Once Again
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"Just how long are you going to lie on him? Do you not see me watching?" Chanyeol narrowed his eyes at the sight of Jiyeon on Howon. Flustered, Jiyeon picked herself up faster than anything Howon had seen. She moved with such agility that he couldn't help but just stare at her. 


"And you, what's with the staring? Why are you here, have you been following us?" Chanyeol questioned Howon and eyed him, suspicious of his intentions. Howon let out a small chuckle, "Is everyone from the Taeyang Clan this self-centered? This is a Gyobang, what makes you think that I'm here to stalk you?" Chanyeol wanted to fight back, but stopped as he realised Howon made perfect sense. 


"Ugh, ert." Jiyeon mumbled under her breath, but was caught by Howon. He shot her a quick glare as he got up, "I'll take my leave then. I don't even know why I'm dragged in here in the first place." Howon left without even turning back, leaving Jiyeon in a fuming mess. "Who the hell does he think he is?!" 


Chanyeol got up and urged Jiyeon to leave too, "Why are you losing your cool over someone like him? It's unlike of you." Jiyeon resisted his pushes, turned around and gave his forehead a hard flick, "I'm not losing my cool, I just can't stand how he dares to treat me like this, does he not know who I am?" 


Chanyeol smacked her head in return, "Yah, stop it! And anyways, you're just proving him right, that we're self-centered people! You aren't very exposed to the real world, so not a lot of people from other clans know you." 


Jiyeon stuck out her tongue at Chanyeol, "Whatever you say, I just hope I don't see him again."  



Year 2020


"You're going to school awfully often now, aren't you? Have you been training recently?" Jiyeon's father raised his head from the newspaper he was reading. Jiyeon had just sat down at the dining table, preparing to take her breakfast. 

"Abeoji, how can you doubt me? You know I practised really hard just to be the best. Just because I'm going to school, doesn't mean I don't train." Jiyeon was a little annoyed by his tone, she knew he was concerned about her meeting Howon again, but she hated how even after all these years, he still viewed Howon as a threat towards the Taeyang Clan. Or rather, a threat to Jiyeon's succession of the Leader position. 


"That's good to hear. Remember what I warned you before. I don't even know why you bother to attend school, you've had 700 years of experience at life, what else could that place have to teach you?" Her father looked back at his newspaper, missing an eye roll from Jiyeon. "It's the people there that matters. Chan and the rest are still attending school, I want to spend more time with them before they are gone again." 


"I trust that you won't be weak again. There's the annual meeting of the Clan Leaders tomorrow, you're coming with me, so cancel your plans if you have any." His loud voice boomed throughout the whole dining room, causing the chandeliers to shake a little. Jiyeon just nodded through her breakfast, knowing that she had to agree with whatever her father asked of her. 


Despite this authoritarian-like relationship, Jiyeon loved and treasured her father a lot, he had been a constant in her life, along with her mother, both of them providing her with unlimited love and care. Both parents didn't ask much in return, just for her to develop herself into a respectable lady, worthy enough to uphold the title of the Clan's Leader. Jiyeon knew, since young, the responsibility she carried with her, and that was why she never doubted his intentions whenever her father asked her to complete a task.  


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Stageshow #1
Cockola #2
Chapter 2: Uhh Dramaaaa :D poor Chanyeol :'(
aarya3392 #3
Chapter 1: Can't wait for the next chapter!! It's beautiful :)
Cockola #4
Chapter 1: I love this!! Can't wait for the next chapter :D
- Carina ^*^