's. Chan-ah, please be alright soon. 



Jiyeon tried using her healing powers to heal the wounds on Chanyeol, but all she could do was reduce the swelling, but that was good enough, as everything else could be covered by make up. "Thanks, Yeon-ah." He smiled at her as Jiyeon tightened the tie around his neck. She patted his collar and beamed proudly, "Aigoo, it's like my little boy has finally grown up." 


Chanyeol frowned but chuckled, "You know, I think Minseok hyung is right, you should start calling us Oppa, where are your manners?" Jiyeon smirked, "Don't lie, you love me just the way I am." Chanyeol sighed and wrapped her in his arms, "You know me so well." 


She patted his back and slowly pulled away to inspect his wounds, "I hope they don't notice, things will get bad if someone tries to stir something up during the meeting." Chanyeol smiled reassuringly at her, "It'll be fine, no one will know." Jiyeon nodded and grabbed her clutch purse, "Let's get going, we don't want to be late." 



The meeting this year was held in the Park estate, Jiyeon was especially excited for the meeting this time round, because she would be meeting Seojoon again. Being able to meet with him was like a privilege to her, she enjoyed their meetings, she loved talking to him as she felt Seojoon was the only one who understood how hard the life as the successor of the Leader position was. 

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Stageshow #1
Cockola #2
Chapter 2: Uhh Dramaaaa :D poor Chanyeol :'(
aarya3392 #3
Chapter 1: Can't wait for the next chapter!! It's beautiful :)
Cockola #4
Chapter 1: I love this!! Can't wait for the next chapter :D
- Carina ^*^