Once Again
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“Hyung, I’m home-” Howon opened the door that led to the main living room of the huge mansion. The door swung wide open and Seojoon stared at the younger man. Seojoon was entertaining a few upper class businessmen who came from across the seas. Howon immediately shut his mouth and bowed, taking his leave. Phew, I almost screwed up. Howon was relieved when he left the main estate. He knew Seojoon would be upset if he had intruded the conversation and made his own presence known. 


Howon walked across the estate’s garden and kicked the tiny pebbles along the way. It wasn’t the first time he felt so alone. He had never felt like he belonged, if it weren’t for Seojoon, he would’ve left the minute he stepped into this cold, lifeless land. I’ll go find hyung later then. Howon sighed and made his way to a small 2 story house that was separate from the estate’s main residence area. He went to into his room and threw his bag onto the bed, before doing so himself. He stared at the ceiling and the events that happened that day came to his mind again. 


“No. You would've known, if you weren't so weak and left her all alone.”


Howon couldn’t get what Chanyeol said out of his mind. I don’t understand, what’s up with these people anyways? There’s the weird girl that hugged me and cried for me to forgive her, and the weird hostile guy who looked like he’d gladly kill me. It’s only my first day of school! Howon sighed and closed his eyes. His weariness took over as he fell asleep shortly. 


Howon had a good nap until someone knocked on his door. Seojoon opened it a little and peeked in. Seeing Howon stir in his sleep, Seojoon walked up to him and gave his shoulder a nudge. “Wake up, Howon-ah. You were looking for me earlier on?” 


Howon sat up on his bed and rubbed his eye groggily. He shook his head, “Ani, I just wanted to tell you that I’m home from school. It’s my first day in college, I have so many things to tell you!” Howon instantly brightened, he always enjoyed talking to the elder, and vice versa. Seojoon smiled at the sight. Howon grew up under Seojoon’s care, after his parents left him when he was just a baby. To Seojoon, he was like a younger brother, and he was very protective of the latter. 


“Mmm, tell me all about it.” Seojoon sat on Howon’s bed, leaning against the headboard, with his arms behind his head. And Howon did, tell him everything that happened, without leaving a single detail out. “So you met Kang Jiyeon?” Seojoon raised his eyebrow and cocked his head to his left. Howon shrugged, “I’m not sure about her name, but she had those crazy red waves, you know, it was like her head was on fire. And she really looked so sad, like she was crying and all, asking me to forgive her, but I don’t even know her?” 


Kang Jiyeon cried? In public? Seojoon didn’t really believe what he was hearing, afterall, Jiyeon showing any expression was indeed shocking and unimaginable. “She cried? That’s odd…She’s known for being the ice queen.” Howon shrugged, “Like I said, I don’t really know her. Anyways, the whole school is just weird, everyone crowds around the lockers just to watch someone cry? How crazy is that?” 


Not just someone, it’s the future heir to the Leader position in the Taeyang Clan, what she did today is a big mistake, showing peopl

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Stageshow #1
Cockola #2
Chapter 2: Uhh Dramaaaa :D poor Chanyeol :'(
aarya3392 #3
Chapter 1: Can't wait for the next chapter!! It's beautiful :)
Cockola #4
Chapter 1: I love this!! Can't wait for the next chapter :D
- Carina ^*^